Browsing named entities in The Daily Dispatch: June 6, 1862., [Electronic resource]. You can also browse the collection for Featherstone or search for Featherstone in all documents.

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Gen. Garland was reinforced by the brigade of Gen. Featherstone, commanded on this occasion by the Senior ColoCarolina State Troops. I will state here that Gen. Featherstone had been in the city for several days, confineand was actively engaged in the thick woods when Featherstone's (Col Anderson's) brigade advanced to its suppoeld on the left of the Williamsburg road, and as Featherstone's brigade came up, the 4th North Carolina, underead of praise. Col. Anderson, who commanded Featherstone's brigade, behaved with the most distinguished g army, and would grace any rank. The staff of Gen. Featherstone accompanied Col. Anderson on the field. Capt.two horses shot under him. The brigade of Gen. Featherstone is one of the best in the army, and is capablehe late fight, of doing further good service. Gen. Featherstone, its commander, it will be recollected, was prrp'l R L Keys, severely; Privates J N Brown, T C Featherstone, W M George, D A Keaster, W L Land, A H Osborne,