Browsing named entities in The Daily Dispatch: July 7, 1862., [Electronic resource]. You can also browse the collection for Charles C. Fulton or search for Charles C. Fulton in all documents.

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mber of teams and wagons, and one company of the 56th Ohio, besides several officers, were attacked by a large force of rebel cavalry yesterday, about twelve miles from this city. The rebels destroyed the locomotive and burned the cars, killed ten of our men, and captured several officers, including Col. Kinsey, Majors Pride and Sharpe, railroad superintendent; Capt. McMichael, of Gen. Grant's staff, who was taken prisoner at Shiloh, and had just been exchanged. Miscellaneous. Chas. C. Fulton, editor of the Baltimore American and agent of the Associated Press, who was sent to Fort McHenry, for founding intelligence of the Federal defeat before Richmond, has been replaced. The Governors of various States from Mains to Wisconsin, boxing drawn up and sighed cooperatively a paper rendering is Petitions Lincoln international troops, for the purpose on bringing the war to a tragedy storm he has decided to call upon them for three hundred thousand more men-troops amends that t