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The Daily Dispatch: April 20, 1864., [Electronic resource] 4 0 Browse Search
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Browsing named entities in The Daily Dispatch: April 20, 1864., [Electronic resource]. You can also browse the collection for Smithfield Graham or search for Smithfield Graham in all documents.

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The Daily Dispatch: April 20, 1864., [Electronic resource], The Retirement of the enemy from the Blackwater region. (search)
one man wounded and one (Capt. Chas. Spruill) taken prisoner. The enemy had five or six killed and from fifteen to twenty wounded. A Yankee officer was killed in attempting to cause Pag in Creek in a barge, with a view of communicating with General Graham.--Whilst in Smithfield Graham complained very much of the "bushwhackers" which he said were infesting that section, and expressed much regret at the death of the officer who was killed in the barge. Well informed persons from that regionSmithfield Graham complained very much of the "bushwhackers" which he said were infesting that section, and expressed much regret at the death of the officer who was killed in the barge. Well informed persons from that region express the opinion that Burnside's expedition has not left Annapolis, and that the expedition of last week was only to ascertain what Confederate force was in that locality. The at Smithfield consisted of the 24th Massachusetts, a Michigan, and a Wisconsin regiment, and a New Jersey battery. The 24th Massachusetts was on duty not long since at Charleston.