Browsing named entities in The Daily Dispatch: December 15, 1863., [Electronic resource]. You can also browse the collection for Hooker or search for Hooker in all documents.

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ge him. Nothing was done, however, that day or the next, which gave Hooker — who had reached Bridgeport with two corps d'arme, of 12,000 men, the ferry in check, whilst Jenkins with his own brigade, assaulted Hooker's column below. The attack failed, being badly planned and made byeyond reasonable doubt, but, by opening up a shorter route, enabled Hooker and Sherman, with their columns, to form a junction with the main ae army was surprised next morning, Tuesday, the 24th November, when Hooker's guns opened on Lookout.--Gen. Hardee, who, had been in command onposition in Lookout Valley, understood corps of 12,000 men, under Hooker on of Stevenson's command was posted mountain; the remainder alon While these events were transpiring on the right and left centre, Hooker had got possession of McFarlan's Gap at Rossville, and was moving ager, would have encountered a fresh danger in this flank movement. Hooker commanded the Federal right, Thomas the centre, and Sherman the lef