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Harper's Encyclopedia of United States History (ed. Benson Lossing), Agreement of the people, (search)
es given. or to be given, by the public faith of the nation, nor any engagements of the public faith for satisfaction of debts and damages, shall be made void or invalid by the next or any future Representative; except to such creditors as have, or shall have, justly forfeited the same: and saving, that the next Representative may confirm or make null, in part or in whole, all gifts of lands, moneys, offices, or otherwise, made by the present Parliament to any member or attendant of either House. 4. That, in any laws hereafter to be made. no person, by virtue of any tenure, grant, charter, patent, degree or birth, shall be privileged from subjection thereto, or from being bound thereby, as well as others. 5. That the Representative may not give judgment upon any man's person or estate, where no law hath before provided; some only in calling to account and punishing public officers for abusing or failing in their trust. 6. That no Representative may in any wise render up. or give
Harper's Encyclopedia of United States History (ed. Benson Lossing), Bering sea arbitration. (search)
this obligation had been contracted by the administration of which they were supporters. The member of the committee on appropriations who had the measure in charge said: This is not our foreign policy. We are paying a debt which you gentlemen gave us. Mr. McCreary, chairman of the committee on foreign affairs, in advocacy of the appropriation. used this language: regret that we have been placed in an attitude where we have to pay this amount; but the gentlemen on the other side of this House cannot claim that we caused the existing situation. How unwarranted were these assertions is shown in the foregoing review. It may have been the wisest policy to vote the appropriation, but it was no breach of our international obligations not to approve of that sum; and it is not to the discredit of Congress that it exercised its judgment as to the action of the executive in agreeing to a settlement with Great Britain which altogether ignored the claim of the United States for damages t
Harper's Encyclopedia of United States History (ed. Benson Lossing), Brooks, Preston Smith, 1819- (search)
rmit a member of Congress to publish and circulate a libel on another, and then call upon either House to protect him against the personal responsibilities which he had thus incurred. But if I hadjustice, how easy it will be to use such precedents for the excuse of arbitrary power, in either House, to expel members of the minority who may have rendered themselves obnoxious to the prevailing spirit in the House to which they belong. Matters may go smoothly enough when one House asks the other to punish a member who is offensive to a majority of its own body; but how will it he when, upon a pretence of insulted dignity, demands are made of this House to expel a member who happens to run counter to its party predilections, or other demands which it may not be so agreeable to grant? temptations to collision. or to extend so far the discretionary power which was given to either House to punish its own members for the violation of its rules and orders. Discretion has been said t
Harper's Encyclopedia of United States History (ed. Benson Lossing), Burgesses, House of, (search)
il that colony became an independent State in 1776. That first House of Burgesses assembled at Jamestown in July, 1619, and by the end of summer four more boroughs were established and representatives chosen. The character of the personnel of that popular branch of the Virginia legislature for many years was sometimes severely criticised by contemporary writers. A clergyman who lived there wrote that the popular Assembly was composed largely of those unruly men whom King James had sent over from the English prisons as servants for the planters, and were not only vicious, but very ignorant. These men (Stith, an accurate historian, observes) disgraced the colony in the eyes of the world. Finally better material found its way into the House of Burgesses: and when the old war for independence was kindling, some of the brightest and purest men in the commonwealth composed that House, and were the conservators of the rights of man in Virginia as opposed to the governor and his council.
Harper's Encyclopedia of United States History (ed. Benson Lossing), Burke, Edmund, 1730-1797 (search)
deal in nothing but fact, authenticated by Parliamentary record; and to build myself wholly on that solid basis. On the 4th of April, 1748, a committee of this House came to the following resolution: Resolved, That it is the opinion of this committee, that it is just and reasonable that the several provinces and colonies his faithful subjects of certain colonies in North America have exerted themselves in defence of his Majesty's just rights and possessions. recommends it to this House to take the same into their consideration, and to enable his Majesty to give them such assistance as may be a proper reward and encouragement. On the 3d of Febr and burthen, is a wild and chimerical notion. This new taxation must, therefore, come in by the backdoor of the constitution. Each quota must be brought to this House ready formed; you can neither add nor alter. You must register it. You can do nothing further. For on what grounds can you deliberate either before or after the
Harper's Encyclopedia of United States History (ed. Benson Lossing), Constitution of the United States (search)
s—Veto—Bill may be passed by twothirds of each House notwithstanding, etc.—Bill not returned in tenn such manner and under such penalties as each House may provide. 2. Each House may determine thand the yeas and nays of the members of either House on any question shall, at the desire of one-fisame; and for any speech or debate in either House they shall not be questioned in any other plac the United States shall be a member of either House during his continuance in office. section 7 shall return it, with his objections, to that House in which it shall have originated; who shall eafter such reconsideration, two-thirds of that House shall agree to pass the bill, it shall be sentsidered, and, if approved by twothirds of that House, it shall become a law. But in all such cases,e bill shall be entered on the journal of each House respectively. If any bill shall not be return Congress may, by a vote of two-thirds of each House, remove such disability. section 4. The <
Harper's Encyclopedia of United States History (ed. Benson Lossing), Craney Island, operations at (search)
ckburn (q. v.), bearing a large number of land troops and marines. There were twenty ships of the line and frigates and several smaller British war-vessels within the capes of Virginia. The cities of Baltimore, Annapolis, and Norfolk were equally menaced. Norfolk was the first point of attack. For its defence on the waters were the frigate Constellation, thirty-eight guns, and a flotilla of gunboats; on the land were Forts Norfolk and Nelson (one on each side of the Elizabeth The Block-House on Craney Island, 1813. River), and Forts Tar and Barbour, and the fortifications on Craney Island, 5 miles below the city. Towards midnight of June 19 Captain Tarbell, by order of Commodore Cassin, commanding the station, went down the Elizabeth River with fifteen gunboats, to attempt the capture of the frigate Junon, thirty-eight guns, Captain Sanders, which lay about 3 miles from the rest of the British fleet. Fifteen sharp-shooters from Craney Island were added to the crews of the boats
Harper's Encyclopedia of United States History (ed. Benson Lossing), Cromwell, Oliver 1599- (search)
one who assumes to himself dominion over you; but as one who doth resolve to be a fellow-servant with you to the interest of these great affairs, and of the People of these Nations. I shall trouble you no longer; but desire you to repair to your House, and to exercise your own liberty in the choice of a Speaker, that so you may lose no time in carrying on your work. [ At this speech, say the old newspapers, all generally seemed abundantly to rejoice, by extraordinary expressions and hums at and to exercise your own liberty in the choice of a Speaker, that so you may lose no time in carrying on your work. [ At this speech, say the old newspapers, all generally seemed abundantly to rejoice, by extraordinary expressions and hums at the conclusion. His Highness withdrew into the old House of Lords, and the Members of Parliament into the Parliament House. His Highness, so soon as the Parliament were gone to their House, went back to Whitehall, privately in his barge, by water. ]
Harper's Encyclopedia of United States History (ed. Benson Lossing), Elections, federal control of. (search)
. This is undoubtedly true. if you are sure of the first equality. All things are not equal because they have the same names. When an employer intimates to some of his workmen that he cares most for men who look after his interests, and that his interests are with such and such a party, that employer is guilty of intimidation. When the interesting collection of gentlemen in a Southern district go forth to fire guns all night, in order, as the member from that district phrased it in open House. to let the niggers know there is going to be a fair election the next day, they also are guilty of intimidation. Nevertheless, there is a difference: especially if there be an honest eye to see it. Murder and catching fish out of season are both crimes: but there are odds in crimes. Is a community where men violate the laws relating to close time debarred from complaining of murder elsewhere when its own families suffer by it? Must we ourselves reach absolute perfection before we ask o
Harper's Encyclopedia of United States History (ed. Benson Lossing), Electoral commission. (search)
ovided for the meeting of both Houses in the hall of the House of Representatives on Feb. 1, 1877, to there count the votes in accordance with a plan which the committee proposed. In case of more than one return from a State, all such returns, having been made by appointed tellers, should be, upon objections being made, submitted to the judgment and decision, as to which was the lawful and true electoral vote of the State, of a commission of fifteen, to be composed of five members from each House, to be appointed viva voce, Jan. 30, with four associate justices of the Supreme Court of the United States, who should, on Jan. 30, select another of the justices of the Supreme Court, the entire commission to be presided over by the associate justice longest in commission. After much debate, the bill passed both Houses. It became a law, by the signature of the President, Jan. 29, 1877. The next day the two Houses each selected five of its members to serve on the Electoral Commission, th