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Harper's Encyclopedia of United States History (ed. Benson Lossing) 18 0 Browse Search
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Harper's Encyclopedia of United States History (ed. Benson Lossing), First republic in America. (search)
First republic in America. See New Orleans. Fish, Hamilton, statesman; son of Col. Nicholas Fish; born in New York Hamilton Fish. City, Aug. 3, 1808; graduated at Columbia College in 1827; admitted to the bar in 1830; and was elected to Congress in 1842. In 1848 he was chosen governor Nicholas Fish. of the State of New York, and in 1851 became a member of the United States Senate, acting with the Republican party after its formation in 1856. He was a firm supporter of the government during the Civil War, and in March, 1869, was called to the cabinet of President Grant as Secretary of State, and remained in that post eight years, during which time he assisted materially in settling various disputes with Great Britain, of which the Alabama claims controversy was the most important. He was presidentgeneral of the Society of the Cincinnati, and for many years president of the New York Historical Society. He died in New York City. Sept. 7, 1893.
Harper's Encyclopedia of United States History (ed. Benson Lossing), Fisher, Fort (search)
e, prudence seemed to require the troops to withdraw. They did so, and were ordered to the James River to assist in the siege of Petersburg (q. v.), and the expedition of the land force against Fort Fisher was temporarily abandoned. It was resumed ten days afterwards. The war vessels had remained off Fort Fisher. The same troops, led by Weitzel, were placed under the command of Gen. Alfred H. Terry (q. v.), with the addition of a brigade of 1,400 men. Lieutenant-Colonel Comstock, of General Grant's staff, who accompanied the first expedition, was made the chiefengineer of this. The expedition left Hampton Roads, Jan. 6, 1865, and rendezvoused off Beaufort, N. C., where Porter was taking in supplies of coal and ammunition. They were all detained by rough weather, and did not appear off Fort Fisher until the evening of the 12th. The navy, taught by experience, took a position where it could better affect the land front of the fort than before. Under cover of the fire of the fle
Harper's Encyclopedia of United States History (ed. Benson Lossing), Foote, Andrew Hull 1806- (search)
emand for an apology was refused, and he stormed and captured four Chinese forts, composed of granite walls 7 feet thick and mounting 176 guns, with a less of forty men. The Chinese garrison of 5,000 men lost 400 of their number killed and wounded. In the summer of 1861 Foote was made captain, and in September was appointed flag-officer of a flotilla of gunboats fitted out chiefly at Cairo, and commanded the naval expedition against Fort Henry (q. v.) and Fort Donelson (q. v.) on the Tennessee and Cumberland rivers, early in 1862, in co-operation with General Grant. In the attack on the latter he was severely wounded in the ankle by a fragment of a shell. Though suffering, he commanded the naval attack on Island number ten (q. v.). After its reduction he returned to his home at New Haven. He was promoted to rear-admiral in July, 1862; and in May, 1863, was ordered to take command of the South Atlantic squadron, but died while preparing in New York to leave for Charleston, June 26.
Harper's Encyclopedia of United States History (ed. Benson Lossing), Frelinghuysen, Frederick Theodore 1817-1885 (search)
Frelinghuysen, Frederick Theodore 1817-1885 Statesman; born in Millstone, N. J., Aug. 4, 1817; grandson of the preceding; graduated at Rutgers College in 1836; became an eminent lawyer, and was attorney-general of New Jersey, 1861-66. He was chosen United States Senator in 1868, and was re-elected for a full term in 1871. He was a prominent member of the Republican party. In July, 1870, President Grant appointed him minister to England, but he declined the position. On Dec. 12, 1881, he entered the cabinet of President Arthur as Secretary of State, on the resignation of Secretary Blaine, and served to the end of that administration, March 4, 1885. He died in Newark, N. J., May 20, 1885.
Harper's Encyclopedia of United States History (ed. Benson Lossing), Fremont, John Charles 1813-1890 (search)
e rebellious spirit of those States, requested Fremont to modify his proclamation on these points. He declined to do so, when the President, at Fremont's request, issued an order for such a modification. Fremont could not, for it would imply that he thought the measure wrong, which he did not. Fremont was censured for his failure to reinforce Colonel Mulligan at Lexington. The public knew very little of his embarrassments at that time. Pressing demands came for reinforcements from General Grant at Paducah. At various points in his department were heard cries for help, and a peremptory order came from General Scott for him to forward 5,000 troops immediately to Washington, D. C., notwithstanding McClellan numbered 75,000 within easy call of the capital. Fremont's force, never exceeding 56,000, was scattered over his department. Chafing under unjust complaints, he proceeded to put into execution his plan of ridding the Mississippi Valley of Confederates. His plan contemplate
Harper's Encyclopedia of United States History (ed. Benson Lossing), Gerhardt, Karl 1853- (search)
Gerhardt, Karl 1853- Sculptor; born in Boston, Mass., Jan. 7, 1853. He has made a specialty of portraiture. Among his works are busts of General Grant, Henry Ward Beecher, Mark Twain, and statues of General Putnam, Nathan Hale, and John Fitch.
Harper's Encyclopedia of United States History (ed. Benson Lossing), Grady, Henry Woodfen 1851-1892 (search)
tes and the unperishable brotherhood of the American people. Now, what answer has New England to this message? Will she permit the prejudice of war to remain in the hearts of the conquerors, when it has died in the hearts of the conquered? Will she transmit this prejudice to the next generation, that in their hearts, which never felt the generous ardor of conflict, it may perpetuate itself? Will she withhold, save in strained courtesy, the hand which, straight from the soldier's heart, Grant offered to Lee at Appomattox? Will she make the vision of a restored and happy people, which gathered above the couch of your dying captain, filling his heart with grace, touching his lips with praise and glorifying his path to the grave—will she make this vision on which the last sigh of his expiring soul breathed a benediction, a cheat and a delusion? If she does, the South, never abject in asking for comradeship, must accept with dignity its refusal; but if she does not—if she accepts
Harper's Encyclopedia of United States History (ed. Benson Lossing), Grand Gulf, battle at. (search)
Grand Gulf, battle at. On the morning of April 29, 1863, Admiral Porter, with his gun and mortar boats, attacked the Confederate batteries at Grand Gulf, on the Mississippi, and after a contest of five hours and a half the lower batteries were silenced. The upper ones were too high to be much affected. The Confederates had field-batteries which were moved Attack of the gunboats on Grand Gulf. from point to point, and sharp-shooters filled rifle-pits on the high sides. Grant, becoming convinced that Porter could not take the batteries, ordered him to run by them with gunboats and transports, as he had done at Vicksburg and Warrenton, while the army (on the west side of the river) should move down to Rodney, below, where it might cross without much opposition. At six o'clock in the evening, under cover of a heavy fire from the fleet, all the transports passed by in good condition.
Harper's Encyclopedia of United States History (ed. Benson Lossing), Granger, Gordon 1821-1876 (search)
Granger, Gordon 1821-1876 Military officer; born in New York City, in 1821; graduated at West Point in 1845; served in the war with Mexico, and was made captain of cavalry in May, 1861. He served under Halleck and Grant in the West, and was made major-general of volunteers, Sept. 17, 1862. He commanded the district of Central Kentucky, was put in command of the 4th Army Corps after the battle of Chickamauga, was engaged in the struggle on Missionary Ridge, November, 1863, and was active in the military movements that led to the capture of Mobile in 1864, for which he was brevetted major-general of the United States army. He was mustered out of the volunteer service in 1866; was promoted to colonel in the regular army the same year; and died in Santa Fe, N. M., Jan. 10, 1876.