Browsing named entities in The Daily Dispatch: December 4, 1863., [Electronic resource]. You can also browse the collection for Grant or search for Grant in all documents.

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ortant to us after the loss of Lookout or Wills's Valley, and no longer tenable against such an overwhelming force as General Grant had concentrated around Chattanooga.--Gen. Bragg abandoned also the whole of Chattanooga Valley, and the frenches andtion we had thrown up breastworks along the ridge wherever the ascent is easy. The Federal army was marshalled under Grant, Thomas, Hooker, and Sherman, and did not number less than 85,000 veteran troops. The Confederate army, under Bragg, Har position, to fight it out. But what could he expect from a battle where the odds were so much against him? Not only did Grant have three to one in numbers, but the geographical configuration of the ground, in manœuvering an army, was as favorable roceed with the battle, the strangest, and singular and unsatisfactory conflict in which our arms have been engaged. Grant deployed his immense masses in two heavy lines of battle, and sometimes in three, supported by large reserve forces. The
in confusion, leaving 250 prisoners and three flags (the latter taken by the artillerists) in our hands, and from 1,000 to 1,500 killed and wounded in the road. The Federals kept at a respectful distance from Pat Cleburne after that, and were five hours marching one mile on our track. A prisoner, taken near Ringgold, reports that Osterhaus, of Sherman's corps, is in command of the pursuing column. He says that Osterhaus crossed the Chickamauga on a hastily constructed bridge, and that Grant was building a wide, substantial military bridge at Red House ford, by which to cross over his whole army, and that he intended to make a clean sweep of the Confederates. This last achievement the beaten hero of Shioh will find more difficult than he imagines. The trains reached Dalton in the afternoon, and were parked and the teams fed. The troops arrived soon thereafter and went into camps. It was just at this point when my frugal meal was being prepared, and the first paragraph of
Escape of Morgan from the Ohio Penitentiary. Petersburg. Dec. 3. --No papers received here. The Herald, of the 1st inst., received at City Point, contains an account of the escape of John Morgan and six Confederate officers from the Ohio Penitentiary, and Morgan's arrival at Toronto, Canada, on the 30th ult. The Herald says that Grant's losses in killed, wounded, and missing, in the recent fight, will be 40,000.