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Your search returned 8 results in 4 document sections:
The Daily Dispatch: November 2, 1861., [Electronic resource], A clerical monster. (search)
Hustings Court Grand Jury.
--The following gentlemen were sworn in as grand jurymen for the fall term of the Hustings Court, Judge Lyons presiding:
John Purcell, foremen; G. F. Watson, George W. Smith, Miles George, Ambrose, Carlton, Wm. K. Watts, H. F. C. Baskerville, S. C. Greenhow, Edwin Wortham, Wm. Palmer, R. H. Dibrell, George T. Booker, John D. Quarles, Wm. F. Gray, George K. Crutchfield, Wm. S. Donnan, Samuel C. Tardy, N. C. Read, Wm. M. Allen, R. H. Maury, and Wm. Beers.
For Hire, a Negro Woman, who is a good washer and ironer and house-cleaner, and a good seamstress also, for the remainder of this year. William F. Gray, corner of Capitol and Ninth streets. ap 1--2t*