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William Hepworth Dixon, White Conquest: Volume 2, Chapter 5: the State House. (search)
f his own party, show as much impatience as the President. Colonel Morrow, a Republican officer, is travelling through the country, and reporting on affairs to General Sherman. Morrow reports, according to his observation, that the South is loyal to the Union, but opposed to scalawags and carpet-baggers. The Republican majority in Congress, scared by the November elections, have appointed a committee to visit New Orleans and look into the state of things. Three members of this committee, Foster of Ohio, a Republican, Phelps of New Jersey, a Republican, and Potter of New York, a Democrat, are in the city taking evidence, and the two Republicans hardly hide their agreement with the Democrat, that the attempt to govern through the aid of Federal soldiery is the cause of all the disorder seen about the Gulf. With critics so unfriendly to disarm, it is Kellogg's policy to seek some safe and legal ground; but where in Louisiana can intruders like Kellogg find that safe and legal ground
William Hepworth Dixon, White Conquest: Volume 2, Chapter 6: invasion! (search)
he congressional sub-committee, presents his card, and is refused admission to the State House. McEnery and Wiltz, anxious to have witnesses of the scene, invite Foster and Phelps, as well as Potter, to attend the opening of the assembly. The three members come together, but the sentries push them back. As chairman of the sub-committee, Foster sends for a superior officer, who, after an explanation, passes them on, but firmly declines to pass the gentlemen in their train. A little before twelve o'clock, the Conservatives march down Royal Street in a body, when the officer on duty asks to see their papers. Four of their number, having no certificates to quit the precincts. of the Chamber. General Campbell, they allege, has marched them to their posts, and till that officer orders them away they will remain. Foster and Phelps observe these facts and note these words. To Wiltz it is now apparent that if stratagem fail, the scalawags are prepared to call in force, and to Mc
William Hepworth Dixon, White Conquest: Volume 2, Chapter 11: the Rotunda. (search)
ed resolved to back his lieutenant. He was asked by the Senate to state what is passing in New Orleans, and how he means to deal with matters; for the reports of Foster, Phelps, and Potter to Congress, clearing the White citizens of New Orleans, and charging disorder in the South on the military party, have created a profound excitement. When such party men as Foster and Phelps can find no word to say for their political friends, the cause is lost; yet President Grant was minded to go on, assume the burthen of events, and leave Sheridan free to take his course. He framed a Message to Congress in this sense. But beyond the War Office, where his adjutference with the Legislature of New Orleans, the South is gone. The Senators fear to face new trials. Are they to go further in a course for which Radicals like Foster and Phelps cannot say a word? High office has no effect in softening censure of the President's course. General Sherman takes no pains to hide his views. Vi