n, D Hoctor, L Kinsey, F Wolf.
Tenth Company.--Capt L Williams, Lieut J J Thompson, Serg M F Cox, Serg L R Cummings, Serg T J Sanchez.
Corp'l D H Bennett, Privates John A Canson.
T McCain, D W Robinson, C L Dickins, J H Stunders, J Moore, J J Thomas, C D Rawis, J F Strach, J J Williams.
Eleventh Company--Captain Ballentyn missing4
C. C. Wertenbaker, Adjutant.
List of casualties of the Nineteenth Virginia regiment or Sunday, June 1, 1862, near Richmond.
Company A.--Capt John C Culin.
wounded in leg; Sergt C H Wingfield, hand; Privates James Collier W P Kidd, and James R Jones, killed; A J Brown, wounded in arm; J J brown, do; John Bard, finger shot off; Corp'l E L Cox, in hip, arm, and thigh, badly.
Company I.--Wounded — Capt D G Waller, mortally; Serg't Daniel Higginbotham, mortally; Private John T Evans, seriously; S B Logan; D T Dogan slightly; Benj Hartless, slightly; Jesse C Wright, slightly; E W Smith, very slightly; Chas martin, slightly.
Langhorne, in leg, badly; Color Sgt C V Cerley, in forearm; Cotor Corporal M Hickock.
Company A, First Lieut Kennedy, commanding.--Killed: None.
Wounded: Sgt Harvey, thigh, badly; Corporal Hunt, and; Privates Leslie Price, shoulder; A Camp, hand; Charles Pugh, arm, badly.
Company B, Capt Huten, commanding.--Milled: Privates J W Fermer, J T Atkerson, Edward Russell, James A Taylor.
Wounded: Sgt J W Anthony, wrist; Corporal W H Sandiford, badly; Corporal James W Edmunds, badly; Privates John W Burruss, slightly; C W Brooks and W R Brooks, leg; W Bondurant, thigh; W J Bolling thigh; E F Brown, head; Daniel Cassady, shoulder; C H Crough, shoulder; J R Dupriest, face; Wm Dooly, arm; S T Eates, ankle; Edward Farmer, side; Jas M Finch, head; J H Gill, thigh; B W Hughs, foot; Peter Moore, arm; W T Moore, head; James McNames, wrist; H T Patrick, leg and arm; J A Powers, leg; A D Panon, hip; W S Simmonds, thigh; N B Shurman, head; W A Sandifer, shoulder, side, and arm.
List of casualties of the 23d meet.
Lieut-Col. W. P. Barclay, commanding.
and Staff — Killed Adj't
Company A, Capt W J Bottom, commanding.--Killed: Sergt Jas Alexander, Privates John B Keen and J L Compton.
Wounded Privates A J Copeland, J L Compton, and W M Dunn.
Jno Copeland is missing, and he supposed since to have died.
Aggregate, 6.
Company B, Capt James H Hugg us, commanding — Killed: None, Wounded Corp'l W J Ingram, in hand; Privates A C King, slightly; Jno Queen, slightly; B R Freeman, slightly; H L McBee, slightly; L B Byers, slightly; slightly.
Aggregate, 7.
Company C, Capt M R Ballanger, commanding.--Killed: Privates J M Martin, F M Brown, and Meredy Ro son Wounded; B A Adkins, severely; John R McClain, left thigh broken; Wm Akin, severely J N L Johnson, slightly; L W Patman, slightly.
Aggregate, 8.
Company D, Capt J commanding.
Killed: Corp'l J Keter and private A H Jones, Wounded: Brave 2d Lieut A J Glenn, severely; Sergt J L Gibbon sev
es W O Anderson, Daniel Dailey.
Company D. "Ambler Grays."--Wounded: Privates G R Hargrave, W E Thomas, J B Johnston, Wm Hall, John Tranham, W W Jennings, Captain John S Anderson, Sergt P Randolph.
Killed: Privates John R Bowles, T Gammand.
Company E. "Richmond Zouaves."--Killed: Privates — McElroy, --Clark.
Wounded: LPrivates John R Bowles, T Gammand.
Company E. "Richmond Zouaves."--Killed: Privates — McElroy, --Clark.
Wounded: Lieut. Omohundro; privates J Griffith.--King.
Company F, "Fluvanna Hornets;"--Killed; Privates F T Pace, John W Asblar.
Wounded: Capt John T Martin; Privates J J Jennings; W E Thomas, Thos W Harlowe; Corp'ls W G McLane, John W Sadler; Privates Collins J Winston, B H Bragg, R S Campbell, A J Wilson.
Company G. "Randolph GuCapt John T Martin; Privates J J Jennings; W E Thomas, Thos W Harlowe; Corp'ls W G McLane, John W Sadler; Privates Collins J Winston, B H Bragg, R S Campbell, A J Wilson.
Company G. "Randolph Guards,"--Killed: Sergeants J B Farrar, H W K Davis; Private C C North.
Wounded: Serg't P H Pollard; Private Thos North.
Company H. "Amelia Minute Men."--Killed.
Lt W T Robertson, Sergt J Y Taylor, Corp'l J B Fryser.
Private D S Shoemaker.
Wounded: Corp'l P L Burton, in both legs, Privates R E Warren; B E Morris, in hip; W W