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Harper's Encyclopedia of United States History (ed. Benson Lossing) 86 0 Browse Search
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Harper's Encyclopedia of United States History (ed. Benson Lossing), Illinois. (search)
onded debt consisted of $18,500 in bonds, which had ceased to draw interest and never been presented for payment. The population in 1890 was 3,826,351; in 1900, 4,821,550. See United States, Illinois, vol. IX. Territorial Governor. Ninian EdwardscommissionedApril 24, 1809 State governors. Shadrach Bondassumes office1818 Edward Coles1822 Ninian Edwards1826 John Reynolds1830 William L. D. Ewingacting1834 Joseph Duncanassumes office1834 Thomas Carlin1838 Thomas Ford1842 Augustus C. French1846 Joel A. Matteson1853 William H. Bissell1857 John WoodactingMarch 18, 1860 Richard Yatesassumes officeJanuary, 1861 Richard J. OglesbyJanuary, 1865 John M. PalmerJanuary, 1869 Richard J. OglesbyJanuary, 1873 John L. BeveridgeactingMarch 4, 1873 Shelby M. Cullomassumes officeJanuary, 1877 John M. HamiltonactingFeb. 7, 1883 Richard J. OglesbyJanuary, 1885 Joseph W. FiferJanuary, 1889 John P. AltgeldJanuary, 1893 John R. TannerJanuary, 1897 Richard YatesJanuary, 1901
Harper's Encyclopedia of United States History (ed. Benson Lossing), Ingersoll, Robert Green 1833- (search)
rce had been born, and it was beyond the power of nobles and kings to undo what the author-hero had done. To avoid arrest and probable death, Paine left England. He had sown with brave hand the seeds of thought, and he knew that he had lighted a fire that nothing could extinguish until England should be free. The fame of Thomas Paine had reached France in many ways—principally through Lafayette. His services in America were well known. The pamphlet Common sense had been published in French, and its effect had been immense. The Rights of man that had created, and was then creating, such a stir in England was also known to the French. The lovers of liberty everywhere were the friends and admirers of Thomas Paine. In America, England, Scotland, Ireland, and France he was known as the defender of popular rights. He had preached a new gospel. He had given a new Magna Charta to the people. So popular was Paine in France that he was elected by three constituencies to the na
Harper's Encyclopedia of United States History (ed. Benson Lossing), Kempff, Louis (search)
office) refused permission, but subsequently a portion of the allied troops, Louis Kempff. including sixty-three American marines, were sent by train to the capital, reaching it on June 1. The troubles grew rapidly worse, and on June 17 the foreign admirals at Taku, with the exception of Admiral Kempff, sent a demand for the evacuation of the Taku forts by 2 P. M. In answer to this demand the Chinese opened fire upon the foreign war-ships which had congregated in the harbor. The British, French, Russian, and Japanese ships replied, and after seven hours the forts surrendered. At first there was general regret among naval officers and others that Admiral Kempff had not taken part in the bombardment of the forts. Later, however, he gave as his reasons that a state of war against China did not exist; that such an attack would be legally an act of war; and that formal aggression by the foreign governments would be regarded by the Chinese as constituting a state of war, would unite al
Harper's Encyclopedia of United States History (ed. Benson Lossing), Lafayette, Marie Jean Paul Roch Yves Gilbert Motier, Marquis de 1757- (search)
X. from the throne, Lafayette was made commander-in-chief of the National Guard. He sacrificed his own republican preferences for the sake of peace and order, and placed Louis Philippe on the throne. He died the acknowledged chief of the constitutional party on the continent of Europe, May 20, 1834. He received a magnificent public funeral, when his remains were conveyed to their restingplace in the cemetery of Picpus. The monument is about 8 feet square, with appropriate inscriptions in French. The cross seen in the picture stands over the grave of another. The American Revolution. The following is Lafayette's narrative of his service with the American army during the Revolutionary War, from his Memoirs: You ask me at what period I first experienced my ardent love of liberty and glory? I recollect no time of my life anterior to my enthusiasm for anecdotes of glorious deeds, and to my projects of travelling over the world to acquire fame. At eight years of age, my hea
Harper's Encyclopedia of United States History (ed. Benson Lossing), Lincoln, Abraham 1809- (search)
ciation of his character and services by causing a magnificent gold medal to be struck and presented to the President's widow. It is about four inches in diameter. One side bears a profile, in relief, of Mr. Lincoln, surrounded by the words, in French, Dedicated by the French Democracy. A. Lincoln, twice elected President of the United States. On the reverse is an altar, bearing the following inscription, also in French: Lincoln, Honest Man. Abolished Slavery, Re-established the Union, and SFrench: Lincoln, Honest Man. Abolished Slavery, Re-established the Union, and Saved the Republic, without Veiling the Statue of Liberty. He was Assassinated the 14th of April, 1865. Below all are the words: Liberty, Equality, and Fraternity. On one side of the altar stands winged Victory, with her right hand resting upon a sword and her left holding a civic wreath. On the other side stand two emancipated slaves —the younger, a lad, offering a palm branch, and the elder pointing him to the American eagle, bearing the shield, the olive-branch, and the lightning, with t
Harper's Encyclopedia of United States History (ed. Benson Lossing), Lodge, Henry Cabot 1850- (search)
which was adopted by the committee, and which is embodied in this bill. In their report the committee have shown by statistics, which have been collected and tabulated with great care, the immigrants who would be affected by the illiteracy test. It is found, in the first place, that the illiteracy test will bear most heavily upon the Italians, Russians, Poles, Hungarians, Greeks, and Asiatics, and very lightly, or not at all, upon English-speaking immigrants, or Germans, Scandinavians, and French. In other words, the races most affected by the illiteracy test are those whose immigration to this country has begun within the last twenty years and swelled rapidly to enormous proportions, races with which the English-speaking people have never hitherto assimilated, and which are most alien to the great body of the people of the United States. On the other hand, immigrants from the United Kingdom and of those races which are most closely related to the Englishspeaking people, and who wi
Harper's Encyclopedia of United States History (ed. Benson Lossing), Martin, Francois Xavier 1762-1846 (search)
Martin, Francois Xavier 1762-1846 Jurist; born in Marseilles, France, March 7, 1762; removed to North Carolina in 1782, where he taught French, learned printing, and established a newspaper. He also published almanacs and school-books, studied law, and began its practice in 1789. Jefferson appointed him a judge of the Mississippi Territory, and he was made attorney-general of the State of Louisiana in 1813. In 1815 he was made a judge of the Supreme Court of Louisiana; remained on that bench for thirty-two years, and was chief-justice from 1837 to 1845. He died in New Orleans, La., Dec. 11, 1846.
Harper's Encyclopedia of United States History (ed. Benson Lossing), Mazzei, Philip 1730-1816 (search)
ption, and for assimilating us in all things to the rotten as well as the sound parts of the British model. It would give you a fever, he continued, were I to name to you the apostates who have gone over to these heresies—men who were Samsons in the field and Solomons in the council, but who have had their heads shorn by the harlot of England. This letter was dated April 24, 1796. Mazzei published an Italian translation of it in Florence, Jan. 1, 1797. Thence it was retranslated into French, and published in the Moniteur, Jan. 25. Translated a third time, into English, it made its way to the American newspapers, through the London press, in the beginning of May, and produced a most profound sensation in the United States. Jefferson first saw it on May 9, at Bladensburg, while on his way to Philadelphia to take his seat as president of the Senate, having been chosen Vice-President of the United States. The administration newspapers and pamphleteers attacked Jefferson with ene
Harper's Encyclopedia of United States History (ed. Benson Lossing), Medals. (search)
WilliamsCapture of AndreSilver. Nov. 3, 1780Isaac Van WartCapture of AndreSilver. March 9, 1781Brig.-Gen. Daniel MorganVictory of the CowpensGold. March 9, 1781Lieut.-Col. William A. WashingtonVictory of the CowpensSilver. March 9, 1781Lieut.-Col. John E. HowardVictory of the CowpensSilver. Oct. 29, 1781Maj.-Gen. Nathanael GreeneVictory at Eutaw SpringsGold. Oct. 16, 1787Capt. John Paul JonesCapture of the Serapis, 1779Gold. March 29, 1800Capt. Thomas TruxtonAction with the Vengeance (French)Gold. March 3, 1805Com. Edward PrebleTripoliGold. Jan. 29, 1813Capt. Isaac HullCapture of the GuerriereGold. Jan. 29, 1813Capt. Jacob JonesCapture of the FrolicGold. Jan. 29, 1813Capt. Stephen DecaturCapture of the MacedonianGold. March 3, 1813Capt. William BainbridgeCapture of the JavaGold. Jan. 6, 1814Lieut. Edward R. McCallCapture of the BoxerGold. Jan. 6, 1814Com. Oliver H. PerryVictory on Lake ErieGold. Jan. 6, 1814Capt. Jesse D. ElliottVictory on Lake ErieGold. Jan. 11, 1814Ca
Harper's Encyclopedia of United States History (ed. Benson Lossing), Military Academy, United States (search)
examinations. Appointees to the Military Academy must be between seventeen and twenty-two years of age, free from any infirmity which may render them unfit for military service, and able to pass a careful examination in reading, Academic buildings, West Point. writing, orthography, arithmetic, grammar, geography, and history of the United States. The course of instruction requires four years, and is largely mathematical and professional. The principal subjects taught are mathematics, French, drawing, drill regulations of all arms of the service, natural and experimental philosophy, chemistry, chemical physics, mineralogy, geology, and electricity, history, international, constitutional, and military law, Spanish, civil and military engineering, art and science of war, and ordnance and gunnery. The discipline is very strict, and the enforcement of penalties for offences is inflexible rather than severe. Examinations are held in each January and June, and cadets deficient in e