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Robert Underwood Johnson, Clarence Clough Buell, Battles and Leaders of the Civil War: The Opening Battles. Volume 1., The Confederate Government at Montgomery. (search)
lared the peaceful navigation of the Mississippi River free to the citizens of any of the States upon its borders, or upon the borders of its navigable tributaries. On the 25th of February a commission to the Government of the United States, for the purpose of negotiating friendly relations and for the settlement of all questions of disagreement between the two governments, was appointed and confirmed. The commissioners were A. B. Roman, of Louisiana, Martin J. Crawford, of Georgia, and John Forsyth, of Alabama. An act of February 26th provided for the repeal of all laws which forbade the employment in the coasting trade of vessels not enrolled or licensed, and all laws imposing discriminating duties on foreign vessels or goods imported in them. This Provisional Congress of one House held four sessions, as follows: I. February 4th-March 16th, 1861; II. April 29th May 22d, 1861; III. July 20th-August 22d, 1861; IV. November 18th, 1861-February 17th, 1862; the first and second of the
Robert Underwood Johnson, Clarence Clough Buell, Battles and Leaders of the Civil War: The Opening Battles. Volume 1., The flanking column at Wilson's Creek. (search)
return he reported to me that a forward movement would take place, and that we must hold ourselves in readiness to march at a moment's warning directly from our camp, toward the south, to attack the enemy from the rear. I immediately went to General Lyon, who said that we would move in the evening to attack the enemy in his position at Wilson's Creek, and that I was to be prepared to move with my brigade; the 1st Iowa would join the main column with him, while I was to take the Yokermill (Forsyth) road, then turn toward the south-west and try to gain the enemy's rear. At my request, he said that he would procure guides and some cavalry to assist me; he would also let me know the exact time when I should move. I then asked him whether, on our arrival near the enemy's position, we should attack immediately or wait until we were apprised of the fight by the other troops. He reflected a moment and then said: Wait until you hear the firing on our side. The conversation did not last l
Chapter 7: Mobile, the Gulf city. Echo from Maryland Alabama's preparation Mobile's crack corps John Forsyth on the peace commissioners Mobile society pleasure-lovers and their pleasures a victim of the tiger two moral axioms. Mobile was in a state of perfect ferment when we arrived. The news from Maryland had frontier. On the night of our arrival in the Gulf City, that escape valve for all excitement, a dense crowd, collected in front of the Battle House and Colonel John Forsyth addressed them from the balcony. He had just returned from Washington with the southern commissioners and gave, he said, a true narrative of the manner anme it is needless to detail even the substance of his speech; but it made a marked impression on the crowd, as the surging sea of upturned faces plainly told. John Forsyth, already acknowledged one of the ablest of southern leaders, was a veritable Harry Hotspur. His views brooked no delay or temporizing; and, as he spoke, in ve
Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 4. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones), Editorial Paragraphs. (search)
d Policy, by James Spence. Richmond: West & Johnston, 1863. Reply of S. Teackle Wallis, Esq., to the Letter of Hon. John Sherman, published by the Officers of the First Maryland Infantry, 1863. Address on the Constitution and Laws of the Confederate States of America, by Hon. Robt. H. Smith. Confederate States' Almanac of 1862. Senator Hammond and the Tribune, by, Troup. Rev. J. H. Thornwell, D. D., of Columbia, S. C., on the State of the Country in 1861. The North and the South, by John Forsyth, of Mobile, Ala. Proceedings of the Congress of the Confederate States, on the announcement of the death of Hon. John Tyler, Jan'y 20th and 21st, 1862. . Addresses of Hon. D. W. Voorhees, of Indiana, on the trial of John E. Cook, Nov. 8th, 1859, and before the Literary Societies of the University of Virginia, July 4th, 1860. Life and services of Hon. R. Barnwell Rhett, of South Carolina. The character and influence of Abolitionism. A Sermon by Rev. Henry J. Van Dyke, of Brooklyn, preache
Benson J. Lossing, Pictorial Field Book of the Civil War. Volume 1., Chapter 11: the Montgomery Convention.--treason of General Twiggs.--Lincoln and Buchanan at the Capital. (search)
ntaining their sovereignty. Already P. G. T. Beauregard, a Louisiana Creole, who had abandoned the flag of his country, and sought employment among its enemies, had been appointed brigadier-general, March 3. and ordered from New Orleans to John Forsyth. Charleston, to take charge of all the insurgent forces there. Already John Forsyth, Martin J. Crawford, and A. B. Roman had been appointed Commissioners to proceed to Washington, and make a settlement of all questions at issue between tJohn Forsyth, Martin J. Crawford, and A. B. Roman had been appointed Commissioners to proceed to Washington, and make a settlement of all questions at issue between the United States and the conspirators; and Memminger had made preparations for establishing Custom Houses along the frontier between the two confederacies. After agreeing, by resolution, to share in the crime of plundering the National Government by accepting a portion of the money which the Louisiana politicians had stolen from the Mint and Custom House at New Orleans, See page 185. the Convention adjourned. The proceedings of this Convention, and of the Provisional Government of the Con
Benson J. Lossing, Pictorial Field Book of the Civil War. Volume 1., Chapter 12: the inauguration of President Lincoln, and the Ideas and policy of the Government. (search)
iples of right, justice, equity, and good faith. See page 264. Two of these Commissioners (John Forsyth, of Alabama, who had been a Minister of the United States in Mexico a few years before, and Mich to present their credentials to the President. See Secretary Seward's Memorandum for Messrs. Forsyth and Crawford, dated March 15, 1861. This first attempt of the conspirators adroitly to ion has thus been directed, very differently from the aspect in which they are presented by Messrs. Forsyth and Crawford. He sees in them, not a rightful and accomplished revolution, and an independss, and aggrandizement of the American people. The Secretary of State, therefore, avows to Messrs. Forsyth and Crawford that he looks patiently, but confidently, to the cure of evils which have resu. The Commissioners left Washington on the morning of the 11th. In their communication, Messrs. Forsyth and Crawford recited the assurances concerning Fort Sumter which they had received from the
Benson J. Lossing, Pictorial Field Book of the Civil War. Volume 1., Chapter 24: the called session of Congress.--foreign relations.--benevolent organizations.--the opposing armies. (search)
dy recorded in this volume. Speaking of the assault on that work, he said that it was in no sense a matter of self-defense upon the part of the assailants, The excuse of the conspirators for their revolutionary act alluded to by the President, like all others, was only a pretext, and so transparent that no well-informed person was deceived by it. Such was, evidently, the Peace Convention (see page 235) at Washington, planned by the Virginia conspirators. Such, also, was the mission of Forsyth and Crawford (see page 800), who were sent by Jefferson Davis to Washington to say that they were intrusted with power, in the spirit of humanity, the civilization of the age, et coetera, to offer to the National Government the olive-branch of peace (see page 808), when it is known that while they were in the Capital, these peace ambassadors made large contracts with Northern manufacturers (to the shame of these contractors be it recorded!), for arms and ammunition, in preparation for war.
of State, Washington, March 15, 1861. Mr. John Forsyth, of the State of Alabama, and Mr. Martin mmunication, which he had been charged by Messrs. Forsyth and Crawford to present to the Secretary erates. After making these statements, Messrs. Forsyth and Crawford close their communication, athe aspect in which they are presented by Messrs. Forsyth and Crawford. He sees in them, not a rigr declining to comply with the request of Messrs. Forsyth and Crawford. On the 4th of March instctfully submits a copy of this address to Messrs. Forsyth and Crawford. A simple reference will ey could do so in the manner described by Messrs. Forsyth and Crawford, or in any other manner than, is unable to comply with the request of Messrs. Forsyth and Crawford, to appoint a day on which tirit of perfect respect and candor toward Messrs. Forsyth and Crawford, and that portion of the Uniicit. That the Executive could recognize Messrs. Forsyth and Crawford only as citizens of the Unit[8 more...]
cape from Gen. Benham, 526. Flournoy, Francis B., of Ark., 309; 315. Foote, H. S., of Miss., 197; opposes Clay's Compromise measures, 203; does not object to abolishing the Slave-Trade in the District, 204; 207; chosen Union Governor of Mississippi, 211. Foote, Capt., at the battle of Belmont, 597. Forney, Col. John H., (Rebel,) allusion to in Bragg's order, 436; wounded at Dranesville, 626. Forney, John W., chosen Clerk of the House, 806; chosen Clerk of the Senate, 555. Forsyth, John C., to envoy from Texas, 151, Fort Beauregard, besieged and taken, 604-5. Fort Clark, bombarded, 599; captured, 600. Ft. Hatteras, bombarded, 599; captured, 600. Fort Jackson, Ga., seized by Georgia, 411. Fort Jackson, La., seized by the State, 412. Fort Macon, seized by North Carolina, 411. Fort McRae, seized by the Florida troops, 412. Fort Morgan, seized by Alabama, 412. Fort Moultrie, evacuated by Major Anderson, 407; what the Charleston papers said, 407
after my inauguration—and confirmed by Congress on the same day. The commissioners appointed were A. B. Roman of Louisiana, Martin J. Crawford of Georgia, and John Forsyth of Alabama. Roman was an honored citizen and had been governor of his native state; Crawford had served with distinction in Congress for several years; ForsytForsyth was an influential journalist, and had been minister to Mexico under appointment of Pierce near the close of his term, and continued so under that of Buchanan. These gentlemen, moreover, represented the three great parties which had ineffectually opposed the sectionalism of the so-called Republicans. Ex-Governor Roman had been er years, and one of the Constitutional Union, or Bell-and-Everett party in the canvass of 1860; Crawford, as a state-rights Democrat, had supported Breckinridge; Forsyth had been a zealous advocate of the claims of Douglas. The composition of the commission was therefore such as should have conciliated the sympathy and cooperatio