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Robert Underwood Johnson, Clarence Clough Buell, Battles and Leaders of the Civil War: The Opening Battles. Volume 1., The first year of the War in Missouri. (search)
-looking; kindhearted, brave, and courteous; a thoughtful, earnest, upright man; a political leader, but not a soldier. The Governor urged the people of Missouri to elect to the Convention men who would place Missouri unequivocally on the side of the South. He was Map of operations in Missouri, 1861. disappointed. Francis P. Blair, Jr., banded together the unconditional Union men of the State; while the St. Louis Republican, Sterling Price, Hamilton R. Gamble, James S. Rollins, William A. Hall, and John B. Clark consolidated the conservatives, and together these elected on the 18th of February a Convention not one member of which would say that he was in favor of the secession of Missouri. To the courage, moderation, and tact of Francis P. Blair this result was greatly due. Blair was just forty years of age. His father, the trusted friend of Andrew Jackson, had taken him to Washington City when he was about seven years old, and there he had been bred in politics. In 184
Benson J. Lossing, Pictorial Field Book of the Civil War. Volume 1., Chapter 19: events in the Mississippi Valley.--the Indians. (search)
s the disloyal Claiborne F. Jackson was elected Governor of the State. See page 201. On the second day of its session the Missouri Convention adjourned to St. Louis, where it reassembled on the 4th of March, 1861. in the Mercantile Library Hall, with Sterling Price as President, and Samuel A. Lowe as Secretary. Price, who had been Governor of Missouri, and who afterward became one of the most active generals in the Confederate service in the Southwest, had obtained his election to the Cnd after appointing delegates to the Border State Convention, See page 460. The delegates from Missouri consisted of one from each Congressional district. The following named gentlemen were chosen:--Hamilton R. Gamble, John B. Henderson, William A. Hall, Jas. H. Moss, William Douglass, Littlebury Hendrick, William G. Pomeroy. and giving power March 21, 1861. to a committee to call another session whenever it might seem necessary, This Committee was composed of the President of the Conve
Benson J. Lossing, Pictorial Field Book of the Civil War. Volume 3., Chapter 8: Civil affairs in 1863.--military operations between the Mountains and the Mississippi River. (search)
amin G. Harris. Massachusetts.--Thomas D. Elliot, Oakes Ames, Alexander H. Rice, Samuel Hooper, John B. Alley, Daniel W. Gooche, George S. Boutwell, John D. Baldwin, William B. Washburn, Henry L. Dawes. Michigan.--Fernando C. Beaman, Charles Upson, J. W. Longyear, Francis W. Kellogg, Augustus C. Baldwin, John F. Driggs. Minnesota.--William Windom, Ignatius Donnelly. Missouri.--Francis P. Blair, Jr., Henry T. Blow, John G. Scott, J. W. McClurg, S. H. Boyd, Austin A. King, Benjamin Loan, William A. Hall, James S. Rollins. New Hampshire.--Daniel Marcy, Edward H. Rollins, James W. Patterson. New Jersey.--John F. Starr, George Middleton, William G. Steele, Andrew J. Rodgers, Nehemiah Perry. New York.--Henry G. Stebbens, Martin Kalbfleisch, Moses F. Odell, Ben. Wood, Fernando Wood, Elijah Ward, J. W. Chanler, James Brooks, Anson Herrick, William Radford, Charles H. Winfield, Homer A. Nelson, John B. Steele, John V. L. Pruyn, John A. Griswold, Orlando Kellogg, Calvin T. Hulburd, James M. M
was no longer needed to prevent the effusion of blood in civil strife, several lives were lost in the performance of a mere ceremony. We would invoke the presence and aid of that Power to preserve our fellow-citizens, on both sides, from slaughter, and we would commit the interests of our distracted country to His hands who can bring forth peace and order out of strife and confusion when man's wisdom utterly fails. J. J. Crittenden, President. Jas. Guthrie, H. R. Gamble, Of Missouri. Wm. A. Hall, Of Missouri. J. B. Henderson, Of Missouri. Wm. G. Pomeroy, Of Missouri. R. K. Williams, Archibald Dixon, F. M. Bristow, Joshua F. Bell, C. A. Wickliffe, G. W. Dunlap, J. F. Robinson, Jno. B. Huston, Robert Richardson, John Caldwell, of Tennessee. To the people of Kentucky. Having been elected by you as your delegates to A Convention of the Border Slave States and such other slave States as have not passed ordinances of secession, with power to meet with delegates f
J. William Jones, Christ in the camp, or religion in Lee's army, Roster of chaplains, army of Northern Virginia. (search)
r. Tinsley. Fifty-sixth Virginia. Rev. Mr. Robbins. Corse's Brigade. Fifteenth Virginia. P. F. August. Seventeenth Virginia. John L. Johnson; R. M. Baker. Thirtieth Virginia. W. R. D. Moncure. Thirty-second Virginia. Twenty-ninth Virginia. Rev. Mr. Phillippi. Artillery first Corps (Brigadier-General Alexander). Haskell's Battalion. J. A. Chambliss. Gibbes' Virginia Battalion. Cabell's Virginia Battalion. Huger's Virginia Battalion. Washington Artillery Battalion. Wm. A. Hall. Missionary Chaplains in the Corps: Rev. Dr. Theodorick Pryor; Rev. Dr. J. C. Granberry; Rev. Harvie Hatcher; Rev. A. B. Woodfin. Second Corps (Major-General John B. Gordon commanding). Chaplains-at-large: Rev. Dr. B. T. Lacy; Rev. Dr. L. Rosser; Rev. E. J. Willis. Gordon's Division. Evans' Brigade. Sixty-first Georgia. A. B. Woodfin. Thirty-first Georgia. J. L. Pettigrew. Thirty-eighth Georgia. J. M. Brittain. Twenty-sixth Georgia. Thirteenth Georgia. Sixtieth Geor
compromise, and the other border slaveholding States should thereupon secede, Missouri would not hesitate to go with them. For this motion only 23 members of the convention voted. One after another the convention voted down all amendments or modifications of the report of the committee, and, after a short discussion, adopted it as a whole. It then adjourned subject to the call of a committee which was appointed for that purpose. The real sentiment of the convention was expressed by William A. Hall when he said: Our feelings and sympathies may incline us to go with the South, in the event of a separation. But feeling is temporary—interest is permanent. In the proceedings of the convention the ordinary courtesies of life were observed, but the intent of what it did was radically anti-Southern. The leaders talked very much as they talked in the campaign that preceded their election as delegates, but what they did was what Frank Blair wanted them to do. Their action marked the abs
ports from the Committee on Federal Relation; at 2 o'clock said Committee of the Whole shall take a recess until 4 o'clock, when it shall resume its session. Mr. Price, of Greenbrier, called the previous question, which was sustained, and the resolution was then adopted. Equality of taxation. The Convention proceeded to the consideration of unfinished business, namely, the resolutions of Mr. Willey, of Monongahela, in regard to the subjects of taxation and representation. Mr. Hall, of Marion, being entitled to the floor, addressed the Convention in favor of immediate action. He thought it due to those who desired a change in the organic law, that the committees contemplated by the resolutions should be appointed to make the necessary inquiries. His people demanded that the question should be settled before action was had upon matters of National interest. When they were thus placed upon an equality with the people of other sections, they would stand shoulder to sh
, he had another star placed in the bottom of the Union, with but two points showing, to represent the State as just emerging from the darkness. After the raising of the flag, the Chairman introduced the Hon. D. C. Dejarnette, and after him Mr. Hall, of Wetzell. Both of these gentlemen spoke very well, and received the close attention of the audience, and renewed and loud applause. At 2 o'clock, dinner was announced, and the company sat down to an excellent bill of fare, among which we saet that they are not fully acted up to by the Convention now in session in Richmond. The resolution was adopted unanimously. On motion of Mr. Edwin Williams, it was Resolved, That the thanks of this meeting be tendered to the Hon. Mr. Hall, of Wetzel, for the able address delivered to-day, and that we offer him a cordial welcome to the hospitalities and friendship of the people of Chesterfield. Short addresses were then made, in response to calls, by Messrs. Friend, Nash, Ruf
The Convention. A resolution was adopted on Saturday to meet at 10 o'clock A. M.; to take a recess at 2 o'clock, and meet again at 4 o'clock P. M. Secession resolutions, adopted by the people of Dinwiddie, Greene, Spotsylvania, and Culpeper, were presented by the delegates representing those counties. Mr. Baldwin finished his speech against secession and in favor of the majority report. He was followed by Mr. Bruce, of Halifax, who will conclude to-day. Mr. Hall, of Marion, continued his remarks in favor of an ad valorem tax upon slaves.--Mr. Dormay, of Rockbridge, introduced a resolution, which was laid on the table, recommending a license tax on Northern productions, in retaliation for the Personal Liberty bills in vogue in the Northern States.
laveholding States." Both reports were ordered to be printed, and were made the special order for the third Monday in December. The resolution providing for the election by the Convention of seven delegates to the Border State Convention was then passed, and the Convention adjourned. St. Louis,March 22.--In the Convention this morning, a committee of one from each Congressional district was elected to call a Convention together, previous to the third Monday in December, if the public exigencies require it. The following gentlemen were elected delegates to the Border States Convention:--Hamilton R. Gamble, John B. Henderson, Wm. A. Hall, James H. Moss, Wm. Douglas, Littlebury Hendricks, and Wm. G. Pomeroy. A resolution was adopted, instructing the President of the Convention to transmit a certified copy of the proceedings of the Convention to the President of the United States, and the Governors of each State. Adjourned till the third Monday in December.