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n the Franklin road. December, 14 Our court has been holding its sessions in the city, but to-day it adjourned to meet at division headquarters to-morrow at ten o'clock A. M. The most interesting character of our court-martial is Colonel H. C. Hobart, of the Twenty-first Wisconsin; a gentleman who has held many important public positions in his.own State, and whose knowledge of the law, fondness for debate, obstinacy in the maintenance of his opinions, love of fun, and kind-heartednessted to the Chief. To-night we visited the theater to witness Ingomar. On returning to our room at Bassay's restaurant, the members took solemn Irish oaths that the man with the sheep-skin on his back, purporting to be Ingomar, was no other than Hobart, the Wisconsin savage; and.the supposition that such an individual could ever reform, and become fitted for civilized society, was a monstrous fiction, too improbable even for the stage. It should not be presumed from this, however, that the
and each other, and give us now and then a snatch of song. Officers come over from adjoining brigades, hoping to find a little whisky, but learn, with apparent resignation and well-feigned composure, that the canteens have been long empty; that even the private flasks, which officers carry with the photographs of their sweethearts, in a side pocket next to their hearts, are destitute of even the flavor of this article of prime necessity. My much-esteemed colleague of the courtmartial, Colonel Hobart, stumbles up in the thick darkness to pay his respects. The sentinel, mistaking him for a private, tells him, with an oath, that this is neither the time nor place for stragglers, and orders him back to his regiment; and so the night wears on, and fifty thousand men lay upon their guns again. January, 3 Colonel Shanklin, with a strong detachment from my brigade, was captured last night while on picket. Rifle pits are being dug, and I am ordered to protect the workmen. The rebels
not stand many more such blows. What must those who know I have a wife and children think, when they see it announced that I have married again, and am stopping at the Neil with one of Ohio's loveliest daughters? What a horrible reflection upon the character of a constant and faithful husband! (This last sentence is written for my wife.) April, 19 Colonel Taylor and I rode over to General Rousseau's this morning. Returning, we were joined by Colonel Nicholas, Second Kentucky; Colonel Hobart, Twenty-first Wisconsin, and Lieutenant-Colonel Bingham, First Wisconsin, all of whom took dinner with me. We had a right pleasant party, but rather boisterous, possibly, for the Sabbath day. There is at this moment a lively discussion in progress in the cook's tent, between two African gentlemen, in regard to military affairs. Old Hason says: Oh, hush, darkey! Buckner replies: Yer done no what'r talkin‘ about, nigger. I'll bet yer a thousand dollars. Hush! Yer ain't got five cen
May, 1863. May, 1 The One Hundred and Thirteenth Ohio is at Franklin. Colonel Wilcox has resigned; Lieutenant-Colonel Mitchell will succeed to the colonelcy. I rode over the battle-field with the latter this afternoon. May, 4 Two men from Breckenridge's command strayed into our lines to-day. May, 7 Colonels Hobart, Taylor, Nicholas, and Captain Nevin spent the afternoon with me. The intelligence from Hooker's army is contradictory and unintelligible. We hope it was successful, and yet find little beside the headlines in the telegraphic column to sustain that hope. The German regiments are said to have behaved badly. This is, probably, an error. Germans, as a rule, are reliable soldiers. This, I think, is Carl Schurz's first battle; an unfortunate beginning for him. May, 9 The arrest of Vallandingham, we learn from the newspapers, is creating a great deal of excitement in the North. I am pleased to see the authorities commencing at the root and not
rs. Scribner's children a little ride. Attended divine service in the camp of the Eightyeighth Indiana, and afterward called for a few minutes on Colonel Moore, of the One Hundred and Fourth Illinois. On returning to my quarters I found Colonels Hobart and Taylor awaiting me. They were about to visit Colonel T. P. Nicholas, of the Second Kentucky Cavalry, and desired me to accompany them. We dined with Colonel Nicholas, and, as is the custom, observed the apostolic injunction of taking s gentlemen drew near to our respective quarters. We had become immensely eloquent on the conduct of the war, and with great unanimity concluded that if Grant were to take Vicksburg he would be entitled to our profoundest admiration and respect. Hobart, as usual, spoke of his State as if it were a separate and independent nation, whose sons, in imitation of LaFayette, Kosciusko and DeKalb, were devoting their best blood to the maintenance of free government in a foreign land; while Taylor, inci
August, 9 Dined with Colonel Taylor. Colonels Hobart, Nicholas, and Major Craddock were presento my quarters, where we spent the afternoon. Hobart dilated upon his adventures at New Orleans andwearing would do no good. August, 10 Colonel Hobart, Twenty-first Wisconsin, and Colonel Hays, To-day I dined with a Wisconsin friend of Colonel Hobart's; had a good dinner, Scotch ale and champould obtain but little, if any, advantage over Hobart in a discussion before the people. He has theently very weak, were thoroughly demolished by Hobart. I think Colonel Hays felt, as the controversh I write is under the great beech trees. Colonel Hobart is sitting near studying Casey. The lightcertainly resemble cucumbers for coolness. Hobart rides a very poor horse-poor in flesh, I mean;r to that. This afternoon Colonels Stanley, Hobart, and I rode down to the Tennessee to look at t times together. When the Sergeant retired, Hobart, with a twinkle in his eye, said he did not th[13 more...]
ed eye. The tents of their troops dot the hillsides. To-night we see their signal lights off to the right on the summit of Lookout mountain, and off to the left on the knobs of Mission ridge. Their long lines of camp fires almost encompass us. But the camp fires of the Army of the Cumberland are burning also. Bruised and torn by a two days unequal contest, its flags are still up, and its men still unwhipped. It has taken its position here, and here, by God's help, it will remain. Colonel Hobart was captured at Chickamauga, and a fear is entertained that he may have been wounded. October, 4 This is a pleasant October morning, rather windy and cool, but not at all uncomfortable. The bands are mingling with the autumn breezes such martial airs as are common in camps, with now and then a sentimental strain, which awakens recollections of other days, when we were younger-thought more of sweethearts than of war, when, in fact, we did not think of war at all except as somethin
ly, your obedient servant, W. P. Carlin, Brigadier-General Commanding. To Lieutenant-Colonel D. C. Mcclurg, A. A. G., Headquarters Fourteenth Army Corps. Colonel Hobart's Report headquarters First brigade, First division, Fourteenth army corps, near Savannah, Ga., December 31, 1864. Captain: In compliance with circulag the division, I close this report simply with the foregoing narration of facts. I have the honor to be, Captain, very respectfully, your obedient servant, H. C. Hobart, Colonel Commanding. Captain G. W. Smith, A. A. Adjutant-General, First Division, Fourteenth Army Corps. headquarters First brigade, First division, Fourteenteteenth, 1864; Eighty-eighth Indiana volunteer infantry, one enlisted man captured, November twenty-seventh, 1864. Very respectfully, your obedient servant, H. C. Hobart, Colonel Commanding. Captain G. W. Smith, Acting Assistant Adjutant-General, Fourteenth Army Corps Lieutenant-Colonel Brigham's Report. headquarters S
hs, Gus., Mar. 13, 1865. Henderson, R. M., Mar. 13, 1865. Henderson, T. J., Nov. 30, 1864. Hendrickson, J., Mar. 13, 1865. Hennessey, J. A., Mar. 13, 1865. Henry, Guy V., Oct. 28, 1864. Henry, Wm. W., Mar. 7, 1865. Herrick, W. F., May 13, 1865. Herring, Chas. P., Mar. 13, 1865. Hickenlooper, A., Mar. 13, 1865. Hill, Jonathan A., April 9, 1865. Hill, Sylvester G., Dec. 15, 1864. Hillis, David B., Mar. 13, 1865. Hillyer, W. S.. Mar. 13, 1865. Hitchcock, G. H., Mar. 13, 1865. Hobart, H. C., Jan. 12, 1865. Hobson, Wm., April 6, 1865. Hoffman, H. C., Mar. 13, 1865. Hoffman, Wm. J., Aug. 1, 1864. Hoge, Geo. B., Mar. 13, 1865. Hoge, George W., Mar. 13, 1865. Holbrook, M. T., Mar. 13, 1865. Holloway, E. S., Mar. 13, 1865. Federal generals--no. 29 Virginia David H. Strother, of Virginia, originally Colonel 3d West Virginia Cavalry. Thomas M. Harris, of West Virginia. Originally Colonel of the 10th Infantry. Lawrence P. Graham, of Virginia, organiz