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John Harrison Wilson, The life of Charles Henry Dana, Chapter 13: Vicksburg campaign (search)
to the secretary and asked permission to join Grant. This seems to justify the inference that thee, the plans had been changed so as to require Grant with his main force, after the occupation of G down here with Vicksburg almost in sight, and Grant's big army stretched up and down the river, ithe Romans do. In his official letters from Grant's headquarters, as well as in his interesting fered did not hesitate to advocate it with General Grant. It is to be observed, however, that he dits disposal. Although Dana had accompanied Grant and his staff to Smith's plantation, Hard Timere across. It was upon this occasion that General Grant and his staff took only their tooth-brusheignature, dated May 5, 1863, saying: General Grant has full and absolute authority to enforcee ten miles away. On the road he overtook General Grant's son Frederick, then a lad of fourteen, wns, and this sealed the friendship of Dana and Grant till sometime after the latter became Presiden[36 more...]
John Harrison Wilson, The life of Charles Henry Dana, Chapter 14: siege and capture of Vicksburg (search)
er 14: siege and capture of Vicksburg Grant invests Vicksburg estimate of McClernand advf major upon him with liberty to report to General Grant if needed by him. In the same despatch theHerald at Grant's headquarters. Four Years at Grant's Headquarters, by S. Cadwallader (unpublished a week by the ample fleet of steamboats under Grant's control to such point on that river as wouldich had scattered Johnston's forces and placed Grant's army in the rear of the stronghold, which waave it his adherence and support, but not till Grant had received the surrender of Vicksburg and itect. Dana from the first took the ground that Grant could not be withdrawn from his advanced positfor Rosecrans to retreat to Nashville than for Grant to retreat from the hills of Vicksburg. The gield to continue his hopeless campaign against Grant. He was active and enterprising, but the oddsrtment the considerations which finally caused Grant to adopt that unfortunate course. It is now g[27 more...]
John Harrison Wilson, The life of Charles Henry Dana, Chapter 15: generals and staff, army of the Tennessee (search)
plications which, so far as they concerned General Grant, ended only with the order relieving McClensparing criticism which Dana directed against Grant and his policies of administration during his sident, he never varied from this estimate of Grant's character as a soldier. Nowhere and at no tWhile he had collaborated with me in a Life of Grant, designed mainly to promote his election to th as follows: Lieutenant-Colonel Rawlins, Grant's assistant adjutant-general, is a very industnor not to touch a drop as long as it lasted. Grant thinks Rawlins a first-rate adjutant, but I th Rawlins's character and of his relations with Grant, whom he served with singular distinction and under the name of Grant was compounded of both Grant and Rawlins in nearly equal parts. While oneresident and the Secretary of War in regard to Grant, Sherman, and McPherson can never be exactly kor exaggerated impression. What he says about Grant, Sherman, McPherson, Hovey, Osterhaus, A. J. S[15 more...]
John Harrison Wilson, The life of Charles Henry Dana, Chapter 16: Dana returns to Washington (search)
emed to forget with him that the paper work of Grant's army, with its many detachments and the grealed by the best available man, he wrote to General Grant, suggesting Major Samuel Breck, one of theer department commander could get him, but General Grant is pretty omnipotent just now. Breck is a e colors the men Pemberton had surrendered and Grant had paroled at Vicksburg. No word of this hadscattered; shortly after the fall of Vicksburg Grant himself had gone to New Orleans, while Sherman it, were the orders which finally transferred Grant himself to that theatre of operations, consolid September 30th, the Secretary of War ordered Grant to Cairo by telegraph for conference. This wime was lost in complying with its terms. General Grant and his entire headquarters started at 11 retary himself was the officer who was to meet Grant, and the first meeting between these distinguiinued conference, the result of which was that Grant was placed in command of the Military Division[17 more...]
John Harrison Wilson, The life of Charles Henry Dana, Chapter 17: campaign of Chattanooga (search)
: campaign of Chattanooga Dana guides Grant and staff Thomas's relations to Grant througa and Carl Schurz return to Washington General Grant had hardly arrived at Stevenson on the aftapproval. It remained only to lay them before Grant and under his sanction to perfect the means ofhem into effect. That night at nine o'clock Grant and his staff, wet, dirty, and well, rode intod did not arrive till the next day. Meanwhile, Grant's horse had fallen and severely bruised his laubordinates. In spite of the chilly welcome Grant had received the evening before, he rode with detachment of Grant's army, under Sherman. Grant's theory of the campaign in east Tennessee wasrds claimed in the reports of both Sherman and Grant, that Sherman's movement had been met by a coua on December 10th, and after conferences with Grant, not only about the campaign just finished, buDivision of the Mississippi, the assignment of Grant to the supreme command, and the concentration [49 more...]
John Harrison Wilson, The life of Charles Henry Dana, Chapter 18: Dana in the War Department (search)
ennessee. With him expelled from that region, Grant could start for Mobile at once. The difficulther controlling point in our possession, while Grant might be operating with the bulk of his forceser. This gave Dana the opportunity to present Grant's second proposition, which was that either Shght to remain until after New Year's. Dana to Grant, December 21, 1863-6 P. M. This was one ofcember 21, 1863. that Halleck would not permit Grant to carry out his plan for a campaign in Alabamthis was not to be. It will be remembered that Grant, instead, went to Knoxville, where he arrived branch of Congress who seemed confident that Grant was the man was E. B. Washburne, Republican mehere is reason to believe that the question of Grant's political ambitions was an important factor tenant-general. They had all been as close to Grant as any one else except Rawlins, and as they knthat the greatest general we had, greater than Grant or Thomas, was Abraham Lincoln. It was not so[29 more...]
John Harrison Wilson, The life of Charles Henry Dana, Chapter 19: Grant's overland campaign against Richmond (search)
f the government was placed at the disposal of Grant. The forward movement in Virginia began on Mation of the army itself had been controlled by Grant and was in every way satisfactory to him, Dananon and many prisoners; the dissatisfaction of Grant and Meade with Warren; the night transfer of Wnemy to withdraw towards Richmond, and enabled Grant to advance to Guiney's Station. From this pof an engineer who had come from the West with Grant and enjoyed his highest confidence. It was tha proper opportunity. It is also certain that Grant at once resumed his sounder practice of resorttled question. Fortunately for the country, Grant was not a general to remain long idle or in dothe railroads north and west of Richmond; that Grant is now nearly ready to strike for the James. to our heavy loss in superior officers ; that Grant, who was responsible for the first day's fightd, is most important, as it clearly shows that Grant's plan on that day was to break up the Confede[41 more...]
John Harrison Wilson, The life of Charles Henry Dana, Chapter 20: Confederate operations in Northern Virginia (search)
attitude in front of Petersburg despatches to Grant services to Grant and the army On June 21,Grant and the army On June 21, 1864, the President and a small party, including the Secretary of War, arrived at City Point on a short visit to General Grant and the army. Dana joined them at once, and when the visit was ended Army of the Potomac now seems probable. . . . Grant seems to be coming to the conviction that Meadis morning. The Official Records show that Grant requested Halleck to obtain an order assigningin his Memoirs, but Dana, who was sitting with Grant when Butler called, described the meeting to mmeet the great emergency thus forced upon him, Grant made haste to send the Sixth corps to Washingtndent had resulted in his becoming the eyes of Grant as well as of the government, and that he had lusion that the risks were too great, and that Grant was not only unfit to be trusted with such gre11th and 12th, or had he failed to transmit to Grant the vigorous opinions of the Secretary of War [22 more...]
John Harrison Wilson, The life of Charles Henry Dana, Chapter 21: administration of War Department (search)
lson cavalry campaign in Alabama and Georgia Grant's final campaign collapse of Confederacy Dan any chance of Smith's being employed till General Grant desires to employ him. Franklin is not A. This was done on the recommendation of General Grant, or rather with his hearty concurrence, fond was at hand! The final and greatest of all Grant's turning movements had been well started. Thdent had made it impracticable for him to join Grant in time to be present at the surrender. Event had received, and directed Dana to proceed to Grant's headquarters and gather up such details as might appear to be of interest; but Grant was not one to tarry long on the scene of his chief glory.w whether this report has been withheld by General Grant, or has otherwise failed to reach the adjuably more cheerfully than you went up. But General Grant will take care of you in one way or anotheRawlins has gone to Galena with his wife. General Grant has gone to Albany to celebrate the Fourth[16 more...]
John Harrison Wilson, The life of Charles Henry Dana, Chapter 22: beginning of a New era (search)
an Opposes policy of Andrew Johnson Supports Grant for presidency life of Grant failure of Chic it was supposed that men who did not know General Grant as we did would think that the general him How the idea of Dana's being unfriendly to Grant at that time originated I have no means of rec this means of neutralizing his influence with Grant. The latter was credulous and easily worked u of Dana had as yet produced any impression on Grant. He was slow to anger and resentment, and wasd. The most that can be said is that some of Grant's intimates at that period were inimical to Dadly if not intimate terms till some time after Grant had become President. This is shown not only in our joint names.--To this, notwithstanding Grant's understanding with Badeau, and Badeau's strey approval, but assured me that neither he nor Grant, with whom he had fully conferred, saw the sli this trip he was asked in the interest of General Grant to write a criticism of William Swinton's [9 more...]