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fered to him when that country was erected into a kingdom, but be rejected it without the slightest hesitation. The revolution of 1880 extended from Paris to Brussels — the Belgians shook off the yoke of the Prince of Orange and separated from Holland. After a war of short duration, between France and Belgium on one side, and Holland on the other, the separation was confirmed.--The Belgians chose Leopold, who had married a daughter of Louis Phillippe, King of the French, for their King, and Holland on the other, the separation was confirmed.--The Belgians chose Leopold, who had married a daughter of Louis Phillippe, King of the French, for their King, and their choice was confirmed by France and England. From that time until his death, Leopold has been King of Belgium, or rather, we believe, King of the Belgians. It is conceded on all hands that Leopold governed his little kingdom with consummate wisdom. It was, at the time of his death, the finest and most flourishing country on the face of the earth. It is a little remarkable that he obtained it at the expense of the Prince of Orange, whom he had already "cut out" of his mistress, the