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Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 1. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones), The treatment of prisoners during the war between the States. (search)
all and Perry were finally discharged without charges or trial. In the persons of these gentlemen, were violated all the rights of freedom of person, of the press, of speech, and finally they were starved, and released after enduring the most offensive insults at the hands of a cowardly enemy. This crime transpired in California, where war had not gone, and their imprisonment was without pretence. T. Walton Mason, of Adairville, Logan county, Kentucky, says that he was surrendered by General Jno. Morgan, in Ohio, July 26th, 1863, and imprisoned at Camp Chase, then removed to Camp Douglas, where all of the horrors of that place were revived. In this camp Choctaw Indians were employed as guards. When money was given to the guards to buy provisions, they would pocket the money. The Indians shamed the whites for this breach of faith and petty theft. In November, 1863, seven escaped prisoners were returned, and subjected to the most cruel torture. They were taken out in the prese
J. B. Jones, A Rebel War Clerk's Diary, XX. November, 1862 (search)
will allow them, with the proceeds of salt, the privilege of buying cotton on the Mississippi River, and they will, moreover, freight French ships above New Orleans, and guarantee that not a bale shall be landed in any U. S. port. Is it not certain that Butler, the beast, is a party to the speculation? This is a strong temptation, and we shall see what response our government will make to this proposition to violate an act of Congress. November 11 More projects from the Southwest. Mr. Jno. A. S. has just arrived from New Orleans, where, he states in his communication to the government, he had interviews and correspondence with the U. S. authorities, Butler, etc., and they had given him positive assurances that he will be permitted to take any supplies to the planters (excepting arms and ammunition) in exchange for cotton, which may be shipped to any part of the world. S. says that Butler will let us have anything for a bribe. No doubt! And Mr. L., President of the L. Bank
by Mr. Samuel Sloane, who nominated Ex-Governor Fish for President, which nomination was ratified with great enthusiasm. The following Vice Presidents were appointed :-- W. H. Aspinwall, Cornel's Vanderbilt, James T. Brady, Daniel Lord, Sheppard Knapp, Wm. A. Booth, Wm. Whitlock, Jr., N. Ludlam, J. J. Rooeevelt, Isaac Seymour, J. McLeod Murphy, A. R. Wetmore, G. S. Bedford, Wm. M. Richards, W. C. Rhinelander, Thomas Tileston, Jno. A. Kennedy, O. A. Brownson, Jno.F. Butterworth, F. S. Winston, Jno. C. Hamilton, Denning Duer, J. A. Westervelt, Wm. H. Stewart, C. R. Robert, George S. Robbins, Richard Patrick, Robert T. Haws, John S. Giles, John H. Hall, George Griswold, Ezra Nye, George Law, Fred. Foster, H. B. Raymond, L. B. Woodruff, Solomon Banta, Morgan Jones, George Young, D. P. Maurice, Horace Greeley, Dan. E. Devlin, Wm. G. Lambert, A. W. Bradford. W. S. Hatch, W. P. Lee, Erastus C. B.nedict, C.
1863.  Col. Robt. H. Smith Delegate to Confederate Congress at Montgomery. 37thAlabamaRegimentInfantryCol. Jas. F. DowdellMay 13, 1862.  38thAlabamaRegimentInfantryCol. Chas. T. KetchumJune 30, 1862.  39thAlabamaRegimentInfantryCol. Henry D. ClaytonMay 15, 1862.Promoted Major-General. 40thAlabamaRegimentInfantryCol. Jno. H. HighleyApril 30, 1863.  Col. A. A. Coleman1862.  41stAlabamaRegimentInfantryCol. M. L. StanselJune 27, 1863.  Col. Henry Talbird1862.  42dAlabamaRegimentInfantryCol. Jno. W. <*>ortisMay 16, 1862.  43dAlabamaRegimentInfantryCol. T. M. MoodyNov. 4, 1862.Promoted Brigadier-General. Col. Arch. Gracie, Jr1862.Promoted Brigadier-General. 44thAlabamaRegimentInfantryCol. Chas. A. DerbySept. 1, 1862.  Col. James Kent1862.  45thAlabamaRegimentInfantryCol. E. B. BreedloveMarch 25, 1863.  Col. W. S. Goodwin1862.  46thAlabamaRegimentInfantryCol. Mich'l L. WoodsMay 20, 1862.  47thAlabamaRegimentInfantryCol. M. J. BulgerJuly 15, 1863.  Col. Oliver1862.
rd, Chas. C. Brusseau, October. Carroll, Jno. W. Clancy, Jeremiah. Wounded. Cliffonnin, Joseph. Fischer, Henry B. Gardiner, Jno. Galliff, Geo. H. Gordon, Jno. Killed Jno. Killed or died in hospital. Griffin, Ira. Hall, Albert F. Killed or died in hospital. Hatch,itt, Chas. B. Higgins, Fred T. Horrigan, Jno. Horrigan, Michael. Holden, Jas. Hudso Commissioned, later. Libby, Geo. Maine, Jno. W. Maine, Joseph. Martineau. Millett,. Moore, Ira. Murphy, David S. Murphy, Jno. Neville, Thos. Killed or died in hospitaecord, Horace. Reddington, H. Richardson, Jno. S. Wounded. Right, Jno. Rock, Louis.Jno. Rock, Louis. Rowley, Jno. M. Sallinger, W. Schwamb, Chas. Wounded. Shannon, Edwin. Shay, G. d for disability. Smith, Frank B. Smith, Jno. Smith, Jno. H. Soper, Herman. StrattoJno. H. Soper, Herman. Stratton, Frederic S. Stuedivant, Andrew M. White, Chas. Wilson, Daniel G. Wright, C. M. [2 more...]
. Franklin, battle of, III., 211-213. Fremont, Major-General J. C., in command of Western department, i., 10; appoints Grant to district of Southeast Missouri, 11; empowers Grant to take Paducah, 12; instructs Grant to make demonstrations on both sides of Mississippi, 14; superseded by Halleck 23. Fry, General in command of rebels at Augusta, III., 288. Gabions of cane and grape-vine at Vicksburg, i., 337. Gardner, General, surrenders Port Hudson to Banks, i., 392. Geary General Jno. W., at battle of Wauhatchie, 448-450; Lookout mountain, 497-501. Georgia, situation in, after fall of Atlanta III., 40; Sherman's plan for marching through, 42; Sherman destroys enemy's supplies, 222; rebel consternation at Sherman's progress in, 222; garrison of Wilmington ordered to, 223; alarm of rebel sat Sherman's march, 286; governor of, asking for reinforcements, 287; flight of governor and state officers, 288; slaves liberated by Sherman, 297; damages to, by Sherman, 297.
Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 16. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones), Report of Captain T. T. Clay, Commanding Fifth Texas regiment in the battle of Chickamauga. (search)
Report of Captain T. T. Clay, Commanding Fifth Texas regiment in the battle of Chickamauga. headquarters Fifth Texas regiment, On Battlefield, September 21st, 1863. To Lieutenant JNo. W. Kerr, Acting A. A. G.: Sir,—Major J. C. Rogers and Captain J. S. Cleveland having been wounded in the actions of the 19th and 20th instant, the former upon the first day, and the latter upon the last day, the duty devolves upon me therefore to make the report of the part taken by the Fifth Texas regiment in the late engagement. I have the honor therefore to submit the following: At 3 o'clock P. M. Saturday, the Fifth Texas regiment, under the command of Major Rogers, being in line of battle, was ordered forward through a thick wood on a side hill, and just before we struck the flat some of our men were struck down by the shells of the enemy, but we pressed forward, and on the edge of the woods, bordering the road to Chattanooga, we encountered the enemy in force. They delivered but on
Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 21. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones), United Confederate Veterans. (search)
leston, Ark.; A. S. Cabell, corn. Camp 192. Centre Point, Ark. Camp 193. Lake Providence, La.; J. C. Bass, corn. Camp 194. Greenwood, Ark.; Dudley Milburn, com. Camp 195. Oakville, Texas; C. C. Cox, com.; members, 24; deaths, 1. Camp 196. Thibodeaux, La.; Maj. S. T. Grisamore, corn.; members, 60; diaabled, 2. Camp 197. Houston, Texas; Will. Lambert, com.; med. offi., R. G. Turner; surgeon; members, 140; disabled, 2; deaths, 2; Home, Austin, Texas. Camp 198. Emma, Texas; Jno. W. Murray, com. Camp 199. Hackett City, Ark.; L. B. Lake, corn. Camp 200. Norment, Tex.; T. J. Johnson, com. Camp 200. Mt. Sterling, Ark.; Thomas Johnson, corn. Camp 202. Alma, Ark.; James S. Smith, com. Camp 203. Hope, Ark.; N. W. Stewart, com. Camp 204. Richmond, Va.; R. N. Northen, corn.; med. offi., J. C. Hillsman, 1861, surgeon; members, 148; disabled, 4; indigent, 4; deaths, 6. Camp 205. Roanoke, Va.; S. S. Brooke, corn. Camp 206. Ringold, Ga.; W. J. Whitsitt,
Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 22. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones), chapter 1.24 (search)
olls by order of Secretary of War. Anderson, Jno. E., Assistant-Surgeon, Dec. 31, ‘62, 1st TennePassed Board April 2, ‘64, as Surgeon. Cain, Jno. S., Surgeon, appointed by Secretary War, March, 6th and 9th Tennessee Regiments. Fletcher, Jno. S., Surgeon. Passed Board, Tupelo, July 15, ‘3, 17th and 23d Tennessee Regiments. Henson, Jno. M., Surgeon. Dec. 31, ‘62, Dalton, Ga., Headq April 30, ‘64, 5th and 13th Arkansas. King, Jno. W., Surgeon. Dec. 31, ‘62, College Hospital, , ‘63, Vaccine Surgeon, Atlanta, Ga. McCain, Jno. S., Surgeon, appointed by Secretary of War, Deon. July 31, ‘64, 24th Mississippi. Milton, Jno. T., Assistant Surgeon. Oct. 10, ‘64, ordered t as Post-Surgeon at Florence, Ala. Stickney, Jno. C., Asssistant Surgeon, July 22, Tupelo, Medicalladega, Ala., by Secretary of War. Smith, Jno. D., Assistant Surgeon. Passed Board at Shelby62, ordered to report to S. H. Stout. young, Jno. F., Assistant Surgeon. July 22, ‘63, Field Pur
Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 31. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones), Roster of members (search)
Willis, J. L. E. Webb, W. T. L. Calder, Alex'r. Dewees, J. Fisher, S. W. Francis, G. M. Frost, H. W. Gilliland, A. Howell, S. S. Hughes, T. S. Honour, W. E. Harper, F. M. Kingman, J. W. Logan, S., M. D. Lea, A. C. Lee, J. Moultrie Marion, John Morris, W. R. Mikell, W. E. McQueen, D. Olney, C. C. Porter, W. H. Pringle, W. A., Jr. Prince, A. Robertson, J. L. Robertson, D. C. Smythe, A. T. Sanders, L. N. Small, Jno. J. Snowden, W. H. Seigling, R. Tennant, Wm. Trim, W. J. Wilkie, Oct. Willis, Ed. Walpole, J. L. Yates, C. H. Newry, S. C., July 1st, 1902. To the Trustees of the W. L. I. Annuitants' Fund: dear friends,—as duly advised, from time to time, during the negotiation, I now report officially that the settlement authorized by you, with the city of Anderson, for the exchange of our 7 per cent. bonds, not yet due, for a new issue of 5 per cent. twenty-year bonds, has be