Your search returned 41 results in 24 document sections:

l, 1753; Bradish, 1745; Brattle, 1747; Bucknam, 1766; Budge, 1762; Burdit, 1761; Burns, 1751; Bushby, 1735; Butterfield, 1785. Calif, 1750; Chadwick, 1756; Cook, 1757; Cousins, 1755; Crease, 1757; Crowell, 1752. Davis, 1804; Degrusha, 1744; Dexter, 1767; Dill, 1734; Dixon, 1758; Dodge, 1749; Durant, 1787. Earl, 1781; Easterbrook, 1787; Eaton, 1755; Edwards, 1753; Erwin, 1752. Farrington, 1788; Faulkner, 1761; Fessenden, 1785; Fitch, 1785; Floyd, 1750; Fowle, 1752; French, 1755. Galt, 1757; Gardner, 1721; Garret, 1732; Giles, 1719; Gill, 1738; Goddard, 1745; Gowen, 1773; Grace, 1779; Greatton, 1718; Green, 1785. Hosmer, 1746; Hunt, 1751. Kendall, 1752; Kettle, or Kettell, 1740. Lathe, Laithe, and Leathe, 1738; Learned, 1793; Le Bosquet, 1781. Mack, 1790; Mallard, 1753; Mansfield, 1759; May, 1759; MacCarthy, 1747; MacClinton, 1750; Mead, 1757; Melendy, 1732; Morrill, 1732. Newell, 1767; Newhall, 1751; Nutting, 1729. Oakes, 1721-75. Page, 1747; Pain, 17
George Meade, The Life and Letters of George Gordon Meade, Major-General United States Army (ed. George Gordon Meade), chapter 6 (search)
taff. The other day he paid a visit to his regiment, and on his return must have been captured, as nothing has since been heard of him. I have written Cortlandt Cortlandt Parker, brother of William Parker. about it, but I fear the news of his disappearance got into the papers before my letter reached him, as I received a telegram to-day from his father enquiring about it. I sent up my sword and fixings, but at the request of our express agent, it is to be exhibited for a short time at Galt's jewelry shop, in Washington. September 5, 1863. Have you seen a very bitter article in Wilkes's Spirit of the Times, of August 29th? For article mentioned, see Appendix F. He says the victory of Gettysburg was due entirely to the strength of the position and the heroic bravery of the common soldiers, and was entirely independent of any strategy or military ability displayed by any general from the senior down. He then charges me with imbecility and timidity, and says the Army of
(Surgical.) e, Fig. 6647, Also known as a lenticular knife. A lever for raising the portion of bone detached by the trephine. Tre-phine′. (Surgical.) An instrument for taking a circular piece out of the cranium. It is a cylindrical saw, with a cross-handle like a gimlet and a center-pin (called the perforator), around which it revolves until the saw has cut a kerf sufficient to hold it. The center-pin may then be retired. a b, Mott's socket-handled trephine and handle. c, Galt's conical trephine. d, antrum-drill. e, trepanning-elevator. Trepang. Trephines. The trephine is sometimes worked by a revolving brace like that of the carpenter, and has even been socketed upon a stem with three legs, and turned by one hand while the socket is held by the other. The trephine for the antrum (d) is a small crown-saw set in the end of a handle. It is used for entering the antrum through a tooth-socket. Trepanning instruments were used by the ancients; Hipp<
Emilio, Luis F., History of the Fifty-Fourth Regiment of Massachusetts Volunteer Infantry , 1863-1865, Roster of the Fifty-Fourth Massachusetts Infantry. (search)
thaniel 19, sin.; laborer; Rochester, N. Y. 29 Mch 63; died pris. Feb 65 Florence, S. C. Captd 18 Jly 63 Ft. Wagner. $50. Hutchings, James A. 22, sin.; waiter; Trenton, N. J. 29 Mch 63; 23 Sep 65 New York. $50. Trenton, N. J. Jackson, George 30, mar.; laborer; Northampton. 3 Apl 63; 29 Jly 64 Ft. Green, Folly Id. S. C. Wounded 18 July 63 Ft Wagner. $50. Jackson, George F. 20, sin.; laborer; Binghampton, N. Y. 29 Mch 63; 20 Aug 65. $50. Union, N. Y. Jackson, Moses 24, sin.; barber; Galt. Can. 1 Apl 63; 20 Aug 65. $50. Grand Rapids, Mich. Johnson, George A. 1st Sergt. 20, sin.; harness-maker; Detroit, Mich. 4 Apl 63; 20 Aug 65. $50. Died Mch 79. Johnson, John E 20, sin.; barber; Harrisburg, Pa. 14 Apl 63; deserted May 65 Charleston, S. C. $50. James Id. S. C. Johnson, Thomas 20, sin.; seaman; Detroit, Mich. 4 Apl 63; 20 Aug 65. $50. James Id. S. C. Jones, James R. Sergt. 33, mar.; barber; Albany, N. Y. 29 Mch 63; 20 Aug 65. $50. Reported died 1885. Kelley, Jam
Cambridge History of American Literature: volume 1, Colonial and Revolutionary Literature: Early National Literature: Part I (ed. Trent, William Peterfield, 1862-1939., Erskine, John, 1879-1951., Sherman, Stuart Pratt, 1881-1926., Van Doren, Carl, 1885-1950.), Chapter 6: fiction I — Brown, Cooper. (search)
ely at his best. No other novel, by Cooper or any other, gives so firm and convincing a picture of colonial New York. Even Cooper has no more exciting struggle than that of Corny Littlepage with the icy Hudson. But the special virtue of Satanstoe is a quality Cooper nowhere else displays, a positive winsomeness in the way Littlepage unfolds his memories (now sweetened by many years) and his humorous crotchets in the same words. There are pages which read almost like those of some vigorous Galt or Goldsmith. Unfortunately, Cooper did not carry this vein further. His comedy Upside down, produced at Burton's Theatre, New York, 18 June, 1850, was a failure, and his last novel, The ways of the hour (1851), lacks every charm of manner. With his family and a few friends he lived his latter days in honour and affection, but he held the public at a sour distance and before his death, 14 September, 1851, set his face against a reconciliation even in the future by forbidding any biography
Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 11. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones), Sketch of the Lee Memorial Association. (search)
ay hope for better things, of which we already see the well-defined promise. From the carcass of the slain lion may be drawn the honeycomb of those beautiful arts that shall sweeten all our future. We are awakening, it is certain, to the importance of cherishing those in our midst who have won for themselves such reputations as reflect credit upon their mother-land. Among the first of Southern sculptures—nay, it is not invidious to say the very first of these—is the Virginian Valentine. Galt, of Norfolk, was cut off in the days of his early promise. Ezekiel, of Richmond, is building up his fame in Rome. But Valentine has already achieved, abroad and at home, a name which will not die. Circumstances have combined to trammel and hinder him in his onward career. The fortunes of war have affected his success. We all remember how grand old Michael Angelo's noble creations were interfered with when armies beleagured his beloved Florence; and, reasoning from the greater to the less
Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 33. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones), The honor roll of the University of Virginia, from the times-dispatch, December 3, 1905. (search)
alvern Hill, Va., 1862. Flood, T. W., Va., Campbell Co., Va., 1862. Fluker, B. K., La., 186—. Foley, T. W., La., Assumption Par., La., 1865. Fontaine, E., Jr., Va., Centreville, Va., 1861. Forniss, T. K., Ala., Seven Pines, Va., 1862. Fowlkes, E., Capt., Va., Seven Pines, Va., 1862. Franklin, J. W., Surg., Va., Pamplins Depot, Va., 1865. Fraser, E. J., Va., 186—. Frazier, J. A., Va., Rockbridge Co., Va., 1862. French, J. B., Adjt., Tex., Gettysburg, Pa., 1863. Galt, J., Jr., Va., Fluvanna Co., 1862. Gandy, D. F., Lt., S. C., 1861. Gardner, H. W., Surg., N. C., 1862. Gardner, R. N., Fla., 1862. Garland, Jr., S., Brig.-Gen., Va., Boonsborough, Md., 1862. Garnett, T. S., Col., Va., Chancellorsville, Va., 1863. Garlington, B. C., Lt., S. C., Savage Station, Va. Garrison, W. F., Ga., Seven Pines, Va. Garth, G. M., Va., Alabama, 1862. Gazzam, G. G., Lt., Ala., Mobile, Ala., 1865. Geiger, G. H, Va., Gettysburg, Pa. George, L. A
Medford Historical Society Papers, Volume 17., An old Medford school boy's reminiscences. (search)
man, always helped. He could not hit with a snow ball but his fists were very efficient. But Joe won no glory for he was so much bigger than the pigs. Roars of take one of your size always greeted his appearance, but never made him blush. Our true hero was a high school boy named Bela Cushing, whose size was more correct. Bela was our bravest on the field and also our best on the rhetorical platform. I don't believe Cola di Rienzi ever addressed the Romans with more bir and smeddum (as Galt the Scotch novelist called it) than did Bela when he poured out Rienzi's words from our school rostrum. I wish I knew of his later life. These fights were really quite serious, and we who were too small to be on the fighting line could shout well and could make more noise than any Greek chorus ever made. Once we corralled a squad of pigs in the upper story of Mr. Peck's hat factory and held them there till we wanted supper, not quite daring to charge up the staircase. This war between the
Galt's Statue of Jefferson. --A letter from Paris states that this work of art, for the University of Virginia, was, at that writing, (Sept. 24,) boxed up, and put on board of ship for the United States.
he attention due to such a noble and heroic band. May laurels ever crown their heads. Young Guard. Pig Point, Nansemond Co., Va. May 18th, 1861. The work at this place is under the management of Capt. Young, of Norfolk, aided by Mr. Galt, the Sculptor. Capt. Young is an old soldier of the war of 1812, a brave man, and though now upwards of eighty years old, appears as active as a boy of sixteen. Mr. Galt is well known to the country as a sculptor, and left his studio several weMr. Galt is well known to the country as a sculptor, and left his studio several weeks ago to assist his native State in defending herself in any capacity by which he could act the most useful. The Portsmouth Riflemen, the oldest company of that city, numbering 126 men, and in command of Capt. Owens, are stationed here. They are a fine looking set of fellows and are determined to do their best in this great struggle. By request of the company, Rev. R. R. Jones preached to them this afternoon on their camp-ground. His remarks were fully calculated to fill every mind wit