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ion, and resulted in an act of the Legislature in 1893 (Chapter 104) authorizing the City Council to vote such sums as they may judge necessary for the enclosing, care, and improvement of the burial ground on Somerville Avenue, etc.; under this act the city fenced and now has charge of the Cemetery. It was through the efforts and petition of this Improvement Society that the granite tablets marking the many historic sites in Somerville were erected by the city. This Society, of which J. O. Hayden was President, may be said to have been the forerunner of the Somerville Historical Society. Inscriptions in the Milk Row Cemetery copied by Miss Clariana Bailey in 1857:— Tomb No. 1Samuel Tufts1805 ———— Tomb No. 2Timothy Tufts1805 ———— Tomb No. 3John Tapley Jotham Johnson Ambrose Cole Reuben Hunt1817 ———— Tomb No. 4John Ireland Benjamin Hadley Daniel Major1850 ———— Tomb No. 5Samuel Cutter Edward Cutter Moses Whitney Fitch Cutter Ebenezer