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George Bancroft, History of the United States from the Discovery of the American Continent, Vol. 10 62 0 Browse Search
Medford Historical Society Papers, Volume 17. 15 9 Browse Search
Comte de Paris, History of the Civil War in America. Vol. 2. (ed. Henry Coppee , LL.D.) 14 0 Browse Search
The Daily Dispatch: April 8, 1864., [Electronic resource] 10 0 Browse Search
Medford Historical Society Papers, Volume 3. 8 2 Browse Search
The Daily Dispatch: December 31, 1860., [Electronic resource] 6 2 Browse Search
Official Records of the Union and Confederate Armies, Chapter XXII: Operations in Kentucky, Tennessee, North Mississippi, North Alabama, and Southwest Virginia. March 4-June 10, 1862., Part II: Correspondence, Orders, and Returns. (ed. Lieut. Col. Robert N. Scott) 6 0 Browse Search
The Daily Dispatch: January 3, 1865., [Electronic resource] 6 0 Browse Search
Horace Greeley, The American Conflict: A History of the Great Rebellion in the United States of America, 1860-65: its Causes, Incidents, and Results: Intended to exhibit especially its moral and political phases with the drift and progress of American opinion respecting human slavery from 1776 to the close of the War for the Union. Volume I. 5 1 Browse Search
Cambridge History of American Literature: volume 1, Colonial and Revolutionary Literature: Early National Literature: Part I (ed. Trent, William Peterfield, 1862-1939., Erskine, John, 1879-1951., Sherman, Stuart Pratt, 1881-1926., Van Doren, Carl, 1885-1950.) 5 1 Browse Search
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Ulysses S. Grant, Personal Memoirs of U. S. Grant, Grand movement of the Army of the Potomac- crossing the Rapidan-entering the Wilderness- battle of the Wilderness (search)
there are two roads, good for that part of Virginia, running from Orange Court House to the battle-field. The most southerly of these roads is known as the Orange Court House Plank road, the northern one as the Orange Turnpike. There are also roads from east of the battle-field running to Spottsylvania Court House, one from Chancellorsville, branching at Aldrich's; the western Branch going by Piney Branch Church, Alsop's, thence by the Brock road to Spottsylvania; the east Branch goes by Gates's, thence to Spottsylvania. The Brock road runs from Germania Ford through the battle-field and on to the Court House. As Spottsylvania is approached the country is cut up with numerous roads, some going to the town direct, and others crossing so as to connect the farms with roads going there. Lee's headquarters were at Orange Court House. From there to Fredericksburg he had the use of the two roads above described running nearly parallel to the Wilderness. This gave him unusual faci
ngement, left behind, present themselves at the clothing bureau for a job, they represent, with the most innocent faces imaginable, that their male protectors are in General Lee's army, and thus enlist sympathy, and sponge on the Confederacy. To poor females every kindness and aid should be extended as long as they and. those belonging to them are true to us; but it is past enduring that able-bodied fellows should go North, and leave as a charge here people whom we are under no obligations to support, and who, by false representations, shut out the wives and other female relatives of gallant fellows, who are confronting our ruthless enemies. Lieutenant Gates, with a party of the Third Arkansas cavalry, made a reconnoissance near Clinton, Ark., and succeeded in capturing twelve prisoners, whom he surprised at Cadson's Cave.--the blockade-runner schooner Union, with a cargo of cotton from the coast of Florida, arrived at Havana. She was chased by the United States gunboat De Soto.
Benson J. Lossing, Pictorial Field Book of the Civil War. Volume 3., Chapter 2: Lee's invasion of Maryland and Pennsylvania. (search)
, and, with the greatest courage and fortitude, his men, following Generals Armistead and Kemper, scaled Cemetery Hill, burst through Hancock's line, and planted the Confederate flag on a stone wall. In this onset they drove back a portion of General Webb's brigade. Sixty-ninth, Seventy-first, and Seventy-Second Pennsylvania. these were soon rallied, and, with other troops, the brigades of Hall and Harrow; the one hundred and fifty-first Pennsylvania, and Twentieth New York, under Colonel Gates; the Nineteenth Massachusetts, Colonel Devereux, and Wallon's Forty-Second New York. so effectively filled the breach that Pickett could go no further. At the same time Stannard's Vermont brigade, of Doubleday's division, opened a destructive fire on Pickett's flank, which broke the spirit of his men, and very soon twenty-five hundred of hem were prisoners, and with them twelve battle-flags were captured. General Garnett was killed, General Armistead was mortally wounded, and General
Benson J. Lossing, Pictorial Field Book of the Civil War. Volume 3., Chapter 18: capture of Fort Fisher, Wilmington, and Goldsboroa.--Sherman's March through the Carolinas.--Stoneman's last raid. (search)
, Major Nichols says that at Winnsboroa they found many refugees from Nashville, Vicksburg, Atlanta, Savannah, Charleston, and, later, Columbia, who never expected a Yankee army would come there. No place. was secure. then turned eastward and crossed the Catawba at Peay's Ferry, before the storm began. It also pushed on to the Pedee at Cheraw. This wing passed a little north of Camden, and thus swept over the region made famous by the contests of Rawdon and Cornwallis, with Greene and Gates, eighty-five years before. It was a most fatiguing march for the whole, army, for much of the country presented flooded swamps, especially in the region of Lynch's Creek, at which the left wing was detained. The right, wing crossed it at Young's, Tiller's, and Kelly's bridges. On the 2d of March the leading division of the Twentieth Corps reached Chesterfield, skirmishing there with Butler's cavalry division; and at about noon the next day the Seventeenth Corps (Blair's) entered Cheraw, w
H. Wager Halleck , A. M. , Lieut. of Engineers, U. S. Army ., Elements of Military Art and Science; or, Course of Instruction in Strategy, Fortification, Tactis of Battles &c., Embracing the Duties of Staff, Infantry, Cavalry, Artillery and Engineers. Adapted to the Use of Volunteers and Militia., Chapter 15: military Education—Military schools of France, Prussia, Austria, Russia, England, &c.—Washington's reasons for establishing the West point Academy.—Rules of appointment and Promotion in foreign Services.—Absurdity and injustice of our own system. (search)
Chamberry, and a host of other distinguished young generals, fully justified the praises which the emperor lavished on his poulet aux oeufs d'or, --the hen that laid him golden eggs! In our own revolutionary war, Generals Washington, Hamilton, Gates, Schuyler, Knox, Alexander, (Lord Stirling,) the two Clintons, the Lees, and others. were men of fine education, and a part of them of high literary and scientific attainments; Washington, Gates, Charles Lee, the Clintons, and some others, had cGates, Charles Lee, the Clintons, and some others, had considerable military experience even before the war: nevertheless, so destitute was the army, generally, of military science, that the government was under the necessity of seeking it in foreigners — in the La Fayettes, the Kosciuskos, the Steubens, the De Kalbs, the Pulaskis, the Duportails — who were immediately promoted to the highest ranks in our army. In fact the officers of our scientific corps were then nearly all foreigners. But, say the opponents of the Academy, military knowledge
as Infantry428689 1st Regiment Missouri Infantry [Burbridge]590923 2d Regiment Missouri Infantry [Pritchard]450754 3d Regiment Missouri Infantry [McCown]476653 Gates' regiment Missouri Dismounted Cavalry536777 Wade's battery (Missouri) artillery107116  2,5873,912 -----Brigade.   Mitchell's regiment Arkansas Infantry431807 alion148179  McCown's regiment476653  MacFarlane's regiment547822  Priest's regiment368453  Pritchard's regiment450754  Rosser's battalion281350 Cavalry:    Gates' regiment (dismounted)536777  Hill's company5171  McCulloch's regiment (dismounted)444476  Murphy's company100116  Reves' company5272 Artillery, batteries:   uri [Pritchard].Rector's regiment (Arkansas). 3d Missouri [McCown].Hebert's regiment (Third Louisiana). 16th Arkansas.Greer's regiment Texas Dismounted Cavalry. Gates' Missouri Dismounted Cavalry. Wade's battery.Whitfield's regiment Texas Dismounted Cavalry.  MacDonald's battery. Third Brigade. Col. A. Macfarlane
G. S. Hillard, Life and Campaigns of George B. McClellan, Major-General , U. S. Army, Appendix. Oration at West Point. (search)
North America, and it was in them that our ancestors first participated as Americans in the large operations of civilized armies. American regiments then fought on the banks of the St. Lawrence and the Ohio, on the shores of Ontario and Lake George, on the islands of the Caribbean and in South America. Louisburgh, Quebec, Duquesne, the Moro, and Porto Bello, attest the valor of the provincial troops; and in that school were educated such soldiers as Washington, Putnam, Lee, Montgomery, and Gates. These, and men like Greene, Knox, Wayne, and Steuben, were the fathers of our permanent army; and under them our troops acquired that discipline and steadiness which enabled them to meet upon equal terms, and often to defeat, the tried veterans of England. The study of the history of the Revolution, and a perusal of the despatches of Washington, will convince the most skeptical of the value of the permanent army in achieving our independence and establishing the civil edifice which we are
of Association between the colonies, one of which was a solemn agreement that we will neither import nor purchase any slave imported after the 1st of December next; being moved thereto by State action of like character, wherein Virginia and North Carolina were honorably conspicuous. Most of the States, accordingly, prohibited the Slave-Trade during or soon after the Revolution. Throughout the war for independence, the Rights of Man were proclaimed as the great objects of our struggle. General Gates, the hero of Saratoga, emancipated his slaves in 1780. The first recorded Abolition Society--that of Pennsylvania--was formed in 1774. The New York Manumission Society was founded in 1785: John Jay was its first President; Alexander Hamilton its second. Rhode Island followed in 1786; Maryland in 1789; Connecticut in 1790; Virginia in 1791; New Jersey in 1792. The discovery that such societies were at war with the Federal Constitution, or with the reciprocal duties of citizens of the s
into giving the South her rights--never imagining, at the outset, that this could be refused, or that Disunion would or could be really, conclusively effected. Thousands died fighting under the flag of treason whose hearts yearned toward the old banner, and whose aspiration for an ocean-bound republic --one which should be felt and respected as first among nations — could not be quenched even in their own life-blood. And, on the other hand, the flag rendered illustrious by the triumphs of Gates and Greene and Washington — of Harrison, Brown, Scott, Macomb, and Jackson — of Truxtun, Decatur, Hull, Perry, Porter, and McDonough — was throughout a tower of strength to the Unionists. In the hours darkened by shameful defeat and needless disaster, when the Republic seemed rocking and reeling on the very brink of destruction — when Europe almost unanimously pronounced the Union irretrievably lost, and condemned the infatuation that demanded persistence in an utterly hopeless contest
Garnett, Mr., of Va., reports in favor of slave-holding in Indiana Territory, 52. Garrard, Col., in command at Wildcat, 615. Garrett, J. W., President of B. and Ohio Railroad; his dispatch to the Baltimore authorities, 465; 466. Garrisonians, the, 116; 117. Garrison, Wm. Lloyd, 114; sketch of his life, 115 to 117; allusion to, 121; 125; 127; 141. Gasconade Bridge, Mo., burnt by Rebels, 491. Gaston, Judge Wm., of N. C., his opinion applied in the Dred Scott case, 261. Gates, Gen., emancipates his slaves, 107; 515. Gaulden, W. B., of Ga., in Dem. Convention, 316-17. Gauley Bridge, burnt by Gen. Wise, 524. Gauley Mount, Rosecrans's attempt on, 526. Geary & Weller, in the Alton riots, 137. Geary, Gen., captures Bolivar Hights, 620. Geary, John W., Governor of Kansas, 249. Gen. Armstrong, the privateer, 603. Genius of Universal Emancipation, The, 112. George IV., Manifesto of Jan. 9th, 1813, 607. Georgia, settlement of, by Oglethorpe,