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Harper's Encyclopedia of United States History (ed. Benson Lossing), North Carolina, State of (search)
e of Confederate rule. A more important convention was held at Hatteras on Nov. 18, in which representatives from forty-five of the counties of North Carolina appeared. That body assumed the functions of a State government, and by a strongly worded ordinance provided for the government of North Carolina in allegiance to the national Constitution. The promise of good was so hopeful that President Lincoln, by proclamation, ordered an election to be held in the 1st Congressional District. C. H. Foster was elected to Congress, but never took a seat. This leaven of loyalty in North Carolina was soon destroyed by the strong arm of Confedrate power. Operations on the coast. General Burnside, when called to the Army of the Potomac, Nov. 10, 1862, left Gen. J. G. Foster in command of the National troops in eastern North Carolina. That region had barely sufficient National troops to hold the territory against the attempts of the Confederates to repossess it. These attempts were freque