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imated at five thousand prisoners and fifty pieces of artillery. Very respectfully, Brigadier-General W. H. Emory, Commanding Defences of New-Orleans. Richardb. Irwin, A. A. General. To Major-General Banks, Commanding United States Forces near Port Hudson: headquarters Port Hudson, La., July 7. General: Having received inforthe terms of surrender. In reply I have the honor to state that I have designated Brigadier-General Charles P. Stone, Colonel Henry W. Birge, and Lieutenant-Colonel Richard B. Irwin as the officers to meet the commission appointed by you. They will meet your officers at the hour designated at a point where the flag of truce was of truce. Very soon after that an officer came galloping up, in the bright light of a waning moon, from General Banks's headquarters; and I heard the voice of Colonel Irwin eagerly inquiring for the tent of General Augur--the whole camp being in calm repose. The few who were awake wondered, of course, what all this could mean; an