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The Daily Dispatch: November 3, 1860., [Electronic resource], English view of the late Royal visit. (search)
rg't Edward mrs Jennie Eggus mrs Caroline Edmondson miss H Eggleston miss J M Edward miss M C Epps miss Georgie Fletcher mrs L M Fir h mrs S J Fisher mrs Mary G Findley mrs Mary W Fortune mrs A R Fletcher mrs L M Fields miss Sarah Fleming miss Cath Fluhor miss M W Ferguson miss B Foley miss Mary Gischwind miss T Gardner miss V A Garibaldi miss C Garrignes miss Eliza Grady Mad Hall mrs M E Harding mrs R C Handy mrs Mary Hartigan mrs Ellen Haskins mrs Sarah Hilliard mrs Howard mrs A E Hughes mrs Esther Hagan miss V M Henderson miss Sophia Hill miss M W 2 Hoag miss Va Holladay miss L E Howell miss M W Hodge miss M A Hopkins miss C Hare miss Agnes House wright miss C M Jackson mrs M F Johns mrs Melissa Johnson mrs Alpha Kidd mrs C F Kiengle mrs Amy King miss Jennie Y Lamkits mrs M Lee mrs V M Lewis mrs H S Lorton mrs M A 2 Lockning miss Mary Leigh miss Jennie Lefond miss Kate Lesley
ncil was held yesterday. Present--Messrs. Saunders, Anderson, Denton. Griffin, Scott, Graitan, Crutchfield, Burr, Hill, Haskins, Richardson. Absent — Glazebrook, Roddey, Talbott, and Greaner. The minutes of the last meeting were read and approved. Col. Haskins, from the Commissioners of Streets, reported in favor of giving William Ready the contract for indexing and numbering the streets, in accordance with the plan of the City Engineer. Mr. Scott opposed the report, first, becheir houses. After further discussion, on motion of Mr. Hill, the report was laid on the table. On motion of Col. Haskins, permission was granted to C. B. Lipscomb to erect a temporary staging over Dock street, for unloading coal vessels. On motion of Col. Haskins, the sum of $325 was appropriated for reducing and putting Leigh street in order, between 9th and 10th streets. Mr. Anderson asked and obtained leave of absence. Mr. Hill, from the Committee on Police, reported
dlam & Watson. Steamer Geo. Peabody, Pritchard, Baltimore, mdse. and passengers D. & W. Currie. Schr Manchester, Nelson, New York, mdse., D. & W. Currie. Schr. Baltimore, Phillips, Baltimore, pig iron, Archer & Co. Schr. Hope, Frank, Baltimore, mdse., W. D. Colquitt & Co. Schr. Wm. S. Triplett, Pritchett, Baltimore, mdse., W. D. Colquitt & Co. Schr. Jno. H. Travers, Frank, Alexandria, coal, Stearns & Co. Schr. Sarah E. Jones, Jones, Philadelphia, coal, R. O. Haskins. Schr. S. W. Ponder, Demin, Philadelphia, coal, M C. Selden, Jr. Schr. Polly Rice, Adams, Philadelphia, coal. Schr. Nelly D., Studdams, Philadelphia, coal, S. P. Hawes & Son. Schr. Quickstep, Richardson, Philadelphia coal, S. P. Hawes & Son. Schr. Jno. Collins, Predmore, Philadelphia, coal, J. H. Lester. Schr. W. Roark, Roark, Philadelphia, coal Wirt Roberts. Schr. Kadosh, Williams, Philadelphia, coal, P. C. Larus, Ag't. Schr. Express, Tylor, Phila
City Council. --A called meeting of the Council was hold yesterday afternoon, at 4 o'clock. Present --Messrs. Saunders, Anderson, Griffin, Denton, Burr, Grattan, Scott, Crutch field, Hill, and Greanor. Absent--Messrs. Glazebrook, Talbott, Haskins, and Richardson. The President stated that the Council had been called at the request of the Watering Committee. Mr. Grattan made a motion that the Council proceed to fill the vacancy caused by the resignation of Mr. F. W. Roddey, and the motion being carried, Robert R. Howisof, Esq., was nominated, and unanimously elected a member from Madison Ward. Mr. Denton stated that the Council had been called to consider the propriety of constructing a new reservoir, and briefly stated that the committee had adopted the plan prepared by Mr. W. Gill, the City Engineer, and Mr. Davis, the Superintendent of the Water Works. From Mr. Gill's report on the subject, we make the following extract: "It is proposed to build the new rese
unity. Satisfied that something ought to be done for their relief, the Directors of the Farmers' Bank of Virginia yesterday determined to suspend specie payments. The following are their proceedings: "at a meeting of the President and Directors of the Farmers' Bank of Virginia, this 30th day of November, 1860: present — Wm. H. MacFARLANDarland, President; Wm. C. Allen, Joseph R Anderson, J. J. Waggoner, Samuel C. Robinson, James Dunlop. Theodorick Robertson, Jno. E. Wadsworth, Rd. O Haskins-- resolved, unanimously, that, in view of the distrust which prevails, of the suspension of the large money trade with the South usual at this season, and of the pressure of the law requiring the Banks of this city to redeem the circulation of their branches-- a law which bears with special severity on this Bank, because of the number of her branches-- specie payments be for the present suspended; and that a course of policy be pursued which will prepare for an early resumption. "
Bank Directors. --We append a list of the Directors of the Farmers' Bank and Bank of Virginia, recently elected by the stockholders of the two institutions, and those appointed by the Executive: Farmers' Bank of Virginia.Richmond. By the Stockholders. Wm. H. McFarland, W. C. Allen, James Dunlop, John E. Wadsworth, Edwin Wortham. By the Executive. R. O. Haskins, J. J. Wagoner, S. C. Robinson, N. C. Read. Norfolk. J. M. Smith, Kader Biggs, John James, W. B. Rogers. D. S. Cherry, W. H. C. Ellis, W. D. Reynolds. Petersburg. John Kevan. Chas. Corling, Andrew Dunn, John McGill. T. O. Hinton, R. R. Collier, T. C. Elder. Fredericksburg. J. H. Wallace, John Coakley. Samuel Gordon, Joseph Alsop. W. S. Barton, John J. Chew, W. Roy Mason, Jr. Farmville. Clem. C. Read. Chas. D. Anderson, John T. Thornton, Jas. McNutt. J. J. Walker, N. H. Cobbs, Jas. B. Hilliard. Danville. Wm. L. Gree
The Charter Election is near at hand, and old Jefferson Ward has not seceded from the city of Richmond. We beg leave to present to the voters of that ward the following gentlemen for Councilmen and Aldermen: For Councilmen: R. O. Haskins, W. H. Richardson, J. H. Greanor, N. B. Hill, Jas. M. Talbott, mh 26--dtde For Aldermen: W. Taylor, A. F. Picot, C. B. Hill, George E. Sadler, R. D. Sanxay. Jefferson Ward.
previous notice, a meeting was held at Odd Fellows' Hall last night, to nominate candidates for Aldermen and Common Council for Jefferson Ward. Whereupon, N. M. Lee was called to the Chair, and Thos. J. Starke appointed Secretary. On motion, a committee of seven were appointed by the Chair to make nominations, who having retired, brought forward the following names, which, upon being put to the vote, were unanimously nominated: for Aldermen: for Councilmen: C. B. Hill, R. O. Haskins, N. M. Lee, J. M. Talbott, George E. Sadler, N. B. Hill, Dr. A. F. Picot, J. H. Greanor, Thos. J Starke. John J. Wilson. The following resolutions were unanimously adopted: Resolved, That the Common Council of the city of Richmond be requested to cause a poll to be opened at each precinct in the city of Richmond, for or against secession, and that each voter be asked the question, are you in favor or against secession, and that his vote be recorded accordingly.
The charter election near at hand, and old Jefferson Ward has not seceded from the city of Richmond. We beg leave to present to the voters of that ward the following gentlemen for Councilmen and Aldermen: For Councilmen: R. O. Haskins W. H. Richardson, J. H. Greanor, N. B. Hill, Jas. M. Talbott, For Aldermen: W. Taylor, A. F. Picet, C. B. Hill, George E. Sadler, R. D. Sanxay. mh 26--dide Jefferson Ward.
Councilmen and Aldermen. Jefferson Ward.--Councilmen: N. B. Hill. 550; R. O. Haskins, 545; Jno. H. Greanor, 521; A. Y. Stokes, 388. Aldermen: Wm. Taylor, 533; C. B. Hill, 574; R. D. Sanxay, 573; G. E. Sadler, 548; A. F. Picot, 462; J. M. Higgins, 382; E. A. J. Clopton, 309; N. M. Lee, 263; G. W. Allen, 295; Jno. Hagan, 161; T. J. Starke, 262. Madison Ward.--Councilmen: George K. Crutchfield, 850; James A. Scott, 832; D. J. Burr, 790; P. R. Grattan, 752; Thomas H. Wynne, 573. Aldermen: R. M. Burton, 1,082; J. J. Binford, 1,065; James Bray, 1,049; Jas. K. Caskie, 1,019; W. B. Smith, 631. Monroe Ward.--Councilmen: D. J. Saunders, 896; L. W. Glazebrook, 863; S. D. Denton, 731; Fleming Griffin, 729; Thomas G. Epps, 690. Aldermen: all of the old officers are elected.