, Corp., 266.
Cushman, James, 256.
Danilson, W. H., Maj., 80, 270.
Davis, C. I, Lt., 271.
Davis,.R. M., Lt., 272.
Davis, W. W. H., Gen., 168.
Dewhurst, G. W., Adj't., 270.
Dewhurst, Mrs., 242.
Dolly, George, Capt., 179, 270.
Doolittle, J. R., Hon., 285.
Duncan, Lt. Comr., 160, 103.
Dupont, S. F., Admiral, 67,78, 89,100, 135.
Dutch, Capt., 170.
Fessenden, W. P., Hon., 285, 287.
Finnegan, Gen., 108.
Fisher, J., Lt., 271.
Fowler, J. H., Chap.,40, 113, 231, 270.
Fremont, J. C., Gen., 23, 42.
French, J., Rev., 40, 118.
Furman, J. T., Lt., 272.
Gage, F. D., Mrs., 41.
Garrison, W. L., 249.
Gaston, William, Lt., 271.
Gillmore, Q. A., Gen., 167, 168, 183, 235,237, 240.
Goldsborough, Commodore, 243, 274.
Goodell, J. B., Lt., 2.
Goodrich, F. S., Lt., 271, 272.
Gould, E., Corp., 274.
Gould, F. M., Lt., 272.
Greene, Sergt., 121.
Hallett, Capt., 65, 66, 274.
Hallowell, E. N., Gen., 225, 242, 244
Hartwell A. S., Gen., 286.
Hawks, J. M., Surg., 269.
aken place on each side of Kentucky.
Eastward the rebels were driven out of West Virginia with disaster during July; while, to the west, a serious invasion of Missouri was checked in August by the hardy, though over-daring courage of Lyon, who threw back a combined rebel column moving from Arkansas northward, unfortunately at the costly sacrifice of his own life.
Unlooked — for success at Bull Run had greatly encouraged the rebellion, but it felt the menace of growing danger in the West.
Fremont had been sent to St. Louis, and, with a just pride in his former fame, the whole Northwest was eager to respond to his summons, and follow his lead in a grand and irresistible expedition down the Mississippi River in the coming autumn, which should open the Father of Waters to the Union flag and sever the territory of the Confederacy — a cherished plan of General Scott.
The rebel General Pillow-somewhat wordy, but exceedingly active, and as yet the principal military authority in Tennes
Falling Waters, W. Va., skirmish at, 162
Federal Hill, Baltimore, 108
Field, David Dudley, 76
Fitzpatrick, Senator, 37
Florida, attitude of, with regard to secession, 2, 8; secession of, 14
Floyd, Secretary, 6, 17, 20, 23 et seq., 26, 30; his malfeasance in office, 31; resigns, 32
Follansbee, Captain, 86 et seq.
Foster, Captain, 28, 63
Fox, Captain G. V., 51; sails in command of expedition for relief of Fort Sumter, 59
Franklin, General W. B., 174
Fremont, General J. C., 133
Frost, D. M., 117 et seq.
Gainesville, Va., 181
Gamble, Hamilton R., 125
Garnett, General, 146, 154
Georgia, attitude of, with regard to secession, 2, 8, 12; secession of, 13 et seq.
Gist, Governor of South Carolina, his circular letter, 1, 8, 27
Gosport Navy Yard, destruction of, 96 et seq.
Grafton, 142 et seq., 146
Grant, General U. S., 134
Great Bethel, Va., engagement at, 172
Green, Captain, 117
Griffin, Captain, 188, 191, 192