Browsing named entities in William F. Fox, Lt. Col. U. S. V., Regimental Losses in the American Civil War, 1861-1865: A Treatise on the extent and nature of the mortuary losses in the Union regiments, with full and exhaustive statistics compiled from the official records on file in the state military bureaus and at Washington. You can also browse the collection for Hood or search for Hood in all documents.

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under General Thomas, marched northward to confront Hood's forces, while Sherman, with the main army, wended ing; total, 991. The corps joined in the pursuit of Hood's defeated army, after which General Wood assembled rest at Atlanta, and a short campaign in pursuit of Hood, the Fourteenth Corps moved with Sherman's Army, Nove of Nashville, and participated in the victory over Hood's Army; casualties, 750. In this battle Smith's twovision was engaged in the Tennessee campaign against Hood, in 1864, and was present at the battle of Nashvilleerman and the rest of the Army marched in pursuit of Hood. On November 15, 1864, Sherman and his men starteoined Thomas' Army in the Tennessee campaign against Hood. The corps was still under the command of General S864, while on Thomas's campaign in Tennessee against Hood, the mounted troops were formed into an Army Corps owere present. After the defeat and dismemberment of Hood's Army, Wilson entered Alabama with his corps of tro
ps served in Tennessee, on the campaign against Hood, the regiment fighting at Spring Hill, Franklinin October, 1864, prior to the campaign against Hood. Sixty-Seventh Ohio Infantry. Howell's nization during the war. After the victory over Hood, at Nashville, December 15, 1864, it marched in accompanied the Fourth Corps in its pursuit of Hood, fighting at Nashville with a loss of 10 killedal Wagner during the Tennessee campaign against Hood. Major D. W. Norton was killed near New Hope CAtlanta campaign, and under Wagner, fought with Hood's Army at Franklin. After the victory at Nashvht. The regiment then joined in the pursuit of Hood's Army, and proceeding to Huntsville, Ala., wene it confronted the army of the Confederate General Hood. The Eighty-fourth was present at the. bat battle of Nashville, December 16, 1864. After Hood's retreat the Fourth Corps was ordered to Huntsrd Corps were engaged in a bloody campaign with Hood in Middle Tennessee. The Eighty-ninth particip[1 more...]
William F. Fox, Lt. Col. U. S. V., Regimental Losses in the American Civil War, 1861-1865: A Treatise on the extent and nature of the mortuary losses in the Union regiments, with full and exhaustive statistics compiled from the official records on file in the state military bureaus and at Washington, Chapter 14: the greatest battles of the war — list of victories and defeats — chronological list of battles with loss in each, Union and Confederate. (search)
paign. 444 2,828 As stated by Dr. Foard, Medical Director of Johnston's (and Hood's) Army, and does not include the missing. Sherman's Army captured 12,983 ConfeDallas 309 1,921 As stated by Dr. Foard, Medical Director of Johnston's (and Hood's) Army, and does not include the missing. Sherman's Army captured 12,983 Confeuntain 468 3,480 As stated by Dr. Foard, Medical Director of Johnston's (and Hood's) Army, and does not include the missing. Sherman's Army captured 12,983 Confeanta 1,341 7,500 As stated by Dr. Foard, Medical Director of Johnston's (and Hood's) Army, and does not include the missing. Sherman's Army captured 12,983 Confeesboro 482 3,223 As stated by Dr. Foard, Medical Director of Johnston's (and Hood's) Army, and does not include the missing. Sherman's Army captured 12,983 Confegagements 73 341 As stated by Dr. Foard, Medical Director of Johnston's (and Hood's) Army, and does not include the missing. Sherman's Army captured 12,983 Confe
William F. Fox, Lt. Col. U. S. V., Regimental Losses in the American Civil War, 1861-1865: A Treatise on the extent and nature of the mortuary losses in the Union regiments, with full and exhaustive statistics compiled from the official records on file in the state military bureaus and at Washington, Chapter 15: Confederate losses — strength of the Confederate Armies--casualties in Confederate regiments — list of Confederate Generals killed — losses in the Confederate Navy. (search)
m's 335 26 168 -- 57.9 18th Georgia Antietam Hood's 176 13 72 16 57.3 1st S. C. Rifles Gaines'ckson's 180 18 79 -- 53.8 4th Texas Antietam Hood's 200 10 97 -- 53.5 27th Tennessee Chaplin Ht's 357 49 121 11 50.7 17th Georgia Manassas Hood's 200 10 91 -- 50.5 37th Georgia Chickamauga0 33 217 205 65.0 Wofford's (Texas) Antietam Hood's 854 69 417 62 64.1 Anderson's (S. C.) gg's A. P. Hill's 20 125 -- 145 18th Georgia Hood's Whiting's 14 128 3 145 9th Alabama Wilcox'pt. 1, 1862.             5th Texas Wofford's Hood's 15 224 1 240 11th Georgia Anderson's Jones Hill's 25 126 -- 151 18th Georgia Wofford's Hood's 19 133 -- 152 23d South Carolina Evans's AMountain on the 14th.190 1st Texas Wofford's Hood's 45 141 -- 186 3d Arkansas Walker's Walker'ones's 29 97 -- 126 6th North Carolina Law's Hood's 10 115 -- 125 15th South Carolina Drayton'on's Ewell's 16 91 7 114 4th Texas Wofford's Hood's 10 97 -- 107 27th Georgia Colquitt's D. H.[11 more.