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Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 26. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones), Fragments of war history relating to the coast defence of South Carolina, 1861-‘65, and the hasty preparations for the Battle of Honey Hill, November 30, 1864. (search)
interests of Cooper, Hewitt & Co. at Trenton, N. J. When Fernando Wood was elected mayor of New York he induced General Smith to accept the position of street commissioner, which he held until May, 1861, when he and his deputy, Mansfield Lovell, of Maryland, resigned and joined the Confederate army at Richmond. President Davis commissioned him major-general on September 19, 1861, and assigned him to the command of the 1st division, A. N. V., composed of the brigades of Whiting, Hood,, Hampton, Petigrew and Hatton. He did gallant service in the Peninsular campaign, and commanded the army at Fair Oaks for a short time, when General J. E. Johnston was wounded and carried from the field. About this time he was prostrated by a long and serious illness and was paralyzed. This he mentioned to Major Jenkins on the day of the battle when mounting a horse at Grahamville depot, which proved too spirited for him, when the gallant major exchanged with him, loaning his own horse, which
Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 26. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones), chapter 1.7 (search)
conflict was opened by the discharge of a shell from the Howitzer Battery on James Island, under the command of Captain Geo. S. James, who followed the riddled palmetto banner on the bloody battlefields of Mexico. The sending of this harmful message to Major Anderson was followed by a deafening explosion, which was caused by the blowing up of a building which stood in front of the battery. While the white smoke was melting away into the air another shell, which Lieutenant W. Hampten (Hampton) Gibbes has the honor of having fired, pursued its noiseless way toward the hostile fortification. The honored missive described its beautiful curve through the balmy air, and, falling within the hostile fortress, scattered its deadly contents in all directions. Fort Moultrie then took up the tale of death, and in a moment the guns from the redoubtable gun battery on Cummings Point, from Captain (John) McCrady's Battery, from Captain James Hamilton's Floating Battery, the enfilade batte
Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 26. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones), William Henry Chase Whiting, Major-General C. S. Army. (search)
t were repulsed, as before, and driven back to the woods. General Whiting immediately arranged for a combined attack by the brigades of Whiting, Pettigrew and Hampton. Alas, for the mistake in not reconnoitreing the position first, before crossing the railroad, as General Whiting had suggested, and then attacking before Genes supposed mortally, and was a prisoner. General Hatton was killed at my side just as his brigade reached the front line of battle, and in a very few minutes General Hampton was severely wounded. In this state of affairs, I sent word to General Whiting that I would take executive control in that wood, which would relieve him for al Johnston's army occupied the defensive line at and near Yorktown, General Whiting commanded a division composed of three brigades—his own and those of Hood and Hampton. That division formed a portion of my command during the operations at Yorktown, and in the withdrawal of our army to the vicinity of Richmond. On the 28th May,
Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 26. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones), chapter 1.11 (search)
believe that any country in the world's history, before or since, has produced a braver or nobler set of men than those who constituted the Confederate cavalry. There is, first of all, our own glorious Wheeler, Bedford Forrest, J. E. B. Stuart, Hampton, our own gallant and chivalrous Kelley, our own W. W. Allen, Fitzhugh Lee, Martin, Humes, VanDorn, Robinson, Chalmers, Hagan, Adams, Armstrong, Ashby, Brewer, Williams, John H. Morgan, Basil Duke, Iverson, Brewer, Wade, Clanton, John T. Morgan, ommand that presented a more solid front, or stood more firmly together, boot to boot, than those gallant boys who followed the fortunes of Wheeler from beginning to end. I believe that what I say of Wheeler's Cavalry is also true of Forrest, Hampton, Stuart, and all those other gallant leaders of the Lost Cause. At Thompson's Station, in Tennessee, Wheeler's Cavalry had the honor of capturing one who is now one of the heroes of Santiago, our own distinguished General Shafter, and I belie
Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 26. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones), chapter 1.13 (search)
k eye, cool head and stout heart. He and his efficient cannoneers, at the head of the Grahamville road, certainly made a splendid record on November 30, 1864, at Honey Hill. As soon as the carpet-bag government of South Carolina ended, and Governor Hampton took charge of the Executive office, the Beaufort Volunteer Artillery reorganized, under Captain Stuart, and still continues in State service. The Lafayette Artillery (Kanapaux's Battery). This command dates its origin to the early yeath streaks of silver in his hair; he will, I hope, excuse me for publicly recording how he did his duty to South Carolina and the South, under very serious disabilities, in perilous times. As soon as it was possible after the election of Governor Hampton, the Lafayettes resumed their position in the volunteer military of the State, and are still in that service. The Furman light Artillery, (Earle's Battery.) One day in 1862 a tall, well-mounted artillery officer rode up to my quarters,
Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 26. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones), The Confederate cause and its defenders. (search)
he highest types of Christian gentlemen; that they were men whose characters have borne the inspection and commanded the respect of the world. Yes, the names of Davis, of Lee, of Jackson, the Johnstons, Beauregard, Ewell, Gordon, Early, Stuart, Hampton, Magruder, the Hills, Forrest, Cleburne, Polk, and a thousand others I could mention, will grow brighter and brighter, as the years roll on, because no stain of crime or vandalism is linked to those names; and because those men have performed dehistoric ground to-night. The rocky defiles of these mountains have echoed and re-echoed the thunders of artillery and the rattle of musketry amidst the ringing commands of Lee and Jackson, and the flashing, knightly sabres of Ashby, Stuart and Hampton. Here banner and plume have waved in the mountain breeze, whilst helmet and blade and bayonet were glittering in the morning sun; and here too, ah, shame to tell, history will record many a thrilling tale of outrage inflicted upon this defencel