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Benson J. Lossing, Pictorial Field Book of the Civil War. Volume 3., Chapter 7: the siege of Charleston to the close of 1863.--operations in Missouri, Arkansas, and Texas. (search)
reached Bayou Fourche, five miles from the town, where he was met by Marmaduke's cavalry, dismounted, and two infantry brigades, with two batteries, strongly posted. Price had undoubtedly intended to give battle in his trenches, when the unexpected crossing of the river by the Nationals, endangering his flank and his line of retreat, caused him to prepare for retiring. Price's line of retreat was on the Arkadelphia road. On that highway he had six hundred wagons parked. Price, with General Holmes and Governor Flanagan, left about four o'clock, after turning over the command to Marmaduke. The entire force at Price's command was estimated at about fifteen thousand men. The stand made at the bayou was only a cover for the more important movement. He was expecting Cabell from the Indian country, with about Tour thousand men, but he was satisfied that these would not reach him before the Nationals would be upon him. When Davidson was confronted at the Bayou Fourche, Steele was mo
his expedition up the Yazoo, 3.148. Hicks, Gov. T. H., loyal action of, 1.196; denounced as a traitor to the Southern cause, 1.197. Hilton Head, occupied by National troops, 2.122. Hindman, T. C., amendment to the constitution proposed by, 1.88. Hoffman, Col. J. W., battle of Gettysburg opened by, 3.59. Hollins, Capt., attacks with the Manassas the blockading fleet at the mouth of the Mississippi, 2.113. Holly Springs, capture of arms and stores at by Van Dorn, 2.574. Holmes, Gen., repulsed at Helena by Prentiss, 3.149. Holt, Joseph, made Secretary of War, 1.131. Honey Springs, battle at, 3.214. Hood, Gen., at the battle of Gettysburg, 3.66; supersedes Johnston in Georgia, 3.383; pursuit of after the battle of Allatoona Pass, 3.398; checked at Franklin, 3.421; routed at Nashville, 3.427. Hooker, Gen., at the battle of Williamsburg, 2.379; his reconnaissance toward Richmond, 2.413; at the battle of Antietam, 2.476; at the battle of Fredericksburg, 2.493;
hought of any connection between magnetism and galvanic electricity had occurred to the scientific mind. For nearly two years, I pursued my scientific studies. They were substantially outside of the course, because our professor of chemistry, Dr. Holmes, for reasons satisfactory to himself, did not think it worth while to give lectures on chemistry. Prof. George W. Keeley, however, gave us the fullest instructions on light and static electricity, by which I very much profited. I believe it which was as true as it was impudent. It was admitted in college, however, that upon the subjects of which I have been speaking, I was farther advanced than a pupil, and I was allowed to have access to the chemical laboratory as assistant to Professor Holmes, who was not there. I had one mate in these studies, Mr. David Wadleigh, and we devoted ourselves to chemical experiments together, with the natural result of actually blowing each other up with explosive preparations. There was another
Benjamnin F. Butler, Butler's Book: Autobiography and Personal Reminiscences of Major-General Benjamin Butler, Chapter 7: recruiting in New England. (search)
Ewell's Brigade, consisting of--Estimated Strength. Reported.  5th regiment Alabama volunteers600    6thdo.Louisianado.600    4 guns, Walton's battery, 12 howitzers60    3 companies Virginia cavalry180         2,040  Holmes' Brigade (reinforcements added on 20th of July, as reported)--     Infantry1,265 1,265  6 guns90 90  1 company of cavalry90 90  2d regiment Tennessee volunteers600    1st Arkansas volunteers600         2,645  D. R. Jones' Brigade--     5t        2,595  Add, also, Army of Shenandoah, not in position on the morning of the 21st, but came up during the day as reinforcements, 2,334                 27,3995,438                 Recapitulation of brigades. Ewell's Brigade2,040 Holmes' Brigade2,645 D. R. Jones' Brigade1,890 Early's Brigade1,845 Longstreet's Brigade1,830 Jackson's Brigade3,600 Bee's and Bartow's Brigade2,950 Bonham's Brigade2,
Benjamnin F. Butler, Butler's Book: Autobiography and Personal Reminiscences of Major-General Benjamin Butler, Chapter 13: occupations in 1863; exchange of prisoners. (search)
ace, than in the army of the United States. I received similar receptions in Harrisburg, Philadelphia, Portland, and other cities. At a meeting in my honor at Boston in Faneuil Hall, after a lengthened speech, I remained several hours to receive a hand-shake of three thousand persons. I was invited to a public dinner in the evening and had the most distinguished consideration. A poem was read by New England's most distinguished author, her most charming and cherished poet, Dr. Oliver Wendell Holmes, two lines of which I take leave here to quote from memory: The mower mows on, though the adder may writhe, And the copperhead curl round the blade of the scythe. In the course of my address at Boston I spoke as follows concerning the war debt:-- A question has been a thousand times asked me since I arrived home, how is this great war debt to be paid? That speaks to the material interests. How can we ever be able to pay this war debt? Who can pay it? Who shall pay it
ponent in the Lowell district, 925; defeated, 926; reference to, 976. Hoffman House, N. Y., Butler's headquarters at, 756. Hoke, division of, 704; reference to, 795; at Fort Fisher, 796. Holabird, Col. S. B., in garrison, 532. Holmes, Oliver Wendell, dinner to Butler, 566. Holmes, Professor, at Waterville College, 59. Hamilton, Alexander, 86. Hamilton Corporation, notice served by, 99; calling meeting, action on notice of, 100. Homans, Charles E., locomotive, 202. Hotel Holmes, Professor, at Waterville College, 59. Hamilton, Alexander, 86. Hamilton Corporation, notice served by, 99; calling meeting, action on notice of, 100. Homans, Charles E., locomotive, 202. Hotel Chamberlain, Washington, Mahone's letter to Lacy written at, 881. Hood, General, reference to, 655; and Batte's battalions of Virginia militia, 679. Hopping, Nicholas, teacher, anecdote of, 56. Howard, Gen. O. O., graduate of West Point, 58. Howe, Elias, reference to, 1007. Hudson Bay Company, 1001. Hudson, Chaplain, attacks Butler in New York Evening Post, 833; reports to Butler, 833-835; arrested, 835; released, 836. Hugo, Victor, quoted, 997. Humphreys, Maj.-Gen. A. A.,
Rebellion Record: Introduction., Volume 1. (ed. Frank Moore), Contents of Thie first volume. (search)
, W. W. Howe,31 42.An Appeal for the Country, Ellen Key Blunt,31 43. Liberty and Union, one and Inseparable, F. A. H., 31 44.The 19th of April, 1861, Lucy Larcom, 32 45.Through Baltimore, Bayard Taylor,32 46.Under the Washington Elm, Oliver Wendell Holmes,33 47.Sumter,33 48.The Two Eras, L. H. Sigourney,34 49.The Sixth at Baltimore, B. P. Shillaber,34 50.Col. Corcoran's Brigade, Enul, 34 51.April 19, 1775-1861, H. H. B., 35 52.All Hail to the Stars and Stripes! G. T. Bourne,35 53.So Feste Burg ist unser Gott, J. G. Whittier,85 101.Sumter, Ike, 85 102.God Protect Us! G. G. W. Morgan,85 103.The Yard-Arm Tree, Vanity Fair, 86 104.The Union, Right or Wrong, G. P. Morris,86 105.War-Song of the Free,86 106.Army Hymn, O. Wendell Holmes,87 107.Little Rhody, 87 108.The Will for the Deed, Caroline A. Mason,87 109.Rule Slaveownia, London Punch,88 110.To Arms! H. A. Moore,88 111.Babes in the Wood, C. C., 88 112.To Ellsworth, J. W. F., Washington,89 113. Sons of Norther
46. under the Washington Elm, Cambridge, April 27, 1861. by Oliver Wendell Holmes. I. Eighty years have passed, and more, Since under the brave old tree Our fathers gathered in arms, and swore They would follow the sign their banners bore, And fight till the land was free. II. Half of their work was done, Half is left to do-- Cambridge, and Concord, and Lexington! When the battle in fought and won, What shall be told of you? III. Hark! 'tis the south wind moans-- Who are the martyrs down?-- Ah, the marrow was true in your children's bones, That sprinkled with blood the cursed stones Of the murder-haunted town! IV. What if the storm-clouds blow? What if the green leaves fall? Better the crashing tempest's throe, Than the army of worms that gnawed below; Trample them one and all! V. Then, when the battle is won, And the land from traitors free, Our children shall tell of the strife begun When Liberty's second April sun Was bright on our brave old tree!
106. army Hymn. by Oliver Wendell Holmes. Old Hundred. O Lord of Hosts! Almighty King! Behold the sacrifice we bring! To every arm Thy strength impart, Thy Spirit shed through every heart! Wake in our breasts the living fires, The holy faith that warmed our sires; Thy hand hath made our Nation free; To die for her, is serving Thee. Be Thou a pillared flame, to show The midnight snare, the silent foe; And when the battle thunders loud, Still guide us in its moving cloud. God of all Nations! Sovereign Lord! In Thy dread name we draw the sword; We lift the starry flag on high, That fills with light our stormy sky. From treason's rent, from murder's stain, Guard Thou its folds till Peace shall reign; Till fort and field, till shore and sea, Join our loud anthem, praise to thee! --Atlantic Monthly, June.
Arlington House, Va., the headquarters of Gen. McDowell, P. 101 Arlington Mills, near Alexandria, Va., skirmish at, D. 89 Arming for battle, P. 46 Armistice, rumored, P. 55 Armitage, Rev. Dr., D. 57 Army Hymn, by O. W. Holmes, P. 87 Arnold, Benedict, and Jefferson Davis, P. 24 Arnold, J., Col. 3d Conn, Regt, D. 77; Notice of, Doc. 272 Articles of Confederation, Int. 13 Ashley, (M. C.,) his account of Contraband negroes, P. 110 Ashmore, D. 73, 94; remarks at the New York Bible Society, Doc. 263 Hoag, Joseph, his Latter-day Prophecy, P. 124 Hoffman, J. T., Doc. 135 Hog and Hominy, P. 96 Hollidaysburg, Pa., military of, leave for Harrisburg, D. 28 Holmes, Oliver Wendell, P. 33, 87 Holt, Joseph, notice of, D. 10; correspondellco with Gov. Ellis, of N. C. D. 12; Doc. 18; expels General Twiggs, D. 18; letter to J. F. Speed, D. 86; on the pending revolution, Doc. 283 Holt, 11. D., M. D., D. 28