Browsing named entities in The Daily Dispatch: June 28, 1862., [Electronic resource]. You can also browse the collection for Jno or search for Jno in all documents.

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Basteeville, B F Dixon, J Ferdham, co G, 49th Ga; Jackson Davis, co E, 14th La; Jno Scho , co C, 14th La; R M Cumber, co D, 3d N C; J Erans, co D, 19th Miss; Wm FeJoel J Edwards, do; Jas Upton, Holleway Artillery, Ala; Col Jas Conner, 22d N C; Jno R Godkin, 5th Ga. Third Alabama Hospital. Serg't A N Porter, 5th Ala baoway, 40th Va; J G Leland, 40th Va; Col M S Stuart, 1st N C; R E Owens, 40th Va; Jno H Gase, 38th N C; Lewis Hepler, 60th Va; Elias Helper, 60th Va; Samuel F Jones, J S Dowdy Co B, 49th Ga; Hiram Haney, Co A; 35th Ga, Jno Bonner, Co G, 19th Ga; Jno H Wilson, Co D, 35th Ga; Jno F Valentine, Co B, 14th Ga; Wm Beam, Co G, 35th Ga;Jno F Valentine, Co B, 14th Ga; Wm Beam, Co G, 35th Ga; S W Valentine, Co B, 14th Ga; J M Knight, Co G, 35th Ga; E W Dickson, Co K, 49th Ga; N V Covington, Co E, 49th Ga; R S Anderson, Co K, 49th Ga; W P Nobley, Co K, 49 Williams, co H, 44th Ga; B A Heard, co B, 27th Ga; J J Hamilton, co I, 35th Ga; Jno V Reed, co G, 35th Ga; A E Harris, co A, 44th Ga; W Morris, co H, 28th Ga; W E P