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George Bancroft, History of the Colonization of the United States, Vol. 1, 17th edition. 70 0 Browse Search
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Cambridge History of American Literature: volume 1, Colonial and Revolutionary Literature: Early National Literature: Part I (ed. Trent, William Peterfield, 1862-1939., Erskine, John, 1879-1951., Sherman, Stuart Pratt, 1881-1926., Van Doren, Carl, 1885-1950.) 12 0 Browse Search
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Browsing named entities in George Bancroft, History of the Colonization of the United States, Vol. 1, 17th edition.. You can also browse the collection for Richard Hakluyt or search for Richard Hakluyt in all documents.

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XXXVII. Also in Eden, fol 227. Galvano, in Hakluyt, IV. 419. Purchas, i. 95, 916. Memoir of Cato Francis I., from Dieppe, July 8, 1524, in Hakluyt, III. 357—364, or in N. Y. Hist. Coll. i. 45mineral wealth in the hills of New Jersey. Hakluyt, III. 360, 361. N. Y. Hist Coll. i. 52, 53. use, nor learn to covet their possession. Hakluyt, III. 361. Moulton's New York, i. 147, 148. d the expedition. See Cartier's account in Hakluyt. III. 250—262. Compare Charlevoix, N. F. L i. 65. He returned in April. Not so. Compare Hakluyt, III. 261, or Belknap, i. 163. The excellent See the original account of the voyage in Hakluyt, III. 262—285 Compare Charlevoix, N. F. i. 8—which now began to be known as New France. Hakluyt, III. 285 It was after a stormy voyage, tticipations, he called the hill Mont-Real, Hakluyt, III. 272. and time, that has transferred the berval of itself defeated the enterprise. Hakluyt, III. 286—297. Roberval was ambitious of powe[3 mor
c. XVI. Peter Martyr, d. IV. l. v., and d. v. l. i., and d. VII. l. IV. In Hakluyt, v. 320, 333, and 416. Gomara, Hist. Gen. de las Ind. c. XLV. Garcilaso de l. VIII. c. VIII. Herrera's West Indies, in Purchas. IV. 869. Galvano, in Hakluyt, IV. 429. Ensayo Cronologico, 4, 5, 6. 8, 9, and 160. Roberts's Florida, 27,the narrative of Castañeda in Ternaux-Compans, with the narrative of Espejo in Hakluyt, III. 457, ed. 1810, and the ancient maps of New Mexico, confirm the opinion oerved as a poor adventurer, became his wife; Portuguese Relation, c. i.; in Hakluyt, v. 483. and the special favor of Charles V. invited his ambition to prefer a account is that of the Portuguese Eye-witness, first published in 1557, and by Hakluyt, in English, in 1609. In the history of Vega, numbers and distances are magnithe Jordan or Combahee, they came upon Port Royal entrance, Laudonniere, in Hakluyt, III. 373. The description is sufficiently minute and accurate; removing all
America. On Frobisher, consult the original accounts of Hall, Settle, Ellis, and Best, with R. Hakluyt's instructions, in Hak. III. 52—129. While Frobisher was thus attempting to obtain wealth and o thus obtained an assignment of the proprietary's rights in Virginia, is found the name of Richard Hakluyt; it is the connecting link between the first efforts of England in North Carolina and the f profuse liberality of Raleigh. More than another year elapsed, before 1590 Whit White, in Hakluyt, III. 348, 349, and 350—357. could return to search for his colony and his daughter; and then t sagacity which enjoined a settlement within the Chesapeake Bay, the publications of Hariot and Hakluyt which he countenanced, if followed by losses to himself, diffused over England a knowledge of A of Bristol, with the ready assent of Raleigh, Purchas, IV. 1614. and at the instance of Richard Hakluyt, the enlightened friend and able documentary historian of these commercial enterprises, a m
igns of Raleigh become indifferent to western planting; the most distinguished of them all, Richard Hakluyt, the historian of maritime enterprise, still favored the establishment of a colony by his pned in him and his associates the confidence which repeated disappointments did not exhaust. Hakluyt, III. passim; v. Dedication of Virginia Valued. The first Virginia charter contains his name. men of rank, formed by the experience of Gosnold, the enthusiasm of Smith, the perseverance of Hakluyt, the hopes of profit and the extensive influence of Popham and Gorges, Gorges, c. v. and VI.e Pacific had been explored by the Spaniards, and had been visited by Drake; the collections of Hakluyt had communicated to the English the results of their voyages; and the maps of that day exhibiteemed Chap. IV.} 1609. exalted by the train of misfortunes; and more vast and honorable plan Hakluyt's Dedication of Virginia richly valued, v. were conceived, which were to be effected by more nu
hat negroes might become an object of lucrative commerce. New 444. ships were despatched without delay. Galvano, in Hakluyt, IV. 413 De Pauw, Rech. Phil. i. 21. Spain also 1444. engaged in the traffic: the historian of her maritime discoverieer of the United States which was not entered by slavers. Compare Peter Martyr d'anghiera, d. VII. c. i. and II. in Hakluyt, v. 404, 405. 407. The native Indians themselves were ever ready to resist the treacherous merchant; the freemen of the and when a new expedition was prepared, 1567 she was induced, not only to protect, but to share the traffic. Compare Hakluyt, II. 351, 352, with III. 594. Hewat's Carolina, i. 20—26 Keith's Virginia, 31. Anderson's History of Commerce. In the accounts which Hawkins himself give Hakluyt, III. 618, 619. of one of his expeditions, he relates., that he set fire to a city, of which the huts were covered with dry palm leaves, and, out of eight thousand inhabitants, succeeded in seizing two
by Robinson, who also, in the controversy on free will, as the champion of orthodoxy, began to be terrible to the Arminians, and disputed in the university with such power, that, as his friends assert, Chap. VIII.} 1617. the truth had a famous victory. The career of maritime discovery had, meantime, been pursued with intrepidity, and rewarded with success. The voyages of Gosnold, Smith, and Hudson: the enterprise of Raleigh, Delaware, and Gorges; the compilations of Eden, Willes, and Hakluyt,—had filled the commercial world with wonder; Calvinists of the French Church had sought, though vainly, to plant themselves in Brazil, in Carolina, and with De Monts, in Acadia; while weighty reasons, often and seriously discussed, inclined the Pilgrims to change their abode. They had been bred to the pursuits of husbandry, and in Holland they were compelled to learn mechanical trades; Brewster became a printer; Bradford, who had been educated as a farmer, learned the art of dyeing silk.
indefatigable perseverance, was not followed by much greater success. We have seen a colony established, though but for a single winter, on 1606. the shores which Pring had discovered, and Weymouth had been the first to explore. After the bays of New England had been more carefully examined by the 1615. same daring adventurer who sketched the first map of the Chesapeake, the coast was regularly visited by fishermen and traders. A special account of the country was one of the fruits of Hakluyt's inquiries, and was published in the collections of Purchas. At Winter Harbor, near the mouth of Saco River, Englishmen, under Richard Vines, again encountered the severities of the inclement season; and not long after- 1616-7 wards, the mutineers of the crew of Rocraft lived from autumn till spring on Monhegan Island, where the 1618-9 colony of Popham had anchored, and the ships of John 1607 Smith had made their station during his visit to New 1614. England. The earliest settlers, in