Browsing named entities in The Daily Dispatch: December 20, 1862., [Electronic resource]. You can also browse the collection for Hilliard or search for Hilliard in all documents.

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enry W. Hitliard had the misfortune to lose his former estimable consort. During the interval from that time to this Col. Hilliard has been engaged publicly commanding the Legion from this State in East Tennessee, and when occasionally at home he hrge of the St. John's Methodist Church at Augusta. All this was not surprising to a community so well acquainted with Mr. Hilliard's versatility of talents and grace and eloquence in the pulpit. When, however, it was announced on Thursday evening tals public in a year from that date, but in the meantime circumstances prevented the second marriage. Accordingly, as Mr. Hilliard was about taking his departure for Augusta, on Thursday evening several persons were assembled at the house of the forthe former Mrs. Mays to hear a written revelation of the mystery, which was solved, so far as the public have any insight, substantially as we have stated the facts. Mr. Hilliard and lady left on the next train for Augusta.--Montgomery Advertiser.