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ing order: headquarters, Department of Texas. San Antonio, August 5th, 1857. Sir :-Lieutenant Hood's report was transmitted last mail; from subsequent information, not official, I think LieuLieutenant Hood's estimate of the Indian party was much too small. The same party, it appears, attacked the California mail guard five days after, and near the place where Lieutenant Hood had the fight,Lieutenant Hood had the fight, and they estimated the Indians to be over one hundred. These affairs were in the vicinity of Camp Hudson where Lieutenant Fink of the Eighth Infantry is stationed with a Company of Infantry. If thd with some fifteen or twenty horses, the second attack would not probably have been made. Lieutenant Hood's affair was a most gallant one, and much credit is due to both the officer and men. I etails, it i only necessary for me to state that the Texas brigade, under command of Brigadier General John B. Hood, supported on the right by the Hampton Legion and the Nineteenth Georgia Regiment, o
have no doubt, obtained my promotion about this period. I had no knowledge of its existence until after the close of the war, when it was handed to me in New York by Mr. Meyer, to whom I am indebted for the favor. He was at the time of the surrender a clerk in the War Office, at Richmond, and, in consideration of the unsettled condition of affairs, placed it among his papers for preservation: headquarters, V. Dist., Sept. 27th, 1862. General:--I respectfully recommend that Brig. Genl. J. B. Hood be promoted to the rank of a Major General. He was under my command during the engagements along the Chickahominy, commencing on the 27th of June last, when he rendered distinguished service. Though not of my command in the recently hard fought battle near Sharpsburg, Maryland, yet fox a portion of the day I had occasion to give directions respecting his operations, and it gives me pleasure to say that his duties were discharged with such ability and zeal, as to command my admirati
s, and committing you to the care of a kind Providence, I am now and always your friend, (Signed) R. E. Lee. General J. B. Hood, Commanding Division. Again early in May we were in bivouac in the Rapidan, and preparations were initiated for would not only have gained that position, but have been able finally to rout the enemy. I am, respectfully, yours, J. B. Hood. Notwithstanding the seemingly impregnable character of the enemy's position upon Round Top Mountain, Benning's bre following letter: headquarters, Chattanooga, September 24th, 1864. General:--I respectfully recommend Major General J. B. Hood for promotion to the rank of Lieutenant General, for distinguished conduct and ability in the battle of the 20thters, near Chattanooga, September 24th, 1863. W. D. 1988. J. Longstreet, Lieutenant General, recommends Major General J. B. Hood for promotion to the rank of Lieutenant General for distinguished services in the battle of the 2oth inst. I
ed (4500) men. I remain, General, with great respect, Your obedient servant, (Signed) Joseph Wheeler. To General John B. Hood, Late Commanding Army of Tennessee. Thus, the first summary shows an effective total of sixty-six thousand one, reported officially in the presence of Lieutenant E. B. Wade, Aide-de-Camp, Mr. James H. Haggerty, and myself, to General J. B. Hood, at Lovejoy's Station, Ga., that the loss of that Army, from all causes during the campaign from Dalton to Atlanta, C. S. A., reported officially in the presence of Captain John S. Smith, Aide-de-Camp, Mr. Haggerty, and myself, to General J. B. Hood, commanding Army at Lovejoy Station, Ga., that the loss of that Army, from all causes, during the campaign from Dalle, when in possession of Rocky-faced Ridge: headquarters, Georgia militia, Macon, Ga., September 15th, 1864. General J. B. Hood, Commanding Army of Tennessee, near Lovejoy Station: General:--My appointment was dated 1st June. I took comman
to take the initiative, but fear we will not be able to do so unless our Army is increased. Believe me, with great respect, your friend and obedient servant. J. B. Hood. The same difficulty here arose as before mentioned: un-willingness upon the part of the authorities at Richmond t.) order Polk from Mississippi, and reluctfor General Polk's troops to unite with this Army, as we should then be in a condition to reinforce General Lee, in case it should be necessary? Yours truly, J. B. Hood. To General Braxton Bragg. It will be seen that I was still urgent for an offensive campaign, and even counselled that Polk be ordered to Dalton, in the hopescort. I am, General, very truly yours, J. E. Austin, Major commanding Austin's Battalion Sharp Shooters. Parish of assumption, March 29th, I874. General J. B. Hood. Dear Sir: I remember very well the occurrences at Cass Station, or Cassville, during the campaign of 1864. During that campaign I kept a diary, which
Johnston's Narrative, pages 348, 349, 350. On the 17th, Major General Wheeler reported that the whole Federal Army had crossed the Chattahoochee. * * * The following telegram was received from General Cooper, dated July 17th: Lieutenant General J. B. Hood has been commissioned to the temporary rank of General, under the late law of Congress. I am directed by the Secretary of War to inform you that, as you have failed to arrest the advance of the enemy to the vicinity of Atlanta, far iostponed, at least till the fate of Atlanta was decided. The, following extract from a letter of Lieutenant General A. P. Stewart will show that I was desirous General Johnston should remain in command: St. Louis, August 7th, 1872. General J. B. Hood. my Dear General:--Your letter of the 25th ultimo was received some days since, and I avail myself of the first opportunity to answer it. You ask me to send you a statement setting forth the facts as you (I) understand them, of the ci
was so often the case in Virginia. Hoping soon to have your valued opinion upon this subject, I am truly yours, J. B. Hood. I received the subjoined in reply: Brookeville, Mississippi, January 26th, 1874. to General J. B. Hood. General J. B. Hood. General:--In your favor of the 17th inst., you ask my opinion of the general effect of entrenchments upon an Army. My experience during the recent war was nearly equally divided in serving with and without entrenchments. My service with the Army Your views upon this important subject, I should be pleased to have at your earliest convenience. Yours truly, J. B. Hood. Frankfort, Kentucky, January 23d, 1874. General John B. Hood, New Orleans, La. General:--Your letter of theGeneral John B. Hood, New Orleans, La. General:--Your letter of the 17th inst. is received. In answer to your first inquiry I have to say that, in my opinion, you were furnished with all the State forces that the Governor of Georgia, could by the use of extraordinary powers bring to assist in the defence of Atlanta
Mobile, about the 26th ultimo. Respectfully and truly yours, J. B. Hood. I received in answer the following: Washington, D. C.y to bring forth also this important truth. I am yours truly, J. B. Hood. When I recall the different events with which the military following telegram: Smithfield, April 4th, 1865. Lieutenant General J. B. Hood. After reading your report, as submitted, I informedas ordered. I will be ready to meet any charges you may prefer. J. B. Hood. On the following day I applied to the War Department for a official report of the operations of the Army of the Tennessee. J. B. Hood, Lieutenant General. I received the following in reply: Danville, April 5th, 1865. Lieutenant General J. B. Hood. Proceed to Texas as heretofore ordered. S. Cooper, A. I. G. Danville, April 7th, 1865. Lieutenant General J. B. Hood. A Court of Inquiry cannot be convened in your case at present. You will proceed to Texas
, been carried out fully, we would have achieved a great success. General Featherston in his official report writes: The plan of the battle, as explained to me, was as follows: The attack was to begin on the extreme right of the Army. General Hood's old corps and General Hardee's were both on my right. The troops were to advance en echelon by divisions, beginning on the extreme right; the first division advancing some three hundred yards to the front before the second moved. The same My orders were to fix bayonets and charge their works when we reached them, to stop for no obstacle, however formidable, but to make the attack a desperate one. I was informed that the same orders had been delivered by the Commander-in-Chief, General Hood, to each and every army corps. I thought the battle had been well planned, and heard it spoken of by my associates in arms in terms of commendation. The whole corps, so far as I heard an expression of their opinions, anticipated a brilliant
f McPherson's left flank, even if he was forced to go to or beyond Decatur, which is only about six miles from Atlanta. Hood's Official Report, Appendix p. 321. Major General Wheeler was ordered to move on Hardee's right with all the cavalry a to the Howard House, a double frame building with a porch, and sat on the steps, discussing the chances of battle, and of Hood's general character. McPherson had also been of the same class at West Point with Hood, Schofield, and Sheridan. We agreHood, Schofield, and Sheridan. We agreed that we ought to be unusually cautious and prepared at all times for sallies and for hard fighting, because Hood, though not deemed much of a scholar, or of great mental capacity, was undoubtedly a brave, determined, and rash man; and the change oHood, though not deemed much of a scholar, or of great mental capacity, was undoubtedly a brave, determined, and rash man; and the change of commanders at that particular crisis argued the displeasure of the Confederate Government with the cautious but prudent conduct of General Joe Johnston. At dawn on the morning of the 22d Cheatham, Stewart, and G. W. Smith, had, by alternating w