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Comte de Paris, History of the Civil War in America. Vol. 2. (ed. Henry Coppee , LL.D.), Book IV:—Kentucky (search)
ed to troops who had started from such remote points, could not be effected in time. Totten's forces were divided; eight hundred horse and two guns, commanded by Foster, were at Lexington, on the Missouri, east of Independence. Colonel Warren was with fifteen hundred men at Clinton, south-east of that town. Both started for Independence, each taking a different route. Foster, who had the shorter journey to make, met the enemy at the cross-roads called Lone Jack on the 15th of August. Coffey and Hughes were waiting for him at this point with their united forces, amounting to four or five thousand men. After a spirited fight, Foster was beaten, lost somFoster was beaten, lost some guns, and was driven toward Lexington with heavy losses. This important place was in danger, and it would seem that Coffey, being now free in his movements, should have joined the bands which were waiting for him on the left bank of the river, but the Federal forces concentrated on his rear alarmed him so much, that he suddenly
Comte de Paris, History of the Civil War in America. Vol. 2. (ed. Henry Coppee , LL.D.), Book VII:—politics. (search)
by a permanent establishment. Fortunately for Foster, the Confederates on their part had stripped Nhe hot season had proved a terrible ordeal for Foster's troops, who had not yet had time to become aederals they retired to Tarboroa. On the 5th, Foster, ascending the Roanoke, found this work abandod render the roads almost impassable. At last Foster received information, exaggerated, it is true,d some important saltworks. In the mean time, Foster had received new reinforcements, which enabledout rendering any service to the land-forces. Foster, therefore, could only rely upon his own troopforces consisted of Pettigrew's brigade, which Foster had encountered the month previous during his y his march as long as possible. On the 12th, Foster's scouts met those of the Confederates, and ca the main object of the campaign undertaken by Foster. The latter encamped, on the evening of the the greatest importance to the Confederates. Foster sent nearly the whole of his artillery to Lee'[16 more...]