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Browsing named entities in D. H. Hill, Jr., Confederate Military History, a library of Confederate States Military History: Volume 4, North Carolina (ed. Clement Anselm Evans). You can also browse the collection for Foster or search for Foster in all documents.

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In command of the land forces, General Burnside was assisted by Generals Reno, Foster and Parke. Admiral Goldsborough, with Commodore Rowan as second, commanded the If it fell, all the other batteries would be left exposed in the rear. General Foster began the attack about 8 o'clock on the 8th. He moved up six Dahlgren howiederate right to flank the position. Parke followed with his brigade. Each of Foster's attacks in front was held at bay until General Reno's brigade succeeded in man striking distance of the Confederate lines. On the 14th the attack opened by Foster moving on the Confederate left, between Fort Thompson and the railroad. At then the right, and Parke followed up the railroad in the center to support either Foster or Reno at need. The Federal gunboats all the morning vigorously shelled the earthworks. Foster's front attack on the left was easily repelled for some hours. But on the right, General Reno with Lieutenant-Colonel Clark, of the Twenty-first M
Confederate casualties were 2 wounded. General Foster with 5,oco men left Washington, N. C., forere not in force enough to do more than retard Foster's movements. Captain Newkirk, of the cavalr days before the battle of Fredericksburg, General Foster left New Bern, N. C., with a force of 10,0 regiment was posted on the west side to delay Foster's advance. The Ninth New Jersey and Wessell'sm Kinston bridge. General Evans had, to oppose Foster's 10,000 men, the Seventh, Twenty-second, Twen just arrived, under Col. S. H. Rogers. General Foster sent a demand for the surrender of the Con should he attempt to rebuild the bridge. General Foster sent forward the Ninth New Jersey regimentth coolness and gallantry. Captain Taylor, of Foster's signal service, reported that the fire from 3 wounded. After this brush with Robertson, Foster moved on toward Goldsboro, his main object bei All the Federal artillery seems, according to Foster's report, to have been engaged at the bridge. [9 more...]
B. H. Robertson and three regiments of cavalry at Kinston; Thomas' legion in the mountains. The field returns for January show that the forces scattered over the State aggregated 31,442 men. Rebellion Records, XVIII, 865. This large number of soldiers was collected in the State because it was thought another strong expedition was about to descend upon Wilmington, or some point on the coast. Upon the opening of the spring campaign, these troops were sent in all directions. After General Foster's return to New Bern from Goldsboro, his force around New Bern showed little activity. Some expeditions were occasionally sent out, resulting in skirmishes or minor engagements. At Sandy Ridge, on the 13th of February, the Fifty-eighth Pennsylvania infantry had a skirmish with a detachment from the Eighth North Carolina regiment, in which 4 North Carolinians were wounded. An expedition under Capt. Colin Richardson, of the Third New York cavalry, engaged some militia near Swan Quarter
ccupied by the Federals. Lieut.-Col. M. A. Haynes says in his official report: With a shout and a hurrah for the Bonnie Blue Flag, the North Carolina boys made the charge, and the enemy fled before them, as you and the general well know. The artillery and the infantry joining in a general attack, 314 prisoners surrendered and many were killed and wounded. The North Carolina loss was 6 killed and 15 wounded. Shortly afterward the Sixty-ninth regiment encountered a large cavalry force under Foster. This cavalry had been sent to intercept the Confederate retreat toward Virginia. Colonel Love gallantly charged this force, and General Williams coming to his aid, drove it from his front. North Carolina cavalry were active in many of the engagements during the fall campaign in Virginia. At Jack's shop, near Liberty mills, Orange county, Va., on September 22, 1863, Hampton's division of cavalry joined battle with Davies' and Custer's brigades of Kilpatrick's cavalry division. Custer'