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The Daily Dispatch: may 21, 1861., [Electronic resource] 2 0 Browse Search
The Daily Dispatch: March 13, 1862., [Electronic resource] 2 0 Browse Search
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ell, and Mr. R. S. Bell, of Norfolk, were captured while on a sailing excursion, last Friday, by the frigate Minnesota, but afterwards released. The Legislature of Tennessee, on the 8th inst., passed resolutions providing for the holding of a Bank Congress of the Southern States. Hon. John J. Crittenden has declined being a candidate for Congress in the eighth district of Kentucky. The Jacksonport (Ark.) Herald says a powder mill has commenced operations on White River, turning out 2,000 pounds daily. C. Haywood, Esq., was fatally wounded at Nashville, Tenn., last week, by the accidental discharge of his pistol. The schooner Indiana, which was seized by the Pawnee at Alexandria, has been permitted to return to Baltimore with her cargo. Hon. Wm. Smith has returned from Washington to his home in Warrenton. It is stated that Gen. Wool arrived at Fort Monroe on Friday last. The Letcher Guards, of Augusta, Georgia, will start for Richmond this week.
lockade. She was sunk, according to our advices, by being run down by the Merrimac. What portion of her officers, if any, have been lost, we have as yet received no positive information. The following is the last list of the officers that we have received: Commander....J. W. Livingston. Lieutenants....H. K. Davenport. T. O. Sebriage. Surgeon.....S. Jackson. Assistant Surgeon....W. W. Leavitt. Paymaster.....C. Burt. Chaplain.....J. L. Lenhart. First Lt. of Marines.....C. Haywood. Boatswain....E. B. Bell. Gunner.....E. Mack. Carpenter.....W. M. Laighton. Sailmaker....D. Bruce. The Congress. The Congress is one of the wooden frigates of the line. She was built at the Kittery Navy-Yard in the year 1841, and is consequently twenty-one years old. She was of eighteen hundred and sixty-seven tons burthen and carried fifty guns. Previous to her having been placed on the blockading squadron she was in commission off the coast of Brazil, from which statio