Browsing named entities in The Daily Dispatch: March 28, 1862., [Electronic resource]. You can also browse the collection for Privates John or search for Privates John in all documents.

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Among the killed and wounded in the 23d regiment, we have the following names: Lieut. E. Crump, of company H,(Richmond Sharp Shooters.) wounded, but not severely. Lieut. C. is from this city, and was an occasional correspondent for this paper, over the signature of "Ned." H. L. Francisco, company G, killed. He was from Louisa county. Serg't Vanabic company I, killed . From Prince Edward county. Capt J. T. Walton, company H, wounded at the sit from Charlotte county. Privates John G Pettus, of same company, killed and P G. Elbank mortally wounded.--John B Privates wounded and missing. Leute at Curtle of company F. slightly wounded. Second Lieut. Jack Heth, of the Irish battalion was killed in the action. If we are not fighter. Lieu' Heth was a Stanton of Prince Poyden, formerly proprietor of the Estrange Hotel. In this city, and is remembered by many of our citizens. Agreement who was engaged in the fight arrived at the city yesterday evening,