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of April, at midnight, the two Indians from Canajoharie, escorted by Mohawk warriors, that filled the air with their whoops chap. V.} 1753 and halloos, presented to Johnson the belt of warning which should urge the English to protect the Ohio Indians and the Miamis. Col. Johnson to the Governor of New York, 20 April, 1753. In May more than thirty canoes were counted as they passed Oswego; part of an army going to the Beautiful River of the French. Stoddard to Johnson, 15 May, 1753. Holland to Clinton, 15 May, 1753. Smith to Shirley, 24 December, 1753. The Six Nations foamed with eagerness to take up the hatchet; for, said they, Ohio is ours. On the report that a body of twelve hundred men had been detached from Montreal, by the brave Duquesne, the successor of La Jonquiere, to occupy the Ohio valley, the Indians on the banks of that river,—promiscuous bands of Delawares, Shawnees, and Mingoes, or emigrant Iroquois,—after a council at Logstown, resolved to stay the progres
cited still more resistance. Why should a people, of whom one half were of foreign ancestry, be cut off from all the world but England? Why must the children of Holland be debarred from the ports of the Netherlands? Why must their ships seek the produce of Europe, and, by a later law, the produce of Asia, in English harbors alone island of St. Eustatia, a heap of rocks, but two leagues in length by one in breadth, without a rivulet or a spring, gathered in its storehouses the products of Holland, of the Orient, of the world; and its harbor was more and more filled with fleets of colonial trading-vessels, which, if need were, completed their cargoes by entice-admiralty courts; so that Great Britain, after deducting its expenses, received, it was said, less benefit from the trade of New York than the Hanse Towns and Holland; while the oppressive character of the metropolitan legislature made the merchants principal supporters of what royalists called faction. The large landholders
chap. VII.} 1754. solemn assurances of England. Giving discretionary power in case of a rupture, they instructed Duquesne to act only on the defensive; Le Garde des Sceaux to Duqaesne, 1754. New York Paris Doc., x., 44. to shun effusion of blood, and to employ Indian war-parties only when indispensable to tranquillity. Yet Canada, of which the population was but little above eighty thousand, sought security by Indian alliances. Chiefs of the Six Nations were invited to the colony, Holland to Lieut. Gov. Delancey, 1 Jan., 1755. and, on their arrival, were entreated, by a very large belt of wampum from six nations of French Indians, to break the sale of lands to the English on the Ohio. Have regard, they cried, for your offspring; for the English, whom you call your brothers, seek your ruin. Already the faithless Shawnees, Duquesne to De Drucourt, 8 March, 1755. the most powerful tribe on the Ohio, made war on the English, and distributed English scalps and prisoners amon