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shing down the old stage road from Richmond. These were followed by their infantry, and artillery--thirty pieces. The number of Yankees in Staunton, including Crook's men, who did not enter the town till Wednesday, was fifteen thousand. Gens. Hunter, Averill, Crook, Sullivan, and Stahl, were in command. When Crook's men arrived, all the houses were searched for provisions. In one case, on Monday, a man ascended the stairs of a dwelling and demanded food. A young lady told him there wasthat was captured from them on the day of the New Hope fight. The persons engaged in searching the houses behaved, in some instances, outrageously. All the Government shops and stables were burned, and the railroad torn up for six miles. Gen. Hunter, who is described as a horrid old wretch, next to Beast Butler, was so enraged by the skirmish of Tuesday, that he declared he was going to burn the town, insisting that it was the work of citizens. This demoniac purpose was not carried out.
nt fighting near that city, and the retreat of Hunter. They neared the city on Monday, the 13th, anthe city so well prepared for resistance. Hunter and Averill made their headquarters at the houfull retreat. Before leaving his headquarters Hunter stated to gentlemen in the neighborhood that Sankee trip to Lynchburg. The pursuit. Hunter reached Liberty on his retreat Sunday about 2 Yankee Gossip about the expedition. Gens. Hunter, Crock, Averill, and Sullivan put up with M an old army officer, was well acquainted with Hunter, and talked freely to him respecting his expedition. Hunter said that he had fifty thousand men, and could take Lynchburg easily; that we had betire to the Amherst heights and fire upon them, Hunter replied that, in such event he would help themsgust. When Miss. H remonstrated with Gen. Hunter for his vandalism to burning the Military I" After the melancholy supper referred to Hunter told Maj. Butler that they wanted to hold a co
n, Goldsboro' Wilmington, Charleston; and Savannah, with lateral lines running from Charleston to Atlanta, and from Savannah by way of Macon to the same city. If Hunter and Crook have captured Lynchburg, which is their object, no railroad communication with Richmond remains but the road to Danville. Sheridan is probably operatinfor moving large armies and for overcoming difficulties his changed all that. From Sunday to Wednesday is but three days, but in that brief time the column under Hunter, Crook and Averill are placed in position to cover Washington from any enterprise Lee might be desperate enough to attempt. Grant once more moves by the left flatimate success? Grant will try all ways, and hold fast to that which is good. Tenacity is the very essence of his composition. Let it be borne in mind that Hunter's column is in just the position either to cover Washington or to cut Lee off from the Southwest, and that Grant, having united Butler's column to his own, is mov
enemy is estimated fully as many as 1,000--Over 1,500 stand of arms were taken. The troops engaged were Mahone's Virginia, Stunders's Alabama, and Wright's Georgia brigades, the whole commanded by Gen Mahone. Our advance fought the rear of the enemy's raiders near Dinwiddie C H, yesterday evening, capturing ten or fifteen prisoners. The enemy are reported to have reached the Junction of the Southside and Danville railroads to- day about 2 o'clock. The latest information from Hunter was that he had retreated through Buford's Gap towards Salem, in Roanoke Up to this hour there has been nothing to-day except sharpshooting and cannonading. The sharpshooters are very active.--The enemy took possession of the Weldon railway, six miles below here, this morning, and are busy fortifying. Their pickets in that direction are within four miles of the city. Our troops, after the success of last night, retired to their original position. The enemy's raiders burnt the de
From Lynchburg. Lynchburg, June 23. --It is difficult to get any news from Hunter's flying army.--Information received this morning is, that he is still continuing his retreat in demoralized confusion, and so closely pressed by our army that they have no chance to forage on our people and are pressed for provisions. Persons from Bedford say that the enemy's trains were driven through that county by our forces at a furious rate under whip and spur, and that the road along the route is y near Salem, capturing ten pieces of artillery, two hundred horses, one hundred and fifty prisoners, and several wagons. The enemy have destroyed many of their caissons and wagons to prevent their falling into our hands. It is reported that we have again overtaken the enemy to-day near Fincastle. One hundred and thirty of Sheridan's raiders have arrived here. Hunter destroyed a great amount of private property in his advance, and stole a large number of wagons, horses, and cattle.