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Robert Underwood Johnson, Clarence Clough Buell, Battles and Leaders of the Civil War: The Opening Battles. Volume 1., The first year of the War in Missouri. (search)
The Governor then came to St. Louis to concert with General D. M. Frost (who commanded a small brigade of volunteer militia) for the defense of the State. In the consultation with Frost it had been decided that the Governor, in pursuance of an e drill and discipline; and that, under cover of this order, Frost should camp his brigade upon the hills adjacent to and commoccupied with his own troops the hills around the arsenal. Frost consequently established Camp Jackson in a grove in the wes camp and to hold the officers and men as prisoners of war. Frost went into camp on the 6th of May. The arms from the Confedse by hiding his red beard and weather-beaten Brigadier-General D. M. Frost, C. S. A. From a photograph. features under a trch, Colonel John S. Bowen came to Lyon with a protest from Frost. Lyon refused to receive it, and, marching out to the camp about 7000 men, surrounded it and demanded its surrender. Frost, who had only 635 men, was obliged to comply. While the
Robert Underwood Johnson, Clarence Clough Buell, Battles and Leaders of the Civil War: The Opening Battles. Volume 1., The opposing forces at Pea Ridge, Ark. (search)
eve Jackson; 3d Infantry, Major Hutchinson; 4th and 5th Infantry (consolidated), Col. J. A. Poindexter (w); 6th Infantry, Lieut.-Col. Peacher. Division loss: k, 11; w, 101; m, 35 = 147. Fifth Division, Col. James P. Saunders: detachments of infantry, cavalry, and Kelly's battery of artillery. Division loss: k, 9; w, 32 = 41. Sixth Division, Major D. H. Lindsay: detachments of infantry and Gorham's battery of artillery. Division loss: w, 13; m, 34 = 47. Seventh and Ninth Divisions, Brig.-Gen. D. M. Frost: detachments of infantry and cavalry and Guibor's and MacDonald's batteries of artillery; also included the Third Brigade of Volunteers given above. Eighth Division, Brig.-Gen. James S. Rains: Infantry under Col. William H. Erwin, Lieut.-Cols. John P. Bowman, A. J. Pearcy, and Stemmons; Bledsoe's battery, and Shelby's company of cavalry. Division loss: k, 2; w, 26 = 28. McCulloch's division, Brig.-Gen. Ben. McCulloch (k), Col. E. Greer. Infantry Brigade, Col. Louis Hebert (c), C
Robert Underwood Johnson, Clarence Clough Buell, Battles and Leaders of the Civil War: The Opening Battles. Volume 1., Composition and losses of the Confederate army. (search)
eve Jackson; 3d Infantry, Major Hutchinson; 4th and 5th Infantry (consolidated), Col. J. A. Poindexter (w); 6th Infantry, Lieut.-Col. Peacher. Division loss: k, 11; w, 101; m, 35 = 147. Fifth Division, Col. James P. Saunders: detachments of infantry, cavalry, and Kelly's battery of artillery. Division loss: k, 9; w, 32 = 41. Sixth Division, Major D. H. Lindsay: detachments of infantry and Gorham's battery of artillery. Division loss: w, 13; m, 34 = 47. Seventh and Ninth Divisions, Brig.-Gen. D. M. Frost: detachments of infantry and cavalry and Guibor's and MacDonald's batteries of artillery; also included the Third Brigade of Volunteers given above. Eighth Division, Brig.-Gen. James S. Rains: Infantry under Col. William H. Erwin, Lieut.-Cols. John P. Bowman, A. J. Pearcy, and Stemmons; Bledsoe's battery, and Shelby's company of cavalry. Division loss: k, 2; w, 26 = 28. McCulloch's division, Brig.-Gen. Ben. McCulloch (k), Col. E. Greer. Infantry Brigade, Col. Louis Hebert (c), C