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John James Geer, Beyond the lines: A Yankee prisoner loose in Dixie 20 2 Browse Search
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Introduction. John James Geer was born in Rockbridge county, Virginia, June 1st, 1833. He is next to the youngest of a family of nine ion needs at this very time in the hearts of all her citizens. Mr. Geer never received any lessons in the school of pretences. He never lintegrity and fellow-hood for web and woof of republicanism. Young Geer was a democrat, in the honest signification of the term. Though poo of Temperance, and were separated only when, in the spring of 1861, Geer heard his wounded country's cry for help, and quickly stepped to a pto march to the rescue. Before entering the army of the Union, Mr. Geer had spent some ten years in the ministry, in and around the city olast vestige of it should be obliterated from American soil! Captain Geer is an earnest man. He engaged in the war, not for position or poethodist Protestant Church, take pleasure in certifying that Captain John J. Geer is also a minister in the same church — that he is in good s
, I would exhibit no shrinking or fear. It seemed probable that my doom was to be shot, and I felt impelled to answer their interrogatories in a somewhat defiant manner. The following dialogue ensued: Bragg. Well, sir, you are a prisoner. Geer. You have me in your power, sir. B. You have not surrendered, they say. G. But you have me in your possession. B. Well, sir, what is the number of your troops at Pittsburg Landing? G. That I do not feel disposed to communicate. B. Bay moustache, not at all prepossessing in personal appearance. Yet, on closer observation, I could detect a cunning shrewdness and a penetrating forethought in his tones and manner. Beauregard. You have been rather unfortunate to-day, sir. Geer. Yes, sir, a little so to-day, but not so much on other days. (I referred to the four days skirmishing prior to the Shiloh fight, in which we had seriously worsted the rebels.) B. Sir, they tell me you have not surrendered. G. No, sir; but y
pproached me, and said: I think I know you, sir. I made no reply, supposing his object was merely to quarrel with me. He repeated his remark, and still I refused to notice him. The third time he spoke, he said: Your name is Rev. J. J. Geer, and you come from Cincinnati, Ohio. You used to preach there in the George street Methodist Protestant Church. I am--, who studied medicine with Dr. Newton of that city. He extended his hand, and I instantly grasped it, and shook it h handed to me. In it I noticed an account of the recapture of Captain Clay Crawford, who was in prison with us, and had escaped at the same time, but had been separated from us in the alarm of that occasion. I read also an advertisement of one J. J. Geer, described as follows: Six feet and three-fourths of an inch in height, black hair, and blue eyes. Lieutenant A. P. Collins was also named, but without any description. I knew instantly that I had been reported by the man that I mentioned