Browsing named entities in The Daily Dispatch: June 30, 1862., [Electronic resource]. You can also browse the collection for Gregory or search for Gregory in all documents.

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re was any truth in the mediation rumors. Lord Palmerston said that no communication had been received from the French Government, on the subject; and as to the British Government, they had no intention at present to offer mediation. Mr. Gregory deprecated any fussy or meddling interference in the affairs of foreign States, and entirely disapproved of the homilies which were continually being read to foreign Powers by her Majesty's Government. This, however, was an exceptional case. . With regard to the course the Government might think fit to take, that was a matter for their discussion; but he was persuaded that there was not a man in England who would not show the feeling so well expressed by Sir James Walsh and Mr. Gregory. The motion was then agreed to. Latest dispatches The latest dispatches, dated at London and Liverpool on the 14th June, say: The steamer Scotia's advices of two days fighting at Richmond were eagerly canvassed on Change in