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Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 29. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones), Our torpedo boat. [Cleveland plain dealer, August, 1901.] (search)
ade it imperfect and manageable only under the most favorable circumstances, were these: How it was submerged. The Holland is always buoyant; it is submerged by deflecting a horizontal rudder when the boat is under way, not by filling it to a In case of an accident to the Holland's machinery the boat will float to the top. It was vice versa with the David. The Holland is run by gasoline when on the surface and electricity when beneath. The propeller wheel of the David was turned by eight men. The Holland lies steady in the water. It is perfect ballasted when water is taken into the tanks, because they hold just the required amount to bring the boat to fighting weight or diving trim and it cannot shift. The David was unstable in this respect. The Holland fires the torpedoes after a moment's rise to the surface, when within range, to sight the vessel to be destroyed and get a direct line upon her. The David dragged her torpedo after her under the keel of the vessel, and it
Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 29. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones), Index. (search)
of, 117. Sherman, General W. T., made war hell, 107, 280. Sherry, Sergeant, 9. Shiloh, Battle of, 357. Slaves, General Cleburne's plan to put into the army, 173; Extension of territory for 18. Squirrel Level Fort, 289. Stephens, A. H., his fidelity and acumen, 185. Stuart, General J. E. B., 169; how killed, 227, 335. Surratt, Mrs., Execution of, 122. Taylor, Governor Robert L., 361. Toney, Marcus B., 193 Toombs, General Robert 346. Torpedo boats, David, 292, Holland, of C. S. Navy, 293. Thomas, L. B., 223. Tucker, Beverley, 160; Rev. Dallas, 153. Virginia, Advisory Council of War in 1861, 364; Officers of 1st Regiment infantry, 364; 26th Infantry, company G, Roll of, 210; how she supplied Maryland with arms, 163. Wallace, Charles Montriou, 366. War 1861-5, how conducted by the Federals, 101; unrestricted license to burn and plunder, 111; private property destroyed by, 123; spoils, how divided. 114; order of General Lee at Chambersburn, 119; L