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The Daily Dispatch: December 28, 1865., [Electronic resource] 6 0 Browse Search
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unt of a terrible dog, which it would have been dangerous to encounter. James Smith, a youth, testified that, on Monday morning, about 9 o'clock, he was in Ferguson's barber shop, when Knuckless came in. Knew him slightly and spoke to him. Shortly afterwards, while Knuckles was getting his hair dressed, a stranger came in an he would try and sell it for him. The man who came in with the money passed out of the shop. They did not seem to be well acquainted with each other. Arthur W. Ferguson, a young man of mixed blood, son of Ferguson the barber, and employed in the shop, testified to nearly the same facts as Smith. While he was engaged in shaFerguson the barber, and employed in the shop, testified to nearly the same facts as Smith. While he was engaged in shaving Knuckles, a man, whose name he did not know, came in, and accosting Knuckles familiarly as "Pres, " asked him if he could not sell some money for him. Knuckles did not seem to recognize him, but afterwards entered into conversation with him, and took the money to sell. Witness farther stated that the man who brought in the m