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How Zollicoffer was Killed.--Mrs. Fry, wife of Col. S. S. Fry, of the Fourth Kentucky regiment, received a letter at DanCol. S. S. Fry, of the Fourth Kentucky regiment, received a letter at Danville, from Col. Fry, written after the battle near Somerset. He details in the letter the manner in which he killed Gen. ZCol. Fry, written after the battle near Somerset. He details in the letter the manner in which he killed Gen. Zollicoffer, which varies somewhat from the many statements we have seen. Col. Fry was in the act of leading his regiment inCol. Fry was in the act of leading his regiment into a charge upon the Mississippians, when Gen. Zollicoffer, accompanied by his aid, rode up to him and said: You are not goir friends. In the mean time Zollicoffer's aid fired upon Col. Fry, wounding his horse, from which wound the animal died. CCol. Fry then turned and fired upon Zollicoffer with fatal effect. Gen. Zollicoffer evidently labored under the impression that Col. Fry was a rebel officer. The stories about the old intimacy of the two officers are all untrue. They had never met before, nor did Col. Fry know the rank of the officer upon whom he fired, as the evidences of his rank were covered by a c
Ninth Ohio, and one or two of the Wolford cavalry. The Michigan Engineer and Mechanics' regiment dug trenches and buried the dead, the funeral service having been appropriately performed on the occasion. Wounded prisoners state that there was no general enthusiasm, but that the growing discontent induced Gen. Zollicoffer to make a speech to his troops the day before he led them to battle, in which he declared with emphasis, that he would take them to Indiana, or go to h--1 himself! After Col. Fry's horse was shot and disabled, he mounted the splendid gray charger which Zollicoffer had ridden. As the Federal army advances, the Union people creep out of their holes and hiding-places, and evince the most frantic delight; they are eager to receive arms and to be marched against those who have so long terrorized their homes. As plenty of muskets were found in the deserted camp of the rebels, we presume their wishes will be gratified. One man, residing on the Cumberland, had been robbe
brag on. He made his last stand On the rolling Cumberland, And was sent to the happy land of Canaan. Old Zolly's gone, And the secesh will have to mourn, Because they thought he'd do to depend on; But he knew his end was nigh When he met with Colonel Fry, Who sent him to the happy land of Canaan. Oh! Zollicoffer's dead, And the last words he said: “I see another wild cat a comina.” Up steps Colonel Fry, And shot him in the eye, And sent him to the happy land of Canaan. The dead brought toColonel Fry, And shot him in the eye, And sent him to the happy land of Canaan. The dead brought to Life again.--The following remarkable incident occurred in Dodgeville, Wisconsin: When the present war first broke out, a young man who resided in the above village joined a company commanded by Capt. Tom Allen, which was afterward incorporated in the Second regiment of Wisconsin Volunteers, and was present at the terrible and disastrous battle of Bull Run. The intelligence came back to his family at Dodgeville that he was slain upon the battle-field, and his body left to be cared for by t
Fogg was mortally wounded by Capt. Vaughn, of Fry's regiment, and has since died. Zollicoffer woitary rank. He doubtless intended to deceive Col. Fry, and succeeded. Fry was in undress uniform, Fry was in undress uniform, and, of course, was at once recognised as a Federal officer. They rode side by side several paces, so near that their knees touched, Fry all the time supposing Zollicoffer to be a Federal officer —istake was not discovered until Fogg fired upon Fry, killing his horse. At once, Fry drew his revoFry drew his revolver upon Zollicoffer, shooting him through the breast. Instantly he threw up his arms, fell from by the rebels. His sword is in possession of Col. Fry. He has no other trophies save a note, takenshot by Capt. Vaughn and instantly killed. Col. Fry narrowly escaped death. With only three hundo escape to our ranks. He took his stand among Fry's men, seized the gun of one who had fallen by ho had pressed him into the rebel service. Col. Fry does not drink or swear, but he did bawl most[3 more...]
Incidents of Webb's Cross-Roads.--While the body of Zollicoffer lay upon the ground in front of a Minnesota tent, surrounded by soldiers, an excited officer rode up exclaiming to the men: What in h--1 are you doing here? Why are you not at the stretchers bringing in the wounded? This is Zollicoffer, said a soldier. I know that, replied the officer, he is dead, and could not have been sent to h--1 by a better man, for Col. Fry shot him — leave him and go to your work. When the two Parrott guns were planted on the hill at Brown's house, overlooking the enemy's camp, the peculiar whir-r-r of the shells was new to our astonished darky, who, with hat off and eyes protruding, exclaimed to his sable companion: Gosh Almighty, Sam, don't dat go howlina trou de wilderness? In nearly a direct line with the course we had marched from the battle-field to the rebel works, is a bold elevation about three fourths of a mile this side of said works, on which one of our batteries was immedia