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Jubal Anderson Early, Ruth Hairston Early, Lieutenant General Jubal A. Early , C. S. A. 6 6 Browse Search
Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 22. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones) 5 1 Browse Search
Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 8. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones) 3 1 Browse Search
Robert Underwood Johnson, Clarence Clough Buell, Battles and Leaders of the Civil War: Volume 2. 1 1 Browse Search
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Jubal Anderson Early, Ruth Hairston Early, Lieutenant General Jubal A. Early , C. S. A., Chapter 1: the invasion of Virginia. (search)
The Confederate Government had now reached Richmond, and that city became the capital of the Confederacy. I reached Manassas and reported to General Beauregard on the 19th of June. I found my regiment (the 24th Virginia) under Lieutenant Colonel Peter Hairston, located about four miles east of the Junction, for the purpose of watching the fords of Bull Run immediately above its junction with the Occoquon, and those on the latter stream above the same point. At this time no brigades had b A few days after this, the 7th Louisiana Regiment, under Colonel Harry T. Hays, arrived, and was assigned to my brigade in lieu of the 4th South Carolina. The 7th Virginia was commanded by Colonel James L. Kemper, and the 24th by Lieutenant Colonel Peter Hairston. On the 12th of July I made another reconnaissance to Occoquon, with the 7th Virginia Regiment under Lieutenant Colonel Williams, and a section of the Washington Artillery of New Orleans, under Lieutenant Squires, and returned t
Jubal Anderson Early, Ruth Hairston Early, Lieutenant General Jubal A. Early , C. S. A., Chapter 2: fight at Blackburn's Ford. (search)
rom General Longstreet, through one of his aides, requesting reinforcements. I immediately put my whole command in motion towards the ford, but before arriving there, I received an order from General Beauregard to carry two regiments and two pieces of artillery to Longstreet's assistance. My command was then moving with the 7th Louisiana in front, followed immediately by the 7th Virginia, and I ordered the six companies of the 24th Virginia, which were bringing up the rear under Lieutenant Colonel Hairston, to halt, and directed Lieutenant Squires to move two pieces of artillery to the front and halt the rest. I found that General Longstreet's command had been hotly engaged and had just repulsed an attempt to force a crossing of the stream. The position occupied by our troops was a narrow strip of woods on low ground along the bank of the stream, with an open field in rear, while the enemy occupied higher and better ground on the opposite bank. Immediately on its arrival, the
Jubal Anderson Early, Ruth Hairston Early, Lieutenant General Jubal A. Early , C. S. A., Chapter 3: early's brigade at Manassas. (search)
Very early on the morning of the 21st the enemy opened fire with artillery from the heights on the north of Bull Run near Blackburn's Ford, and I was ordered to occupy a position in rear of the pine woods north of McLean's house, so as to be ready to support Longstreet or Jones as might be necessary. After being in position some time, I received a request from General Longstreet for one of my regiments to be sent to him, and I sent him the six companies of the 24th Virginia under Lieutenant Colonel Hairston, and two companies of the 7th Louisiana under Major Penn. Not long afterwards I received a request for another regiment, and I carried the remaining eight companies of the 7th Louisiana to Blackburn's Ford, leaving Colonel Kemper with his regiment behind. On arriving at the ford, I found that the whole of Longstreet's brigade had been crossed over Bull Run, and were lying under cover at the foot of the hills on its northern bank, awaiting a signal to advance against the enemy
Jubal Anderson Early, Ruth Hairston Early, Lieutenant General Jubal A. Early , C. S. A., Chapter 7: battle of Williamsburg. (search)
hey had advanced to a point where they were in a great measure sheltered, but the moment they commenced to retire the enemy opened a heavy fire upon them, and, as they had to retire over a bare field, they suffered severely. In going back through the woods, some of the men lost their way and were captured by running into a regiment of the enemy, which was on his right in the woods. From these causes the loss in those two regiments was quite severe. Colonel Wm. R. Terry and Lieutenant Colonel P. Hairston, of the 24th Virginia, were severely wounded, and Lieutenant Colonel J. C. Badham of the 5th North Carolina was killed, while a number of company officers of both regiments were among the killed and wounded. The loss in the 23rd North Carolina and 38th Virginia was slight, but Lieutenant Colonel Whittle of the latter regiment received a wound in the arm. The brigade fell back to the position from which it advanced, without having been pursued by the enemy, and was there re-forme
Jubal Anderson Early, Ruth Hairston Early, Lieutenant General Jubal A. Early , C. S. A., Index. (search)
Major B. H., 187 Greenbrier County, 459 Greenwich, 116, 304 Greenwood Depot, 254, 263, 283, 463 Greenwood Gap, 270 Gregg, General, 124, 127, 170, 173 Griffin, Colonel, 207 Grigsby, Colonel, 142-44, 146-47, 149, 403, 404, Groveton, 119, 120, 122, 133 Guardstown, 284 Guest's House, 223-25, 228-29, 230, 232 Guiney's Depot, 166, 185, 197 Gunpowder River, 386, 394 Hagerstown, 139, 142, 144, 145, 281-82, 285, 395, 402 Hagerstown Pike, 140, 145, 149, 254 Hairston, Colonel P., 3, 5, 7, 16, 72 Hale, Major S., 99, 110, 145, 187, 203, 313, 359 Halleck, General (U. S. A.), 104, 105, 132, 477 Halltown, 136, 408 Hambrick, Major, 6 Hamilton's Crossing, 166, 168-170, 191-92, 194, 199 203 Hampshire County, 332, 404, 455 Hampton, General, 32, 341, 352-53, 355, 379 Hampton, Pa., 258 Hampton's Legion, 15, 28, 47 Hancock, General (U. S. A.), 72, 352 Hanging Rock, 378 Hanover County, 167, 361 Hanover Junction, 258, 261, 264, 345, 348, 354,
Robert Underwood Johnson, Clarence Clough Buell, Battles and Leaders of the Civil War: Volume 2., chapter 7.42 (search)
, Lieut.-Col. Stephen D. Lee: Ga. Battery (Pulaski Arty.), Capt. J. P. W. Read; Va. Battery (James City Arty.), Capt. L. W. Richardson; Va. Battery (Magruder Arty.), Capt. T. Jeff. Page, Jr. Longstreet's division, Maj.-Gen. James Longstreet (also in command of A. P. Hill's division), Brig.-Gen. Richard H. Anderson. First Brigade, Brig.-Gen. James L. Kemper: ist Va., Capt. G. F. Norton; 7th Va., Col. W. T. Patton; 11th Va., Capt. K. Otey; 17th Va., Col. M. I). Corse; 24th Va., Lieut.-Col. Peter Hairston; Va. Battery (Loudoun Arty.), Capt. Arthur L. Rogers. Brigade loss: k, 44; w, 205; nm, 165 == 414. Second Brigade, Brig.-Gen. Richard H. Anderson, Col. Micah Jenkins: 2d S. C. (Rifles), Col. J. V. Moore; 4th S. C. (Battalion), Maj. C. S. Mattison; 5th S. C., Lieut.-Col. A. Jackson; 6th S. C., Col. John Bratton; Palmetto (S. C.) Sharp-shooters, Col. Micah Jenkins, Lieut.-Col. Joseph Walker. Brigade loss: k, 136; w, 638; mn, 13== 787. Third Brigade, Brig.-Gen. George E. Pickett (w)
Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 8. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones), The battle of Williamsburg and the charge of the Twenty-fourth Virginia of Early's brigade. (search)
s, suffered scarcely at all, although in returning its losses were perhaps heavier. The writer, therefore, formerly Colonel of these sturdy mountaineers [at that time Major and commanding during the latter part of the action--Colonels Terry and Hairston having been wounded], feels that his duty to his gallant comrades, who so freely shed their blood on every field from Manassas to Appomattox, demands that he should show their title to the preeminence won by their valiant deeds in the estimationred for duty some seven hundred muskets. Its field officers were Colonel William R. Terry, of Bedford, promoted from captain of cavalry for gallantry at Manassas, a dashing soldier of many a battle whose scars he bears to this day; Lieutenant-Colonel Peter Hairston, of Henry, a very Bayard in looks and bearing, who was desperately wounded in the forefront of the charge at Williamsburg, and Major Richard L. Maury, of Richmond, the writer. The regiment served with increasing distinction from
Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 22. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones), chapter 1.19 (search)
reastworks of the enemy, but could not. It is this Virginia charge, led soon after it opened, by myself (the major), General Early, Colonel Terry and Lieutenant-Colonel Hairston having all fallen at early stages, to which your attention is asked. 'Twas as brave a display as war has ever seen. At Yorktown D. H. Hill's Divisioet, and a hundred Carolina homes were cast into direful mourning and distress. And of the officers of the heroic Virginians there had fallen Early and Terry and Hairston, and Captains Jennings and Haden and Bently and Lybrock, and Lieutenants Mansfield and Radford and Shockley. Of the privates who now lay stretched upon that bloese two regiments did not give way notwithstanding the fearful odds against them, until ordered to retire by General Hill. * * * Colonel W. R. Terry, Lieutenant-Colonel Peter Hairston and Major Richard L. Maury, of the Twenty-fourth Virginia, all proved themselves eminently worthy of the positions held by them. Colonel—now Gener