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and the committee discharged. Senate joint resolution fixing the 10th of January next, as the day of election of Secretary of the Commonwealth, Auditor of Public Accounts, Second Auditor and Treasurer, was considered and agreed to. By Mr. Graham.--A resolution of inquiry into the expediency of incorporating a company to construct a railroad from Covington to the Ohio river. By Mr. Woolridge.--A resolution of inquiry into the expediency of increasing the salaries of the different bthe State's investment in the Fredericksburg and Gordonsville railroad to any company that will complete and equip the same. The following were taken up and passed: House bill authorizing the County Court of Lee county to authorize William R. Graham, of said county, to construct a dam across Powell's river. A bill amending the first and twelfth sections of an act passed March 29, 1861, entitled. "An act incorporating the Rockbridge Issuance Company." A bill to authorize
The Daily Dispatch: December 16, 1865., [Electronic resource], A Washington Judge and a Lawyer at Loggerheads. (search)
General Assembly of Virginia. Senate. Friday, December 15, 1865. The Senate met at the usual hour; Mr. Trout, of Augusta, in the chair. Prayer by Dr. Minnigerode. The following bills were received from the House: An act incorporating the Rockbridge Insurance Company. Taken up and passed. An act authorizing William R. Graham to construct a bridge across Powell's river. Referred to Committee of General Laws. An act to amend and re-enact thirteenth and fourteenth sections of chapter fourteenth of the Code. Read three times and passed. An act amending the charter of the town of Danville. Read three times and passed. An act to incorporate the Snowville Woolen Factory of the county of Pulaski. Taken up and passed. A bill to incorporate the Catawba Coal and Iron Company was passed. On motion of Mr. Gilmer, the joint resolution establishing the State Guard was taken up and passed unanimously. A bill authorizing the trustees
hey deemed the changes inexpedient. By Mr. Carter: "Resolved, That the Committee on Courts of Justice be instructed to inquire into the expediency of taking the county of Bland from the Sixteenth Judicial Circuit, and making it a part of the Fifteenth Judicial Circuit." Adopted. The House bill authorizing the County Court of Smyth county to borrow a sum of money was read a third time and passed. The bill authorizing the County Court of Lee county to grant leave to William R. Graham to build a dam across Powell's river was read a third time and passed. The bill to amend the charter of the Fire Insurance Company of Alexandria was amended, read a third time and passed. By Mr. Galt: "Resolved, That a committee of three be appointed to wait on the Governor and ascertain whether any arrangement has been made with the Federal authorities by which a delay has been secured in the collection of taxes under the act of Congress until the Legislature shall dis