Browsing named entities in The Daily Dispatch: March 13, 1863., [Electronic resource]. You can also browse the collection for Hunter or search for Hunter in all documents.

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Reports from Charleston. Augusta, March 12. --A special dispatch from "P. W. A.," to the Savannah Republican, dated Charleston, 11th, says intelligence has been received in official circles that Burnside has been assigned to the command of the "Department of South Carolina and Georgia." The attack will be made within the next ten days, probably at spring tide, on the 19th inst. It is reported that the Catskill iron-clad passed the bar yesterday, on her way to Port Royal. [second Dispatch.] Charleston, March 12. --The report is current here that Burnside has arrived, and taken command at Port Royal. It in said that this appointment was made to compromise the difficulties between Hunter and Foster.
Confederate States Congress. Thursday, March 12, 1863. Senate.--The Senate was called to order at 12 o'clock, Mr. Hunter, of Va., in the chair. Prayer by Rev. Dr. Woodbridge. Mr. Sparrow, from the Military Committee, introduced a bill to increase the efficiency of the Medical Department; which was referred to the Cichmond Enquirer, it was determined in the negative — yeas, Messrs. Clark and Yancey; nays, Messrs. Baker, Barnwell, Burnett Caperton, Davis, Haynes, Henry, Hill, Hunter, Johnson of Ark., Maxwell, Oldham, Orr, Peyton, Phelan, Semmes, Wigfall. On the question to agree to the said resolution, it was determined in the affirmativ On the question of agreeing thereto, Messrs. Baker, Burnett, Davis, Haynes, Maxwell, Phelan, and Wigfall voted aye; and Messrs Barnwell, Opperton, Henry, Hunter, Johnson of Ark, Mitchell, Orr, Peyton, Semmes, Sparrow, and Yancey voted no. So the motion was not agreed to. The report of the special committee on the abo