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Maj. Jed. Hotchkiss, Confederate Military History, a library of Confederate States Military History: Volume 3, Virginia (ed. Clement Anselm Evans) 1,296 0 Browse Search
Robert Underwood Johnson, Clarence Clough Buell, Battles and Leaders of the Civil War: Volume 2. 888 4 Browse Search
Edward Porter Alexander, Military memoirs of a Confederate: a critical narrative 676 0 Browse Search
George H. Gordon, From Brook Farm to Cedar Mountain 642 2 Browse Search
Comte de Paris, History of the Civil War in America. Vol. 2. (ed. Henry Coppee , LL.D.) 470 0 Browse Search
An English Combatant, Lieutenant of Artillery of the Field Staff., Battlefields of the South from Bull Run to Fredericksburgh; with sketches of Confederate commanders, and gossip of the camps. 418 0 Browse Search
Horace Greeley, The American Conflict: A History of the Great Rebellion in the United States of America, 1860-65: its Causes, Incidents, and Results: Intended to exhibit especially its moral and political phases with the drift and progress of American opinion respecting human slavery from 1776 to the close of the War for the Union. Volume II. 404 0 Browse Search
Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 11. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones) 359 1 Browse Search
Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 34. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones) 356 2 Browse Search
Benson J. Lossing, Pictorial Field Book of the Civil War. Volume 2. 350 0 Browse Search
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Browsing named entities in Horace Greeley, The American Conflict: A History of the Great Rebellion in the United States of America, 1860-65: its Causes, Incidents, and Results: Intended to exhibit especially its moral and political phases with the drift and progress of American opinion respecting human slavery from 1776 to the close of the War for the Union. Volume II.. You can also browse the collection for Stonewall Jackson or search for Stonewall Jackson in all documents.

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The large steamers and gunboats were placed from 1/4 to 1 1/4 miles below the mortar-boats. On the first day, the small steam sloops and gunboats went up to abreast of the smoke-stack, where they engaged the forts and the enemy's steamers. of Jackson, distant 2 1/2 to three miles; all were under orders to concentrate their fire on Fort Jackson, that being the larger and more important work, whose fall necessarily involved that of Fort St. Philip. At 9 A. M., before our mortar vessels werets for passing the forts were completed at sunset. April 23. The mortar-boats, retaining their stations, were to cover the advance with their utmost possible fire. Six small steamers — the Harriet Lane, Westfield, Owasco, Clinton, Miami, and Jackson, the last towing the Portsmouth — were to engage the water battery below Fort Jackson, but not attempt to pass. Capt. Farragut himself, with his three largest ships — the Hartford, Richmond, and Brooklyn — was to keep near the western bank, fi
etreats Fremont strikes Ewell at Cross-Keys Jackson crosses the South Fork at Port Republic, and d by hardship, exposure, and anxiety. pursued Jackson to Newmarket, March 19. where he found him the larger part of his force concealed until Jackson was induced to advance in force and attack. rder, ere they, too, rested for the night. Jackson attributes his defeat in part to Gen. R. B. Gther be fully trusted or superseded. Stonewall Jackson, after his defeat March 23. by Shieldnson's forces; the whole being commanded by Gen. Jackson. These regiments were full, and could not l cavalry, pursued so far as Martinsburg; but Jackson halted his infantry not far beyond Winchesterricher harvest of the fruits of victory. Jackson, after menacing Harper's Ferry, May 29. whlowed by an order to send a division up after Jackson. McDowell adds: I did so, although I repliedggested, and in fact directed, from Richmond: Jackson and Ewell being ordered to combine their forc[32 more...]
orced, but still grumbles and hesitates Stonewall Jackson joins Lee A. P. Hill attacks our right that a pretty strong force is operating with Jackson, for the purpose of detaining the forces here225; absent, 29,511-total, 156,838. Stonewall Jackson, having done us all the mischief he coul thousand men have left Richmond to reenforce Jackson, it illustrates their strength and confidencebut that the report was to be circulated that Jackson had gone to Richmond, in order to mislead. Tp from the South. When all things were ripe, Jackson moved, by order, rapidly and secretly from tit and center, immediately before Richmond. Jackson was unable to reach Ashland quite so soon as n. McClellan (who had learned, meantime, that Jackson was approaching) directed the evacuation of tidge at 5 A. M. next morning. June 30. Jackson, who had been delayed by the necessity of rebsome two miles farther up, or to the right of Jackson, where Lee in person, with Jefferson Davis, a[19 more...]
o retreat Longstreet hurrying to his rescue Jackson worsts King two days battle of Gainesville aorganize. But there was no more fighting. Jackson clung to his mountain and his woods till the vision of Ewell, which had been left there by Jackson on his advance to Manassas; when a sharp fightion, was unable vigorously to pursue him. Jackson, justly afraid of being assailed by Pope's ens, while the rest of our army was hurled upon Jackson, our triumph must be certain and decisive. Heared Gainesville at 7 1/2 A. M. Meantime, Jackson, who was not easily caught napping, had commelision at 10 P. M., and then felt that he had Jackson sure. Sending orders to McDowell and King tohat day and been sent by Lee to the relief of Jackson, now clearly outnumbered. Hood's famous Texable for him to have turned the right flank of Jackson, and to have fallen upon his rear; that, if h on the 1st, when he found himself flanked by Jackson; and was continued throughout that and the fo[22 more...]
ders Harper's Ferry, with 12,000 men, to Stonewall Jackson McClellan follows Lee to the Antietam practicable, cooperate with Gen. McLaws and Gen. Jackson in intercepting the retreat of the enemy. have been left behind. The commands of Gens. Jackson, McLaws, and Walker, after accomplishing ten it surrendered at 8 next morning. Stonewall Jackson, leaving Frederick on the 10th, had pushminutes, whereby Miles was mortally wounded. Jackson was just impelling a general infantry attack,nterpose between it and the other half, under Jackson and Walker, should it attempt to escape westw, while giving opportunity for the arrival of Jackson, Walker, and McLaws, from Harper's Ferry; whithan half their number of Rebels; for, though Jackson arrived with his overmarched men that morningupported by the remaining brigades of Ewell. Jackson was in chief command on this wing, and here w Early, who succeeded Lawton, was ordered by Jackson to replace Jackson's own division, which had [9 more...]
oncentrating his entire command than that the enemy were pressing heavily on his rear; but it is clear that he had deliberately resolved to turn and fight at Perryville. Maj.-Gen. McCook, having reached the position assigned him with but two of his three divisions — that of Gen. Sill having been detached and sent to Frankfort — had directed the posting of his troops and formation of his line of battle--Gen. Rousseau's division on the right, in line with the left of Gilbert's corps, and Gen. Jackson's on the left, near the little hamlet of Maxwell, on the Harrodsburg road — rode off and reported in person to Gen. Buell, 2 1/2 miles distant, in the rear of his right; and received verbal orders to make a reconnoissance in front of his position to Chaplin creek. Returning to his command, and finding nothing in progress but mutual artillery practice, to little purpose, he ordered his batteries to save their ammunition, while he made the directed reconnoissance; at the same time advancin<
nce and attack, and then one to report to Polk with all but Hanson's brigade. Moving his remaining brigades, under Preston and Palmer, by the left flank, lie crossed the creek and reported to Polk and Bragg just in season to see the brigades of Jackson and Adams, which lie had previously sent, recoil from an assault on our line,); Adams being among the wounded. Breckinridge was now ordered to charge with Preston's and Palmer's brigades, and did so; gaining some ground, but losing considerablyen. Forrest, who, with 3,500 cavalry, had been detached Crossing the Tennessee at Clifton, Dec. 13. by Bragg to operate on our communications in West Tennessee, and who had for two weeks or more been raiding through that section, threatening Jackson, capturing Trenton, Humboldt, Union City, &c., burning bridges, tearing up rails, and paroling captured Federals (over 1,000, according to his reports--700 of them at Trenton alone), was struck on his return at Parker's Cross-roads, between Hunt
y surrenders Grant drives Jo. Johnston from Jackson fight at Milliken's Bend Holmes assails Hels of the State of Mississippi, connected with Jackson, its capital, 44 miles cast, by a railroad, a Nov. 4. soon after, his headquarters from Jackson to Lagrange; whence he pushed out Nov. 8. under McPherson, then moving, on Clinton and Jackson, was encountered, May 12. near Raymond, byltaneously on the direct road from Raymond to Jackson. McPherson's march was resumed at 5 A. M. neMay 14. and, at 9 A. M., when five miles from Jackson, the enemy's pickets were driven in; and, proard of the railroad, and about midway between Jackson and Vicksburg. Here lie received, next mornias at Canton with the force taken by him from Jackson, reenforced by other troops from the east, anailroad eastward being still open — evacuated Jackson during the night, July 25. hurrying across-19. on information of Johnston's flight from Jackson, and, reembarking, returned July 21. to Vi[4 more...]
ville his right wing turned and shattered by Jackson Pleasanton checks the enemy Jackson mortallJackson mortally wounded desperate fighting around Chancellorsville Hooker stunned our army recoils Sedgwick sized in two grand corps, whereof that of Stonewall Jackson held the right; that of Longstreet the lied in the detailed reports of Longstreet and Jackson, was over 5,000, Longstreet reports his loat the movement below was a feint, and called Jackson away toward Chancellorsville, adding the divittle before 6 P. M., in a grand burst of Stonewall Jackson, with 25,000 men, on the exposed flank oith to arrest a charge of 25,000, led by Stonewall Jackson.) Turning to Maj. Keenan, 8th Pennsylvanad. In front of these batteries, fell Stonewall Jackson, mortally wounded — by the fire of his omost lamentable results. Capt. Boswell, of Gen. Jackson's staff, was killed, and borne into our linre of artillery on the point was terrible. Gen. Jackson was left for five minutes until the fire sl[11 more...]
rk, when a prisoner was taken who rather astonished Milroy by the information that he belonged to Ewell's (formerly Stonewall Jackson's) corps, and that Longstreet's also was just at hand — the two numbering about 50,000 men. Col. McReynolds, witsponsibility. Couch's militia were pronounced worthless by worthless officers, who forget what Washington, Gates, and Jackson, severally did with militia; but, though they had been only held in reserve, or set to guarding trains, their presence we line dividing West from old Virginia, pushing back the small Rebel forces in that quarter under Col. W. S. [ Mudwall ] Jackson, and menacing an advance on Staunton. At length, when near Lewisburg and White Sulphur Springs, he was met Aug. 26. ned to Huttonsville. Late in the Fall, Averill, starting from Beverly with some 5,000 men, and, chasing Col. Mudwall Jackson, struck Nov. 6. a somewhat smaller Rebel force under Gen. Echols, strongly posted on the top of Droop mountain, in Gr