Browsing named entities in The Daily Dispatch: November 9, 1860., [Electronic resource]. You can also browse the collection for Fluvanna or search for Fluvanna in all documents.

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180 Brooke91Botetourt246 Buckingham44Chesterfield654 Caroline360Clarke72 Carroll550Dinwiddie172 Culpeper22Doddridge301 Cumberland45Elizabeth City30 Franklin216Fauquier42 Floyd200Fairfax38 Gloucester184Harrison52 Goochland155Henrico350 Fluvanna120James City8 Grayson174Jefferson541 Greene189Loudoun177 Halifax366Lewis90 Hancock49Norfolk City239 Isle of Wight225Montgomery31 King and Queen97Nottoway40 Louisa349Petersburg439 Lunenburg21Pittsylvania300 Madison246page109 Marshall115ority by2,633 The remaining 65 counties in the State not heard from gave Goggin 105 majority at the late Gubernatorial election. The following are the returns received by telegraph and other sources, from the State, since yesterday: Fluvanna. --Returns from seven precincts give Breckinridge 242; Bell 215. The majority for Breckinridge in the whole county will be about 20--a Democratic gain of 155. Washington County --Gives Breckinridge 300 majority. Goochland --G