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drew Johnson, President of the United States, be earnestly and respectfully requested to grant to Mr. Hunter and Mr. Montague a full and free pardon, restoring them, to all the rights and privileges of citizens of the United States; and that His Excellency Governor Peirpoint communicate these proceedings to the President of the United States. Mr. Graham, of Rockbridge, moved to insert the names of Messrs. Smith and Letcher. After discussion the following amendment was offered by Mr. Gibboney, of Wythe, and agreed to; and, as amended, the joint resolution was passed: Strike out all in the preamble having reference to Messrs. Hunter and Montague, and all after "resolved," and insert, "That the President be earnestly requested to grant a general pardon to all citizens of Virginia requiring Executive clemency under existing laws of the United States." Mr. Hurst, of Norfolk county, offered the following, which was laid upon the table: Whereas it is currently repor
releasing the taxes anterior to the year 1865 which now remain unpaid, and providing some mode for the settlement of the accounts of sheriffs and clerks in regard to their official transactions in the year 1861 and subsequent thereto. By Mr. Gibboney.--A resolution that the Committee for Courts of Justice be instructed to inquire into the expediency of abolishing imprisonment in the penitentiary for a less term than five years, and to provide some other punishment in lieu thereof. By be instructed to inquire into the propriety of giving to persons with whom contracts for the performance of agricultural labor are made, a remedy for their enforcement similar to the specific performance of contracts in equity; annexing penalties; also, for their violation, and of giving jurisdiction in all such cases to single justices of the peace by a summary proceeding, and to report by bill or otherwise. On motion of Mr. Gibboney, of Wythe, the House, at 1 o'clock P. M., adjourned.
The Daily Dispatch: December 16, 1865., [Electronic resource], A Washington Judge and a Lawyer at Loggerheads. (search)
s existing at the time such services were rendered. A bill to authorize William H. Parker and others to obtain a grant for certain land. A bill to amend the charter of the Fire Insurance Company of Alexandria. Senate resolution relative to the release of Jefferson Davis and all other political prisoners, and the restoration of the writ of habeas corpus. House bill ratifying the ordinance of the State of North Carolina incorporating the Piedmont Railroad Company. By Mr. Gibboney.--A resolution of inquiry into the expediency of prohibiting the future issue of warrants by the Register of the Land Office until the General Assembly has acted upon the recommendation of the Governor in regard to that subject. Agreed to. By Mr. Merritt.--A resolution of inquiry relative to the adequate compensation of citizens of the State who have rendered, or shall render, service as members of the courts established by the Freedmen's Bureau in the various cities and counties of