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t us not despond, but make united, repeated, and determined efforts to repel the vandal hordes of the North; and, if necessary, let every mountain pass be a Thermopy , before the foot of the fanatical invader shall again poliute the soil of the Confederate States. Sylvania. In addition to the foregoing, the editors of the Dispatch have received a letter from 1st Lieutenant James H. Mason, company K, 56th Regiment, giving the following statement of easualties in his company: Killed--Captain Dabney Carr Harrison. Wounded--Private John T Tucker; not mertally. Taken prisoners — Lieuts P H Clopton and Geo. W Hay; Privates H C Earnest, H T Tucker, E M Peace, W H Wood, B F Marshall, E. H. Acree, Jno Adams; D. W Anderson, R Baskett, Wm Balley, L W Heath, Wm Ingram, A. J Jenkins, Thos Jackson, E W Kelley, H P Kelley, Jno S McGhee, Bo P Richardson, Jos J Smythe, T J Truman, Wm Truman, Wm White, P J. Woody, and Wm H Peace. The balance of the men are safe and accounted for.
Steel, and J Harvey. Company K.--Killed — Capt D C Harrison. Wounded--Private John T Tucker. Fifty-First Virginia Regiment--Lieut. Col J. W. Massie, Comma--Celonel M'Causland. Lieut-Colonel Reid--wounded. Company A--Killed--Private John D Palmer. Wounded — Privates G C Fosinger, T H Harvey, John T Howard, Luke . Company B--Killed — Privates J Dotts and Harvey Dillison. Wounded — Privates John H Etter, W S Herald, John B Mangus, and Jos Gore. Company C.--Killed —-Killed-- First Sergeant Wm H Watson and Sergeant Ezra Sayre. Wounded--Second Lieutenant John S McGuire, Sergeant John M Bent, Corporal Lemuel Davie, and privates NaSergeant John M Bent, Corporal Lemuel Davie, and privates Nathen J Slavens, Wm P Thomson, James P Duvall, James Ashley, and Hiram Monroe. Company H.--Killed — None. Wounded--Privates Alex Murfee, and John T Litton, John T Litton, Total--Killed 12; wounded 44 Fiftieth Virginia Regiment--Captain Snead, Commanding. This regiment lost III killed and wounded. Their names are not rep
Among the killed and wounded in the 23d regiment, we have the following names: Lieut. E. Crump, of company H,(Richmond Sharp Shooters.) wounded, but not severely. Lieut. C. is from this city, and was an occasional correspondent for this paper, over the signature of "Ned." H. L. Francisco, company G, killed. He was from Louisa county. Serg't Vanabic company I, killed . From Prince Edward county. Capt J. T. Walton, company H, wounded at the sit from Charlotte county. Privates John G Pettus, of same company, killed and P G. Elbank mortally wounded.--John B Privates wounded and missing. Leute at Curtle of company F. slightly wounded. Second Lieut. Jack Heth, of the Irish battalion was killed in the action. If we are not fighter. Lieu' Heth was a Stanton of Prince Poyden, formerly proprietor of the Estrange Hotel. In this city, and is remembered by many of our citizens. Agreement who was engaged in the fight arrived at the city yesterday evening,
n, D Hoctor, L Kinsey, F Wolf. Tenth Company.--Capt L Williams, Lieut J J Thompson, Serg M F Cox, Serg L R Cummings, Serg T J Sanchez. Corp'l D H Bennett, Privates John A Canson. T McCain, D W Robinson, C L Dickins, J H Stunders, J Moore, J J Thomas, C D Rawis, J F Strach, J J Williams. Eleventh Company--Captain Ballentyn missing4 C. C. Wertenbaker, Adjutant. List of casualties of the Nineteenth Virginia regiment or Sunday, June 1, 1862, near Richmond. Company A.--Capt John C Culin. wounded in leg; Sergt C H Wingfield, hand; Privates James Collier W P Kidd, and James R Jones, killed; A J Brown, wounded in arm; J J brown, do; John Bard, finger shot off; Corp'l E L Cox, in hip, arm, and thigh, badly. Company I.--Wounded — Capt D G Waller, mortally; Serg't Daniel Higginbotham, mortally; Private John T Evans, seriously; S B Logan; D T Dogan slightly; Benj Hartless, slightly; Jesse C Wright, slightly; E W Smith, very slightly; Chas martin, slightly. Comp
Geo W Connaly, J T Tomunson, and Larkin Wilder, company G, not serious; Corp'l J F Haynes, seriously, N S Bates and A J Ayers, not seriously, company I; Thos C Cato, Jas Collins, and J D Allman, company E, not seriously; J F Dye, company K, knocked down by explosion of shell, and slightly disabled. Total 25. Missing: Company A, none; company B, privates Hugh Lynch and Patrick Martin; company C, none; company D, none; company E, private Ruffin Harrold; company F, Ord Sergt Wm F Garrison, Privates John R Weir, and Barnabes Thompson; company G, none; company H, none; company I, none; company K, none. Total 6. Jas. P. Perkins, Adj't. Casualties in 38th Virginia. Killed--20; seriously wounded, 80; slightly wounded, 88; missing, 14, of whom 4 are said to have been killed. The regiment deeply regrets the loss of Lts. S. S. Swanson, Wm. Norman, and Charles Scott; and Capts. E. W. Carrington and S. S. Lucke. The loss of Capt Carrington is peculiarly affecting. He came to join
Langhorne, in leg, badly; Color Sgt C V Cerley, in forearm; Cotor Corporal M Hickock. Company A, First Lieut Kennedy, commanding.--Killed: None. Wounded: Sgt Harvey, thigh, badly; Corporal Hunt, and; Privates Leslie Price, shoulder; A Camp, hand; Charles Pugh, arm, badly. Company B, Capt Huten, commanding.--Milled: Privates J W Fermer, J T Atkerson, Edward Russell, James A Taylor. Wounded: Sgt J W Anthony, wrist; Corporal W H Sandiford, badly; Corporal James W Edmunds, badly; Privates John W Burruss, slightly; C W Brooks and W R Brooks, leg; W Bondurant, thigh; W J Bolling thigh; E F Brown, head; Daniel Cassady, shoulder; C H Crough, shoulder; J R Dupriest, face; Wm Dooly, arm; S T Eates, ankle; Edward Farmer, side; Jas M Finch, head; J H Gill, thigh; B W Hughs, foot; Peter Moore, arm; W T Moore, head; James McNames, wrist; H T Patrick, leg and arm; J A Powers, leg; A D Panon, hip; W S Simmonds, thigh; N B Shurman, head; W A Sandifer, shoulder, side, and arm. Company
The Daily Dispatch: June 11, 1862., [Electronic resource], List of casualties of the 23d meet. (search)
List of casualties of the 23d meet. Lieut-Col. W. P. Barclay, commanding. and Staff — Killed Adj't Company A, Capt W J Bottom, commanding.--Killed: Sergt Jas Alexander, Privates John B Keen and J L Compton. Wounded Privates A J Copeland, J L Compton, and W M Dunn. Jno Copeland is missing, and he supposed since to have died. Aggregate, 6. Company B, Capt James H Hugg us, commanding — Killed: None, Wounded Corp'l W J Ingram, in hand; Privates A C King, slightly; Jno Queen, slightly; B R Freeman, slightly; H L McBee, slightly; L B Byers, slightly; slightly. Aggregate, 7. Company C, Capt M R Ballanger, commanding.--Killed: Privates J M Martin, F M Brown, and Meredy Ro son Wounded; B A Adkins, severely; John R McClain, left thigh broken; Wm Akin, severely J N L Johnson, slightly; L W Patman, slightly. Aggregate, 8. Company D, Capt J commanding. Killed: Corp'l J Keter and private A H Jones, Wounded: Brave 2d Lieut A J Glenn, severely; Sergt J L Gibbon sev
. H. Dooley, Jno Feazle, G. W. Freeman, Wm A. Jones, Jno Whorley. Wounded: Lieut J. T. Thomas, 4th Lieutenant G. L. Legburg, 3d Serg't Jno P. Wingfield; privates J. T. Arrington, C. R. Booth, J. Bowyer Thomas Bush, J. A. Eubank, J. E Foster, J W Fuquay, J W Lindsay, S. T Marshall, Thomas McClary, O. W Morris, Moses Pierce, T. A. Pendleton, George St Clair. J C Stiff, Jno Wade, Moses Waldien, Samuel Waldron, S Welch. Captain Alex Jordan's Company.--Killed; 4th Corp'l W. A Carnes; privates C. Hatcher, P C Jeter, W H White. Wounded; 3d Lieut John M White 1st Serg't A. L. Hambuick 21 Corp'l H. A. Black; privates A G Angel, R. C. Fuqua W. B. Freeman, E. M. Hodgers, W. H. Stiff, Jas Smith, R. P. Gray, J. F. Wheat. Capt John H. White's Company, Accomac Refugees.--Killed: 2d Lieut J. R. Hermanson; privates F. A. Dillaha, G. S. Russell. Wounded: 1st Serg't J. T. Fosque, 2d Serg't S. S. Bird; privates S. Barnet, J. W. Harrison, S. Keliam, W. H. Smith, W. H. Terry, L. T. Wessels.
es W O Anderson, Daniel Dailey. Company D. "Ambler Grays."--Wounded: Privates G R Hargrave, W E Thomas, J B Johnston, Wm Hall, John Tranham, W W Jennings, Captain John S Anderson, Sergt P Randolph. Killed: Privates John R Bowles, T Gammand. Company E. "Richmond Zouaves."--Killed: Privates — McElroy, --Clark. Wounded: LPrivates John R Bowles, T Gammand. Company E. "Richmond Zouaves."--Killed: Privates — McElroy, --Clark. Wounded: Lieut. Omohundro; privates J Griffith.--King. Company F, "Fluvanna Hornets;"--Killed; Privates F T Pace, John W Asblar. Wounded: Capt John T Martin; Privates J J Jennings; W E Thomas, Thos W Harlowe; Corp'ls W G McLane, John W Sadler; Privates Collins J Winston, B H Bragg, R S Campbell, A J Wilson. Company G. "Randolph GuCapt John T Martin; Privates J J Jennings; W E Thomas, Thos W Harlowe; Corp'ls W G McLane, John W Sadler; Privates Collins J Winston, B H Bragg, R S Campbell, A J Wilson. Company G. "Randolph Guards,"--Killed: Sergeants J B Farrar, H W K Davis; Private C C North. Wounded: Serg't P H Pollard; Private Thos North. Company H. "Amelia Minute Men."--Killed. Lt W T Robertson, Sergt J Y Taylor, Corp'l J B Fryser. Private D S Shoemaker. Wounded: Corp'l P L Burton, in both legs, Privates R E Warren; B E Morris, in hip; W W
Capt. Wm N Berkeley — Wounded: Sergt Geo W Moran, very seriously; Albert Morris, slightly; Corpl French Gulick, slight; Privates Leven Luckett, very badly; David Gulick, badly; L F Hutchison, slightly; Francis Chiner, slightly. Company E, Capt. John R Career — Wounded: Corpl J A Tavener, badly; Sergt Wm Moon, slightly; Corpl Richd Marshal, badly; Privates Joseph Steele, very badly; Wm Hann, slightly. Company F, Capt. Alexander Grayson--Killed: Lieut R O Grayson; Private Wm T Dickey. - Company B, Lieut Goode, commanding, slightly wounded in thigh. Wounded: Privates W H Jones, Hugh M Hill, John Abbett, J J Lakin. Company C, Capt Shepard, commanding, wounded in head. Killed: Lt James H Reynolds, Corp'l Geo L Kintzley, Privates John W Givens and Philip J Williams. Wounded: 1st Serg't Wm E Reynolds, Privates B M Kerr, John T Dervin, Jas R McPherson, and Geo L Reynolds. Company D, Lieut Stewart, commanding. Killed: Corp'ls A Overstreet and John W Beard. Wounded: 1st