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Regiment, Acting Senior Surgeon, Jan. 31, ‘62, 1st and 3d Florida. April 16, ‘63, in charge Hurricane Springs
Hicks, L. G., contract $80. Contract made by D. W. Yandell Oct. 27, ‘62.
Contract closed Nov. 2, ‘62.
Hill, Jesse, Assistant Surgeon, appointed by Secretary of War June 2, ‘63.
to rank from 8th Dec. ‘62, reported to General Bragg. Dec. 31, ‘62, 5th Tennessee Regiment, April 30, ‘63, 2d Tennessee, Oct. 31, ‘63, 19th and 24th Arkansas, Nov. 30, 10th Tennessee.
Hilliard, M. C., Assistant Surgeon. March 8, ‘63, reported for duty 10th Texas. Aug. 31, ‘63, 10th Texas Regiment.
Hill, J. R., Surgeon, Sept. 30th. Oct. 31, ‘63, 21st Mississippi.
Hillyer, E., Surgeon, passed Board at Charleston Jan. 7, ‘64.
Ordered to report to E. A. Flewellen Feb. 5, ‘64, then ordered to report to Major-General Cheatham, commanding corps.
Ordered to report to General Hardee for duty with 8th Mississippi, March 16, ‘64, to April 30, ‘64, 8th Missis